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02 Apr 2010, 9:04 pm


Two things become apparent in this case:

1) The Ultraconservative Catholic Bill Donohue wants to pass the buck of responsibility from the vice-filled Catholic institutions - with their authoritarian structures and culture of celibacy - to "homosexuals sneaking under the radar".
2) Bill Donohue gets into a pedantic debate over pedophilia. None of his opponents seemed as interested in verbal details as I would've been (maybe because they're all people with a larger perspective), but I'd countered by saying most were ephebophiles or pederasts.
3) Homosexuality - at least in modern contexts - has almost always been used in reference to relationships between adults of the same sex.

Paul Tobin wrote:
There is no credible research that links the sexual abuse of children with homosexuality. As we can see from the examples above, girls and well as boys were molested. Indeed men who molest little boys are more likely to be heterosexual than homosexual in their adult involvements. Richard Sipe, a psychiatrist, summarized it succinctly, "Child sexual abuse has as much to do with homosexuality as rape has to do with heterosexuality."

5) You really have to be a four carrot prick to think speaking with people sexually abused before adulthood is the time to make fine distinctions.


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02 Apr 2010, 10:27 pm

Well... oh yeah, postpubescent is this *huge* difference. Why can't people get their facts straight!! :roll:


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03 Apr 2010, 12:18 am

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Well... oh yeah, postpubescent is this *huge* difference. Why can't people get their facts straight!! :roll:

What Bill Donohue is trying to do is shift the issue here from how the culture of celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church has lead to so much statutory rape to the issue of "homosexuals sneaking below the radar". He's ignoring the girls (children, preadolescents, and adolescents) who have been victim to priestly statutory rape.

He seems to ignore studies showing men who statutorily rape child, preadolescent, or adolescent boys tend to be heterosexual when it comes to their adult sexual preferences. In short, Bill Donohue thinks word games will absolve the Papal insititution of any wrong-doing.


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03 Apr 2010, 12:26 am

Not to mention that "practising homosexuals" aren't the real problem - it's repressed pedophiles, hebephiles, of ephebophiles.

If that volunteer shill for immorality wants to play pedantry, I'll follow suite. The Catholic Churchs' real problem is that its culture of celibacy attracts repressed pedophiles, heberphiles, and ephebophiles (homosexual or heterosexual). Screening out practicisng homosexuals will barely dent the problem as most of the raping priests are self-repressed. Even if they accomplish the goal of screening out all men predisposed to rape boys, girl rape will simply increase.


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03 Apr 2010, 12:42 am

Master_Pedant wrote:
In short, Bill Donohue thinks word games will absolve the Papal insititution of any wrong-doing.

Well, duh! God uses men to achieve his objectives, and Bill Donohue is really just a conservative applying liberal theology to the issue.


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03 Apr 2010, 12:52 am

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:
In short, Bill Donohue thinks word games will absolve the Papal insititution of any wrong-doing.

Well, duh! God uses men to achieve his objectives, and Bill Donohue is really just a conservative applying liberal theology to the issue.

The ultraliberal theologians, to their praise, do it with a bit less of the pugnacious disrespect and hate for the victims he displays. What a sack of .... that Donohue is.


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03 Apr 2010, 1:02 am

The idea that homosexuals committed these crimes somehow seems to absolve the church of responsibility, it was not your every day priest but homosexual ones, in other words their homosexuality defines them more than their priest hood. The idea that a kid just entering puberty is no longer the prey of a paedophile is (although technically correct) nonsense. His debaters were not given a great deal of time to address this issue and I would have liked to see Sinead O'connor and the other guy get their teeth into it. Bill Donahue (this is the first I have seen of him) is obviously a very dangerous man, his views will strike a chord with many people who refuse to analyse his words.

He is ignoring the fact as M_P has already pointed out that having sex with boys does not necessarily indicate homosexuality. In reality this behaviour is one of power and domination rather than sexuality

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03 Apr 2010, 1:11 am

Well, DentArthurDent, let's take a look at his wiki...

Wikipedia wrote:


Donohue has made a name for himself fighting what he perceives as discrimination against and defamation of Catholics and Catholicism. In doing so he has gone after a diverse array of public figures, from individuals such as Christopher Hitchens, and even businesses such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Miller Brewing Company, to institutions such as Bob Jones University.

In addition, Donohue has criticized political and social commentator Bill Maher,[5][6][7][8][9][10][11] controversial singer, songwriter, and comedian Jessica Delfino,[12][13] comedian Louis CK,[14][15] singers Joan Osborne[16][17][18][18] and Marilyn Manson,[19] the television shows Nothing Sacred,[20][21][22][23] and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,[24] Kevin Smith's film Dogma,[25] The Golden Compass,[26][27][28][29][30][31][32] and artist Cosimo Cavallaro.[33]

Donohue is a staunch defender of Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ. On the December 8, 2004 broadcast of Scarborough Country, in a discussion of the film Donohue claimed, "Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. It's not a secret, OK? And I'm not afraid to say it. That's why they hate this movie. It's about Jesus Christ, and it's about truth. It's about the Messiah". This statement was called anti-Semitic by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on that same show. Donohue defended this statements as follows: "In short, I did not single out secular Jews as some have said. Nonetheless, I do regret using the verb "controlled", and that is because it suggests that there is some kind of cabal among secular Jews. That's nonsense. But is there a segment of the secular Jewish community that is anti-Catholic? Absolutely". ... and_career

It's all sourced, just to avoid that nee-jerk anti-wikism.


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03 Apr 2010, 1:13 am

I have to think, along with any good-minded Catholic, that being post-pubescent really does matter and that this isn't a matter of power at all, but rather a matter of seduction on the part of these young men. After all, in the past Popes have had to forgive children for their seductive ways, so really, why can't we say that the seduction of priests is happening again? ... ldren,101/

Certainly, we have to be aware of the fact that the devil is targeting the Catholic church and likely using these untested young men and these homosexual priests as his dark tools. So, we really do have to be aware of the issues here. ... _exorcist/


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03 Apr 2010, 1:34 am

DentArthurDent - Bill Donohue is also known for getting involved in the whole "crackergate" affair. It was an affair where the communion waffer at a Church was "held" by a student (which upset the followers of that papal institition to the point where they uttered death threats against the undergrad). Bill Donohue was lurid, calling for the students expulsion.

In response, blogger PZ Myers vowed (and eventually did) descrated a communion waffer. Donohue and his Catholic League followers were furious over this.

The best line in the whole affair was:

PZ Myers wrote:
And of course, Bill Donohue is outraged (I know, Donohue is going to die of apoplexy someday when a gnat violates his oatmeal, so this isn't saying much). ... racker.php


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03 Apr 2010, 2:07 am

After getting into a large, purely semantic, dispute over "pedophilia", Donohue lets the anchor summarize his position as "most gay priests have displayed pedophilia". Donohue also tries to blind us with his (social) science.


Donohue nicely misrepresents "his critics". Informed critics of his know that "men who molest little boys are more likely to be heterosexual than homosexual in their adult involvements". [1]

If that weren't enough, Donohue crosses the line from "disgraceful" to morally reprehensible and disgusting.


Physically and emotionally abused Irish children are "gold diggers".


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03 Apr 2010, 3:15 am

I have done a cursory search for a definition similar to pederast that refers to a man enjoying sex with a young but not pre-pubescent girl. Is there such a term?

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03 Apr 2010, 3:22 am

The flying spaghetti monster never touched anyone that way with his noodly appendage.

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06 Apr 2010, 8:40 am

Every social scientist knows homosexuality and pedophilia often go together.

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06 Apr 2010, 8:49 am

I_like_autumn wrote:
Every social scientist knows homosexuality and pedophilia often go together.

See ... false-link


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06 Apr 2010, 10:14 am

I_like_autumn wrote:
Every social scientist knows homosexuality and pedophilia often go together.

Economists are social scientists. Do you think economists really have opinions on homosexuality and pedophilia?