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How do you identify yourself?
Christian 27%  27%  [ 45 ]
Buddhist 2%  2%  [ 3 ]
Islamic 2%  2%  [ 3 ]
Hindu 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Taoism 2%  2%  [ 3 ]
Shinto 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Wiccan 1%  1%  [ 2 ]
Pagan 6%  6%  [ 10 ]
Judaism 4%  4%  [ 7 ]
Atheism 30%  30%  [ 50 ]
Agnostic 18%  18%  [ 30 ]
Scientology 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Sikhism 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Other (smaller religions such as Jainaism or Tenrikyo) 7%  7%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 166


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27 Oct 2009, 2:56 pm

Basically, wondering what a glance at religious or non-religious denominations are prevalent among aspies/auties (NT's please answer for those you're here for, such as your children/studens/SO's). I have some estimates, but I'm just curious if any of them coincide with actualities.

(PS, I'm not sure if there is a thread on this yet, but as there isn't a real search function and browsing through hundreds of pages of topics sounds like a lot of a work and this is much easier, I decided to do this instead.)

UPDATE [29 Oct]: I can't edit the original poll, so the option for Secular Humanism (as identified in pages 1-4) I apologize for not placing into the poll.

UPDATE [29 Oct]: These were my original estimates (guesses) as to what I would see with this. NOTE these are just my personal guesses and are quite likely (most likely in fact) quite wrong. The entire reason I did the poll was to see how correct, if correct at all, my guess would be.

Christianity: 33%
Buddhism: 7%
Islam: 1%
Hindu: 1%
Taoism: 0%
Shinto: 0%
Wiccan: 2%
Pagan: 3%
Atheism: 30%
Scientology: 0%
Sikhism: 0%
Other: 3%

And so far my guesses are wrong ^_^

I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.

Last edited by Vyn on 29 Oct 2009, 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Oct 2009, 3:01 pm

Vyn wrote:
Basically, wondering what a glance at religious or non-religious denominations are prevalent among aspies/auties (NT's please answer for those you're here for, such as your children/studens/SO's). I have some estimates, but I'm just curious if any of them coincide with actualities.

(PS, I'm not sure if there is a thread on this yet, but as there isn't a real search function and browsing through hundreds of pages of topics sounds like a lot of a work and this is much easier, I decided to do this instead.)

Cool idea! I'd love to see the results for this.

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27 Oct 2009, 3:21 pm

I'm Christian, more specifically, Episcopalian.

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27 Oct 2009, 3:32 pm

I am a slave of Yeshua-Ben-YHWH.

"Denomination" has very little importance to me. Although I would prefer the order of more ritual based orders, such as the Church of Rome.


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27 Oct 2009, 3:39 pm

I classify the Roman Mythology under Paganism myself. I'm sorry I didn't specify the defintion of Pagan. Basically any of the former major religions of the world that were stamped out by the current major religions. Such as animism, roman/greek/egyptian/norse/incan/mayan/celtic mythology, and any combinations of such.

I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.


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27 Oct 2009, 3:46 pm

I'm an atheist, but preferred to define my belief negatively as 'NOT believing that there is a god', but rather 'believing that there is no god'.

Of late, however, while I still call myself an atheist, I have wondered if that which others refer to as God or gods isn't something that in fact is present in my world and my experience of the world as well, but which maybe I call by another name. But I don't have a lot of people I can talk to about religion or philosophy and I'm ill-equipped to discuss it on-line because of my long-time lack of interest in the subject, so until I expand on my social interactions, my ideas about how the world around me ticks, are in beginning stages.

Also, Vyn, there's a subforum dedicated to religion and philosophy, somewhere toward the bottom of the main forum page; as you're relatively new here, you might have missed it. But it's okay to have this topic in the general autism forum, it's not out of place or anything.

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27 Oct 2009, 3:49 pm

I suppose I am a Christian because the rest of my family is Catholic and I do practice the main Christian holidays. Honestly though I feel I am more spiritual than religious. I believe in a higher power and that something does happen to us after death, I just don't really identify or practically practice any specific religion.


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27 Oct 2009, 3:50 pm

I'm aware Cyclops. The reason I chose this forum instead is because I see it more as a general ASD question.

I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.


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27 Oct 2009, 4:00 pm

Religion, n. relij'on. (Webster)
[L. religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.]

1. Religion ... includes a belief in [itself] ...

... and I do not offer oaths or vows “to the gods”, and neither do I practice believing *in* things. So, I have no religion.

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27 Oct 2009, 4:22 pm

I am an atheist in the pureset definition of the word. I, thus far, have rejected every god claim I've come across. I believe in nothing supernatural, either.


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27 Oct 2009, 4:23 pm

High Priestess of my own self-invented micro-religion based on a plaster statue that I painted...Ten years and running...Winged Gnome Goddess...she is a sort of protective house deity...
(See link to her myspace page in my signature...for more info)


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27 Oct 2009, 4:24 pm

None of the above. I believe in God, but am strongly against organised religion, and there isn't really a category there appropriate.

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27 Oct 2009, 4:28 pm

The options for the abrahamic religions weren't organized, but a belief. Otherwise I would've put such like Catholicism or Suuni. So, if you believe in God, I'd assume you to be Judaic, if it didn't include Jesus Christ. It doesn't mean you follow the Jewish institution, but simply follow the God of Abraham.

I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.


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27 Oct 2009, 4:32 pm

Christian, Lutheran to be specific.

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27 Oct 2009, 4:36 pm

I am from a Jewish family but I decided to become Christian, on my own. I did not tell my family about that. But I still consider myself a Christian, although I continue to keep the Jewish practices as well, so probably Hebraic Christian/ Messianic Jew is even better description.


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27 Oct 2009, 4:42 pm

akwime1290 wrote:
Honestly though I feel I am more spiritual than religious.

That is an important point, the way I see the matter.

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