ruveyn wrote:
Let us strive for accuracy. There is Global Warming and Anthopogenic Global Warm. The first (GW) is a well established fact. The climate of this planet as oscillated between deep freeze (so called ice ages) and warm periods, some of them very hot, such as the eruption of the Siberian Traps about a quarter of a billion years ago. For about one million years volcanoes were spewing and over 90 percent of the living species were wiped out.
In more recent and historical times we have the Medieval Warm period. During which the Vikings settled in Greenland which was green. It had grass, trees and they were able to farm and raise livestock there. The climate in Euope was mild. Then around 1300 c.e. the climate began to cool. In a period a little more than a decade the climate went from warm and mild to nasty during the summer months and brutally cold during the winter. What happened? A number of things. There were a lot of volcanic eruptions puting SO2 and CO2 in the atmosphere, the Maunder Mininm in which the radiant output of the sun decreased and a cessation of the halocine gradient., that is the ocean convery systms weakened. This cold period, the so-called Little Ice Age lasted from about 1300 c.e. to the middle of the 19th century, after which the earth warmed up again. We are in the midst of such a warming period right now, even as we type on our keyboards.
So the fact is we have had global warming since around 1850 c.e. give or take a bit. That is a fact. The question is why? The IPCC and the Chickent Little Sky is Warming People want to convince us that it is mainly due to human activity. HOWEVER they have NOT eliminated as cause the natural factors that have nothing to do with humans. For example the Malancovich Cycle which involves the tilt of the earth, orbital variations. Then there are variations in solar output. There are changes in the halocine gradient and the oceanic conveyor system. There are volcanic eruptions which put lots of "greenhouse" gas in the atmosphere. And last but not necessarily least are human factors such as CO2 output from our industries, SO2 output from artificial sources and so on.
The IPCC uses statistical models which depend on surrogate data, real time measurement, measurement from satellites etc. Unfortunately what is lacking is a robust science of climate. Why is it lacking. Because climate is driven by chaotic dynamics. With chaotic systems making predictions is well near impossible. The output has a very twitchy sensitive non-linear relation to input. Measurement of initial and boundary conditions is crude. The statistic models used have a large number of variable parameters which can be twiddled ad librum and ad nauseum. In short, the underlying science of climate is crude and primitive. And it is on this basis that the folks at IPCC and the eco-extremists expect us to sacrifice our health and comfort. When the IPCC has a theory as well tested and well founded on evidence as is, say, quantum electrodynamics maybe someone will listen to them. Is the Sky Falling? Is the Sky being Pushed by humans? The IPCC does not know and neither do we.
No wonder there is disbelief.
Be that as it may, I would rather try to do something and find there was nothing that could be done than do nothing and realize it was all my fault.