pezar wrote:
I went on a long drive today, and I started thinking. First thought was that maybe 60 million people died in World War 2, and about 60 million Baby Boomers were born after the war. The war generation was one of the least selfish generations in history, with millions willingly (and millions not so willingly) dying before their time to save the world. In contrast, the Boomers were the most selfish generation ever. Could the Boomers be the reincarnations of all those who died during the war? With all those who had their lives cut short early, they had to be reincarnated to balance things out.
Now here is the second thought I had. In the wake of the selfish Boomers, the world is concerned solely about money and status. So, the perfect solution would be for millions of people to be born who don't care about money or status or material things or any of the normal "NT" preoccupations. Thus the spike in autistic births! There are so many autistic people now, that conceivably when we all reach 30 or so (the main bulk of the autists, who are now in HS) that the NT world will have to change to suit US rather than US changing to suit NTs. The NTs will be FORCED to become less selfish and materialistic, or face an aspie rebellion, due to millions of aspies not being able to find work or live independently otherwise.
And this sort of forced resacralization of the world will save humanity, because otherwise we'd kill each other off until there was nobody left. So, even though we may not be starchildren from the Pleiades (did you know that the name for the Pleiades in Japanese is "Subaru"? Funny!) we were truly put here to save the world. And all because, 100 years ago, Europe went to war, which caused Europe to go to war again, which forced the rebirth of the war dead, which forced the birth of millions of aspies because the reborn war dead were enjoying themselves. Whew!
But if you say that its a cycle wont it just repeat itself? selfless selfish and back again.