if he's found guilty, which he very likely won't be, the verdict will be thrown out on appeal.
i'm not saying he hasn't fondled little boys in the past. i'm just saying he didn't touch this one -- the prosecution picked the wrong case to try.
the accusation rests solely on the credibility of the accuser and his brother, the only "witness" to the alleged incidents, as well as the mother, the only "witness" to the alleged conspiracy and kidnapping charges. everything else is just a song and dance and has nothing to do with the specific accusations brought before the jury.
the credibility of these witnesses is nil. they have each been absolutely proven to have lied on numerous occasions about the alleged incidents. i've read all the transcripts (stupid obsession with public trials, i know), and this family is just a bunch of con artists. not one of them can report the same "facts" in two consecutive sentences, and respond, barbarino-like, with, "what, huh, where, huh, i don't understand what you're talking about... what?"
that's all there is to it. there's no other evidence before the court. the jury can't just say, "well, all the witnesses are lying, but we think this guy is a pervert so let's just convict him anyway." if they do, the case will not hold up to any appeal.
additionally, there have been numerous inappropriate rulings from the bench throughout the case in favor of the prosecution and against the defense. just one small example - allowing "prior bad acts" in on the bases of civil court settlements is absolutely unheard of. prior criminal convictions or plea bargains, yes, but not civil settlements where both parties, accuser and accusee, agreed to settle out of court.
if the prosecution had had enough evidence to bring the 93 case to trial at the time it would have done so. to do so now, when the alleged victim is missing and apparently unwilling to participate, and to add to that the shameful 3rd party accusations made on behalf of young men who completely deny that they were ever abused is ludicrous in a free court system is a travesty.
again, i'm not saying jackson hasn't molested boys; i wouldn't know whether he has or whether he's just incredibly naive and immature. i've read the 93 accuser's statement, and it's very credible and plausible, very much unlike the current one. there are a lot of details and the details make complete sense.
what i am saying is that no matter what you may think you know about someone, if you can't walk into a courtroom and judge a case on its merits, putting aside your personal feelings, you don't belong in a jury and i don't believe the defense would have allowed this type of person to sit on the case.