Ordnung is a German word meaning literally order; however, it carries with it the connotation of the brand of order the Nazi regime tried to impose on Germany, Europe, and the rest of the world. Ordnung can be described as that urge to impose upon others one's own sense of how the world should operate when the people being imposed upon are doing no harm to others. Those who seek Ordnung usually value a common national culture and prescribed set of behaviors (usually derived from some preset social role); they expect compliance to these things and would like to enforce these ideas.
A social conservative, for example, values Ordnung to a high degree. They would seek to impose what they believe to be the nation's founding values on others: strict, dogmatic Christianity; a fervent patriotism; and a strict, repressive (especially sexually) code of behavior. They find something wrong with someone who wishes to seek a more alternative lifestyle. Similarly, to protect the national culture, they would like to impose strict limits on immigration, and they tend to be mistrustful of foreigners in general.