I saw a link on youtube regarding holding therapy for homosexuality:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJXWFZz0 ... re=related
they propose that one man should hold the other man for a long time, and it should cure the homosexuality of the latter.
Anyway, I have two questions: one directed to the people who support the cure for homosexuality and the other to the people who oppose it:
1) IF YOU SUPPORT A CURE FOR HOMOSEXUALITY, didn't it ever occured to you that by having one man holding the other one you only ENCOURAGE him to be gay, which is just the opposite to the goal of the treatment? I know it is "supposed" to be non-sexual, but if the man is gay it might feel sexual to him, even though it is supposed not to. I mean, men process things differently than women. Yes women do have non-sexual hugs with each other, but I never seen men doing that. Why not? Because for a man anything of this nature feels sexual. Besides, even if somehow this doesn't feel sexual to the patient, why encourage a behavior that doesn't fit the social norm of the straight society? After all, the whole purpose of the therapy is to make the client look straight; teaching him to hug other men only makes him look even more gay.
2) IF YOU OPPOSE THE CURE FOR HOMOSEXUALITY, you are likely thinking that such cures damage the patients. Now, why would holding therapy be damaging? If you watch the video, a patient described feeling "very safe" while he was undergoing holding therapy and he said he enjoyed it. So why do you still believe it damages them? I understand that anti-gay people belive that gay touch is damaging even if it is enjoyed. But, since you oppose cure for homosexuality, I presume you are pro-gay. So, as someone pro-gay, why do you think holding therapy would do any damage? If anything, it only shows love. Even though it is done for the wrong reason, still love is a good thing.