ACORN pimp arrested
James O'Keefe, the infamous ACORN pimp, was arrested for having sent fake telephone repairmen to the New Orleans office of Senator Mary Landrieu. He was with the imposters who asked for access to sensitive telephone switching equipment; fortunately, an FBI office in the same building came in useful in apprehending the suspects.
Since O'Keefe was last in the news much as become known about his ACORN caper that has been underreported. For instance, an investigation into ACORN revealed no wrongdoing. A federal judge ruled that the Defund ACORN act was unconstitutional, and lawsuits against O'Keefe for his actitivies are proceding. Moreover, Brietbart, under whose auspices the videos were released, quietly made available the transcripts of the originals that both Breitbart and O'Keefe refused to issue.
These show that contrary to the established mythology, O'Keefe did not enter these ACORN offices in that awful pimp outfit, and in fact did not even claim to be a pimp. Instead, he claimed to be the prostitute's boyfriend and that he was trying to get her away from an abusive pimp, and break out some of that pimp's captive prostitutes also. The plan was to find a place to live in security from the angry pimp. Some ACORN employeees, believing that perhaps these people were for real, gave them tips about how to protect themselves from the pimp, how to hide their money from the pimp (and not from the taxman as claimed) and also advised them to pay taxes on illegal money whilst not incriminating themselves as is consistent with the Fifth Amendment. In short, these people preyed on the compassion of ACORN employees trying to get them, as they saw, out of a difficult situation of near slavery...
The inferences made about the ACORN videos were lies, there was no plan to import children to serve as prostitutes by ACORN. This was suggested by the pair when they were in the San Diego office and he called the police after that, and there was never the suggestion that there were any plans to help set up brothels as the propaganda has it.
Breitbart is known as someone who is behind such things as the "Hear our prayer Obama" video shot in New Orleans of some community group supposedly praying to Obama. Subtitles claim this though they were really saying "Hear our prayer O God". Breitbart also claimed that Obama arranged to put Chairman Mao christmas ornaments on the White House christmas tree!
Now that O'Keefe has been shown to have no regard for the law, it's about time that people stop condemning ACORN based on his slanderous doctored videos.
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The only proof against ACORN was these doctored videos. That is no proof at all. The reason why ACORN was attacked, and O'Keefe was very clear on the matter, was that it helped get people to vote, and O'Keefe like most good Republicans of today want to prevent people from voting, particularly certain kinds of people like those who are ACORN's clientele. They are not unlike the old Southern segregationists who concocted ruses to keep certain people from voting. O'Keefe is a confirmed racist and voter suppressor and this alone should have discredited him when those videos were released.
Anyone who believes in the ACORN video must also accept that there is a cult of Obama worshippers in New Orleans. After all, Breitbart released a video claiming this to be so, placing subtitles reading "Hear our cry Obama" over these people saying "Hear our cry O God".
If O'Keefe does not go to prison it will be a major miscarriage of justice and proof that the right wing noise machine has succeeded in placing its people above the law. He was caught red handed and is incriminating himself further with these statements he makes which any good attorney does not recommend for those in his predicament.
At any rate, ACORN has been exonerated again and again... though the right wing fools claim that these exonerations are part of an Obama conspiracy. Never mind that the Obama administration argued in favour of enforcing that unconstitutional bill of attainder.
Ah, that takes me back to the 2004 election. You shoulda seen the dirty tricks in Southwest Ohio that probably played a fairly significant role in Bush getting a second term.
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I don't think you really can cite the Justice Department as proof that ACORN did nothing wrong when you have an ideologue like Attorney General Eric Holder running the thing. ACORN is innocent, the two Black Panthers in Philadelphia did nothing wrong, and terrorists should get Miranda rights and be trialled in civilian court. Okay sure. The joker should be forced to step down.
What is O'Keefe guilty of? They were not wiretapping as has been falsely reported by MSNBC and the other left wing media. Their side of the story was just something along the lines of seeing if her phones were working because she was not taking calls from constituents after getting bribed into voting for that healthcare monstrosity because they supposedly were down and out of order. Who's the real criminal?
And there was plenty of "dirty tricks" on both sides in 2004. Here in Milwaukee there was so much blatant fraud on the Democrats side and Wisconsin was a heck of a lot more close than Ohio. It's probably a lot more realistic saying Kerry "stole" Wisconsin than Bush "stole" Ohio where there was a 100k vote difference. Bush also won the popular vote by 3 million, I don't see how anybody really could say he "stole" the 2004 election.
One thing people should understand also is the difference in the coverage O'Keefe got for his fabricated video and that of the Yes Men, who show up at high powered meetings as imposters and make these extremely powerful people expose themselves as evil! Some have argued about the morality of putting out a fake website claiming that Union Carbide would pay restitution to the Bhopal victims, causing howls of outrage by company representatives and share prices to plummet - they claimed that this was unfair to the people of Bhopal when they realised it was a hoax. However, when they found out the truth, they were just happy that their plight is being publicised again after being so long forgotten.
The Yes Men do not make fake videos - their stunts are out in the open and develop in real time. Still, the Yes Men have received mostly negative coverage whilst O'Keefe has been declared to be some kind of hero.
Showing up with fake telephone repairmen is a crime in and of itself. It's sending unauthorised personnel to secure areas. O'Keefe has admitted to his crime. That's cut and dried. No prosecutors have charged ACORN with stealing votes nor for the whole pimp show. In fact, Bush fired prosecutors because they found nothing when they were under orders to start an anti-ACORN witch hunt.
"just wanted to see if her phones were working."
that makes no sense. why on earth would someone (not even a technician, let alone employed by the phone company) personally go over to another person's workplace to see if their phones were working?
and because the person wasn't taking calls?? what business it that of his anyway? is he her boss? no. was he hired to maintain her phone lines? no.
use your head. it's a lie, and not a very good one, either.
O'Keefe explained the need to check the telephones because Landrieu said that the telephones were "jammed" - presumably as a result of the denial of service attacks launched by the Teabagger movement over the so-called Louisiana Purchase. O'Keefe did not like the fact that their denial of service attacks were making it difficult for other Teabaggers to call in there to read from a script to these employees. He was claiming that the telephones were out of commission deliberately - which shows a misunderstanding of the word "jammed".
2) and O'Keefe like most good Republicans of today want to prevent people from voting,
3) particularly certain kinds of people
4) O'Keefe is a confirmed racist
5) and voter suppressor and this alone should have discredited him when those videos were released.
Evidence for all of these accusations please; and please, specific facts to support your statements. Thanks.
Or that he isn't as guilty as everyone seems to think, with quite a number of facts not yet public. That or maybe the alleged 28 hours in jail with no access to an attorney.
Never mind that Obama himself signed the Defund ACORN Act or that 50 senate democrats and 172 house democrats voted to withdraw funding--nah, it's all about the Republicans and them evil right-wingers who make such slick viral videos that prove absolutely nothing, but manage to still convince 222 previous supporters to change their minds about support.
Aside from the fact that Bush should never have been able to stand for reelection (typically you have to be elected before you can be reelected), numerous counties in Northern Ohio, especially traditional Democratic strongholds, reported more votes for Bush than they had voters.
O'Keefe's recent statement serves as a written confession. He confesses to having entered federal property under false pretences. That he wasn't in telephone repairman disguise could have been used to claim that he was not so guilty, but in the statement he makes it clear that he was part of the plot.
Today's Republicans, particularly those in the South, are the heirs to the Southern Democrats of the past whose poll taxes and other means were used to keep black people from voting. They are the ones who insist on photo ID, on banning felons for life from voting, the use of "caging" and other such tactics designed to remove people from the voter rolls. O'Keefe himself credited ACORN with mobilising votes that voted overwhelmingly for Obama and that this decided the election, which is why, he said, he had to destroy ACORN.
Republicans also claim that there are conspiracies by Democrats to steal elections out there in those urban jungles, that they mobilise illegal immigrants to vote, and so forth. None of their remedies by the way such as photo ID or caging could in any way prevent illegals from voting... it just discourages people from voting who are more inclined to vote Democrat.
George Bush ordered his district attorneys to dig up dirt on ACORN and when nothing was found, they were fired! Karl Rove admitted that voter fraud would be a perfect "wedge issue". Huge numbers of Republicans actually believe that the election was stolen, and this delegitimises the existing president in the eyes of many.
The Republicans even have a voter suppression guru called Hans Von Spakovsky.
That Obama signed that bill of attainder shows that he is a conservative Democrat and not a communist or whatever else the Republican right claims him to be. In the end, he is more inclined to support the elite than he is of the sorts of people to whom ACORN caters. It also was a show of weakness, typical of Obama, when faced with pressure from the right wing noise machine. Unfortunately, Obama, being considered as a black president, was in a difficult bind because blacks have this reputation for explaining difficult situations with so-called conspiracy theories, or so says the racist notion propagated in the mainstream media. They are seen as having a victim complex and seeing themselves as being subject to conspiracies. If this black president were to have defended ACORN and suggested that the videos were fakes, they would have laughed at him and denounced him as they did OJ Simpson when he claimed the photographs of him in the Bruno Magli shoes were fakes.
It astounds me that regarding elections, you don't have someone (or an institutionnalized body of people) that looks over the transparency of said elections (which we kind of have in Quebec / Canada ) and enforces fair election rules o.O . Especially with the amount of voting you Americans do for most things. <.<
There's more outrageously infuriating chatter by the right wing noise machine. There's this talk that O'Keefe was framed, this obsession over the question about whether or not he tried to wiretap the senator's telephones and that O'Keefe is a victim of a witchunt because some media outlets have suggested that this was an attempted wiretap, as if this absolves him and his crew of having improperly tried to access the senator's telephones. Now they are saying that as a prosecutor in the case has withdrawn from the case, that this somehow proves that they are right (remember that one of the conspirators is the son of another Louisiana district attorney, a Bush holdover kept in place by the ubiquitous Republican Senator's "hold" - a systematic effort that has kept an unprecedented number of the old administration's people in place)... and are claiming that O'Keefe was kept incommunicado without a lawyer for 28 hours and that the Christmas Bomber got better treatment - good grief. I see a serious attempt being made to intimidate the prosecutors in this case...
Let me say, because they're right wing whites they are just innocent "kids" - if these were blacks ten years younger they'd be branded as terrorists and they'd demand adult court and either Guantanomo or their favourite sentence, LWOPP - Life Without Possibility of Parole...
I want to see a vigourous attempt to take down the whole rotten racket that sustains the likes of O'Keefe and Breitbart...
According to?
Okay, so far no felony here; justification for demanding he "go to prison" so there will not be "a major miscarriage of justice?"
On the issue of caging, the most recent major election (2008), the New York Times seems to disagree with you:
Regarding photo ID, doesn't seem to be a problem with people (minority or otherwise) when it comes to acquiring smokes, alcohol or driving. In fact, it seems those same areas of alleged disenfranchisement, seem to be prime targets for alcohol stores..
Really? Where did he say that?
Whoa!! That's some damning evidence there!! Whew!! Looks like you've brought the GOP to its knees with that factual evidence there!!
And of the 222 democrats? I mean really, you're going to sit here and suggest that ALL 223 persons, who voted against ACORN are weak in light of a noise machine? You are that hung up on ACORN's innocence? Sounds like O'keefe isn't the only one with an apparent obsession here . . .
I'd respond more to your tripe, but I've really not time for your conjured up, make-believe and bitter notions about the world around us. So far, you've only managed to assail a number of people--from O'Keefe to Bush to Obama--with various accusations that all have one single, solitary similarity: personal opinion devoid of any evidence. As far as my remaining questions--don't bother; I'm too lazy to rephrase them as statements (instead of questions) and won't be responding to anything you have to say in this thread any further.
Cheers and have a nice day.
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That's completely and utterly untrue.
As I mentioned earlier in the thread about the "dirty tricks" here in Milwaukee on election day 2004, one the incidents was something along the lines of a group of young democrats(some of which happened to be the children of local Democratic leaders) vandalized the Republican headquarters and slashed the tires on a bunch of vans that were suppose to drive people to the polls. I don't remember their exact sentences but it was nothing more than few months in jail which they didn't actually serve and some community service. And yes, they were black.
Or how about the Black Panthers in Philadelphia [i][and elsewhere[]/i] on election day who showed up outside polling places with batons? They were all ready to plead guilty until Eric Holder took office and threw the case out.
The left wing media wasn't "suggesting" this was a wiretapping, they were outright calling it "Watergate Jr" and "The Louisiana Watergate". The New York Times has run more stories on this than they ever did about the whole ACORN scandal. I suspect it's the same for the rest of them. There is no way you can argue that they're not trying railroad O'Keefe and his group. I wouldn't doubt The Underwear Bomber was treated better since that has been a priority of the Obama and Holder administration over the national security of our country. They let him lawyer up when he was talking and giving information about future attacks on the United States. The terrorists have always been treated better, Guantanamo is basically a freaking resort.
Who is trying to intimidate who here? The Republicans? I know Scott Brown won but the Democrats are still in complete control, so just give me a break.That's like saying the Republicans are blocking the healthcare bill, no they're not. Remember how some on the far left accused Bush of using Osama Bin Laden as some sort of boogyman? Well that's what the Democrats are doing now with Republicans. What this is really about is showing what happens to any young punk who dares to try to embarrass/expose this administration and the "progressive elites".
BS. You go and spend some time there. I'm sure waterboarding isn't torture either, right? It probably just tickles a little bit.
Um... how is threatening a filibuster and refusing to compromise on any point not blocking the bill? You're just delusional if you don't think the GOP is blocking the healthcare bill.
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