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13 Jun 2010, 1:31 pm

If (Christian) God created humans in God's own image, and humans are prone to mistakes every now and then, does that also mean that God is too? I understand that the Bible is metaphoric and blah blah blah in most places, but is it possible the God as an entity isn't that great? Pretty good obviously, but maybe a bit of a clumsy guy on occasions? Btw, I'm not asking for any B.S. about God not existing. Let's say for the sake of argument, we know for certain there is a God, and he's pretty close to the Christian description.

Basically, my question is: ' does God f*ck up sometimes as well?'

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13 Jun 2010, 1:47 pm

just_ben wrote:
Let's say for the sake of argument, we know for certain there is a God, and he's pretty close to the Christian description.

Basically, my question is: ' does God f*ck up sometimes as well?'

If a God as described by Christianity exists: anything follows from a contradiction, so you can answer your question however you like.


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13 Jun 2010, 2:15 pm

just_ben wrote:
Basically, my question is: ' does God f*ck up sometimes as well?'

If you look at Genesis 6:5-7 you might get the impression God thought so:
Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was of only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and he was grieved in his heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy man who I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them".

Apparently, he changed His mind again since we are still here. Whether or not that was a mistake remains to be seen.

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16 Jun 2010, 4:14 am

I always thought "in his image" meant we look like him. His "image", you know? Doesn't mean we should think or act like God. I've personally made a kid in my image, but he hasn't got my brain, so I wouldn't expect him to act like me. :D

Did it say anywhere in Bible that people think and act like God?


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16 Jun 2010, 5:21 am

maybe god is not perfect, but i believe god is far closer to perfection than any of the rest of us down here on earth.


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16 Jun 2010, 6:51 am

just_ben wrote:
If (Christian) God created humans in God's own image, and humans are prone to mistakes every now and then, does that also mean that God is too? I understand that the Bible is metaphoric and blah blah blah in most places, but is it possible the God as an entity isn't that great? Pretty good obviously, but maybe a bit of a clumsy guy on occasions? Btw, I'm not asking for any B.S. about God not existing. Let's say for the sake of argument, we know for certain there is a God, and he's pretty close to the Christian description.

Basically, my question is: ' does God f*ck up sometimes as well?'

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16 Jun 2010, 6:54 am

As I understand it, Mormons believe that God was once a man.

They believe that we are "baby gods" and that we can work our way up to being a God in charge of our own universe.

Then there are the Christians called "Dominionists".
They say that God gave us "dominion" over the world and we have the powers to heal and perform wonders.

I don't see how God could have a son without there being a goddess involved.

As for the "Holy Ghost", who the hell is he and where did he come from? Are we supposed to pray to him too?

So there is only one god yet there are three of them. That makes sense....... not.

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16 Jun 2010, 9:21 pm

i personally believe that that passage of the bible is sugjesting a family, because if god was only 1 person he wouldnt have said "let us make man in our image" he would have said, let me make man in my image. i also think the holy spirit is a woman because i dont know of too many things creating offsrpring from one source. exept plants, so maybe god is a plant but i dont think so

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17 Jun 2010, 12:31 pm

Wombat wrote:

I don't see how God could have a son without there being a goddess involved.

The Greek gods knocked up mortal women. Why should YHWH be any less capable?



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17 Jun 2010, 12:46 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Wombat wrote:

I don't see how God could have a son without there being a goddess involved.

The Greek gods knocked up mortal women. Why should YHWH be any less capable?


Apparently, he knocked up Mary. :wink:


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17 Jun 2010, 2:17 pm

Jono wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Wombat wrote:

I don't see how God could have a son without there being a goddess involved.

The Greek gods knocked up mortal women. Why should YHWH be any less capable?


Apparently, he knocked up Mary. :wink:

It was Miriam. And you got it exactly right.



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18 Jun 2010, 3:27 pm

If god created man in his own image, then either everyone looks the same, or god looks like everyone, he would have to have every single individual skin colour of each person, every single finger print etc. And that would be hard even for a god.

This is why I chose evolution as the most realistic explanation for how "man" came about.

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18 Jun 2010, 7:04 pm

MONKEY wrote:
If god created man in his own image, then either everyone looks the same, or god looks like everyone, he would have to have every single individual skin colour of each person, every single finger print etc. And that would be hard even for a god.

This is why I chose evolution as the most realistic explanation for how "man" came about.

Any Earth animal is exquisitely adapted to Earth's gravity, the atmosphere of its environment, the digestive system to exist on Earth's provisions etc. Therefore a god that looks like any of Earth's creatures (including man) is obviously ill adapted to exist in the much larger universe which is largely vacuum filled with deadly radiation. It proves that god is an Earth invention.


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18 Jun 2010, 8:42 pm

Maybe God has a space suit and a cool rocket ship.


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18 Jun 2010, 10:05 pm

well, the first organism was actually a virus or something similar, wasn't it?
I know there were replicators before that.. but a virus as the first to come close to what we call life.... so wouldn't that mean that god would be like what we were first created like?

Guess Dawkins was right... er.. wait.. no he said religion was the virus... it's GOD that's the virus!! !! !

Another spin on it... Perhaps he made man in his own image, meaning like the OP said, that we act like him. And the reason he did so, was to see if it was possible to get something NOT to act in all the nasty ways that he (god) himself acted like... (after all he is guilty of breaking at least 7 or 8 of the commandments, maybe all of them) Scare the Bah!-Jesus out of us, so that we are better than he is?

You shall not worship any other god but YHWH.
---Does he worship himself? Rather vain, eh? That's a deadly sin, isn't it?
You shall not make a graven image.
---Wasn't MAN a graven image?
You shall not dishonor your parents.
---Without infinite regress, he had to have had a maker, (Likely the US he refers to) so.. he ignores them in the book he writes for us? that's dishonour!
6. You shall not murder.
---The flood?
7. You shall not commit adultery
---Mary? Oops, sorry Ruveyn, Miriam.
8. You shall not steal.
---What about the real-estate we call the universe, where did he get that from after all?
9. You shall not commit perjury.
---Contradictions in the bible, one of them must be a lie... oh, and the world is flat? the sun goes around the earth?
10. You shall not covet.
---Damn, this one his hilarious, he admits to being jealous.... He is up there just turning green because he wants my worship, and he can't have it! Nyah Nyah Nyah!

You shall not take the name of YHWH in vain.
You shall not break the Sabbath.
---Please feel free to suggest violations of these.

Okay 7 deadly sins: (from proverbs)
* A proud look
He was awful proud of his universe.
* A lying tongue
As said above in the 10 C's
* Hands that shed innocent blood
No babies died in the flood?
* A heart that devises wicked plots
Oh come now! The ways he twisted kings to wage war?
* Feet that are swift to run into mischief
Making the earth itself was mischief enough!
* A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
Again, from the 10 C's... And how about those prophets?
* Him that soweth discord among brethren
Wars? Hatred for other faiths?

Deadly Sins (Modern)
---Well, the universe is pretty extravagant.
---He had quite a hard on for Mary.. er.. Miriam.
---He sure takes in the adoration of his praying fans to the point that countless hours are wasted. Praise is food to a god, as it supposedly doesn't need "physical sustenance" if it isn't physical... it needs spiritual sustenance.. which is prayer.
---No idols, no other gods... blah blah blah... the people the universe ... they're all MINE!! !! MINE MINE MINE!! !!
Acedia. (aka neglect)
---He sure takes care of this world great eh? No starving people in the Darfur... they're just plants by the atheistic media, made to make you doubt god. Heh, he sent his son down once in 6000 years... Yup, he takes good care of his creations.
---Remember his words just before the flood?
---What is he doing resting on sunday!?!?
---Who are we kidding on this one? Does Hell not speak volumes?
---He ADMITS this one openly.
---He was awful proud of his universe, and his little baby boy.
---A bit stumped on this one... but i'm sure he did.... Even if just to the other gods.

Well, we ain't improved much... but ANYTHING is an improvement on His record!


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19 Jun 2010, 3:01 am

Exclavius wrote:
You shall not dishonor your parents.
---Without infinite regress, he had to have had a maker, (Likely the US he refers to) so.. he ignores them in the book he writes for us? that's dishonour!

Funny you shoud say that...

From Against Heresies by Irenaeus (yes, he was a Church Father, and normally I'd trust what they said about any other belief system about as far as I could spit a rat, but checking up on the surviving Gnostic books proves that in this case he's being more or less accurate):

"On this account, Ialdabaoth, becoming uplifted in spirit, boasted himself over all those things that were below him, and exclaimed: I am Father, and God, and above me there is no-one. But his mother, hearing him speak thus, cried out against him: Do not lie, Ialdabaoth; for the father of all, the first Anthropos, is above order to lead them away and attract them to himself, they affirm that Ialdabaoth exclaimed: Come, let us make man after our image...

For those not familiar with Gnosticism, the general myth - there were many variations - is that the true God, the unknowable Source (here called the first Anthropos, as in, the being in whose spiritual image humans are truly created), emanated a series of beings of which Sophia was the youngest...she tried to emanate another being herself while still too immature to do so, and ended up creating Ialdabaoth, who's a kind of walking abortion - not exactly evil, but half-formed and a bit dumb about how the universe works. Imagine a vastly powerful two-year-old and you have his personality about right. He creates the material world - or according to some modern commentators, the current system of this world, which is why everything is so screwed up - and he goes on to create humans who, however, can only 'squirm along the ground' like worms until Sophia asks the ultimate God to breathe spiritual life into them. It's Sophia who's here reminding young Ialdabaoth that he's not as powerful as he thinks.

To the Gnostics, Ialdabaoth was the god of the Old Testament. Jesus was the spouse of Sophia who came to show us the way back to the light. Hence the vast moral difference between the two. If you're familiar with the works of William Blake, his 'Old Nobodaddy' is roughly the same creature.

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