Evocative TED presentation on tribe mentality
I apologize in advance if this video has been posted here before.
Click Here- 17 minute video on "tribes"
The above link is a TED video on how humans form communities and the nature of these groups. I'm sure many of you are familiar with TED conference videos, and if you're not, I encourage you to check that video (and the site) out. You're bound to find a fascinating presentation on something that at least borders on one of your obsessions.
The speaker in this particular video presents five different tribal states. The first level is where disaffected individuals form a group under the shared notion that "life sucks". Sound familiar? Individuals on this level of tribal mentality see the world as being a whole bunch of suck, and reflect that mentality in their outward behavior About 2% of people belong to this type of tribe.
What kind of tribal mentality do you think you have? You can't use the "I'm not part of a tribe; I'm autistic!" cop-out. If that were so, you wouldn't have an account here, and you'd probably have staved to death long ago on account of the fact that you'd have to eat leaves and squirrels out in the woods by yourself.
Undoubtedly Wrong Planet (and the AS/autism community in general) started at level one, where all groups start out. Now that we are formed, I have to wonder- what level are we at now?
"I tell you the truth when I say that whoever seeks will find, and the finding will cause him to seek, but in the seeking is hidden the meaning of Life."
-Jesus Christ
Not a Christian, just a thinker.