pezar wrote:
But most of us have no options and no way of getting options. If our families lose their homes, they will likely dump us, like families did to kids in the 30s, and we'll end up as wanderers. This time around, people will be so crazed with hunger that they'll be more willing to eat us than accommodate us. (Zeno, you have a thread, so stay out of mine, ok? Thanks.) What will YOU do when society collapses?
During the Great Depression there were no publicized cases of cannibalism. Which means if there were any such, they were few and rare. In addition to which people were fairly generous with food. There was not enough cash but few people starved during the Great Depression. There were soup kitchens in the cities and the churches saw to it that the needy were fed.
So your crazed with hunger scenario is not realistic or probable.