Flawed study- people with guns may have been more likely to be shot because people in more dangerous parts of the city would be more likely to keep a gun on them. Gang members (who presumably would often be armed) may also be skewing that statistic.
skafather84 wrote:
Old fact. People are irresponsible and reckless. Not sure if it's appropriate to ban gun possession, though. The implications of banning possession go farther. Not simply just the whole fascism/Nazi thing but also the implication on society. You ban guns here, there will be a violent reaction from an otherwise barely peaceful population. It would very likely provoke a civil war. These people don't care about elections and wars but if you go anywhere near legislation about their guns and they will get up off their asses and move.
I'm not sure that's true. I grew up in the heart of the conservative Midwest and even there I saw some strong support for stricter gun control laws. A civil war seems far-fetched- they would fuss, they would yell at town hall meetings, there might be some isolated shootings, but for the most part people would either accept the new law or quietly break it.
The society itself couldn't move that way yet. Maybe with better education and educating of those facts and emphasis on both the responsibility needed of owning a gun and the numbers regarding how irresponsibility still comes through would help. But even then, it's not likely. Unfortunately the midwest is much more like the mideast than Europe...their tendency will be more to regress socially and technically than move forward.
Don't be too sure... the Midwest today is not your father's Midwest. With the younger generation, there is a definite shift leftward. After all, look at an election map for the Midwest for last year, when most of the region chose a liberal Democrat over a relatively moderate Republican.