I view this as a sign of a sea change in thinking on the Right. The way they see it, the Left has dominated the education field for many years, and has used their control to instill their values into the students, evidence of this train of thought can be seen in the large number of evangelicals who choose to home school rather than send their children to what they view as indoctrination centers. As a product of the US public school system, I have to say that their fears aren't entirely baseless, that educators tend to skew Left is fairly well documented, and it's not unreasonable to expect some of those views to filter down to the students. I certainly experienced it, my 10th grade social studies teacher had quotes by Chomsky painted on his walls, ran for congress on the Green party ticket, and staged personal "interventions" on any of his students who expressed interest in joining the military, and that's just what I recall off the top of my head.
So, while on the one hand I revile the politicizing of the education system that's going on here, on the other I feel that education has skewed to the opposite set of politics for years, and that having another dog in the race might help balance that out in the long run. The evangelical set might be able to flex it's muscles in their traditional strongholds such as Texas, over the rest of the country the impact will be mitigated by the politics local to those areas. In a perfect world I'd prefer neutral education taught by neutral instructors, but given what we have to work with, I'm hoping for ideological stalemate.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez