Vince wrote:
Don't be silly. Jesus wasn't a zombie... Think about it. According to the story, he comes back from the dead, fully able to speak. Zombies generally don't have that level of mental capacity. Also, he tells people to drink his blood, and promises them eternal life. He was obviously a vampire.
Another observation... If we break down the story of Jesus, take away all the magical stuff that's mostly in there to impress (virgin birth, guiding star, miracles, resurrection), we're left with the emotional core of the tale:
Jesus shows up in town, tells the people to stop punishing everyone who does something they don't approve of with death (among other political and philosophical ideas that were radical at the time). So they get offended at his insolence and kill him by nailing him to a cross. Not surprisingly given that's what the culture was, but certainly tragically.
Now, years after his supposed death, whether the tale is true or fictional, what do people do to honor him? They wear crosses. Isn't that a bit like honoring Gandhi by carrying a gun?
That's why Mormons don't have crosses on their churches, that and Joseph Smith said that all other Christians were devils.
Also, the immortal joke by Lenny Bruce: "If Jesus had been killed today, we'd have generations of people going around with little gold electric chairs around their necks." Keep in mind that was in the 1950s. But truth be told, the symbol of the original Christians was a fish, not the postmodern fish on so many US car trunk lids, but a real looking fish with an eye and a fin and scales. It was Constantine who decided that Christians should use the cross.