Jaythefordman wrote:
The misinformation and emotives surrounding this astounds me, but I should not be surprised.
Yes, it is very correct to recognise that an oil spill is not the end of the earth, nor does it cause everlasting damage. Numerous natural leakages are found worldwide, and do no harm, so it will follow that man-made spills will have the same impact. For sure it looks messy, and upsets the greenies, but nature has its mechanisms to deak with it very effectively. bacteria love oil, and between them and the natural elements they very quickly break the oil down and allow it to be absorbed into the world.
A little recognised fact is that some years after the Exxon Valdez disaster we now see the area richer in life than it was before, this is due to Crude influence. The crude spill was particularly messy then because of the low temperatures, but time now tells. The mexican gulf has an advantage in that it is signifcantly warmer.
Not saying we should not prevent or do something about them, or that they doen't cause immediate harm, but on the long run its no big deal.
As for the dispersants, they are formulated to be environmentaly friendly, and break down quickly. Primary purpoesse is the aid in the rapid breakdown of the oil and minimise its agglomeration which creates all the mess we get so upset about. it will not prevent micobes from attacking the oil.
I know this as both a Chemist in the oil industry, and also one who has been inolved in the study of oil breadown in nature and its mechanisms.
The dispersants they're currently using AREN'T environmentally friendly and has, in fact, been banned in other countries just for that reason.
Also, the time for regrowth is decades and decades is not time that we have to wait for things to grow back. The loss of wetlands means a speeding up of the coastal erosion problem and that will never come back because the land is lost to sea.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
?I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.? - Hunter S. Thompson