I don't agree with our entering the war in Iraq to invade a nation that had no weapons of mass-destruction; nor do I attempt to justify the invasion of Afghanistan. However, the fact of the matter is, we are currently engaged in conflict, and we can't just leave. Such a thing would be as if punching someone in the face and letting them get up; what do you think they're going to do next? Hit you.
We are an aggressive, imperialist nation skirting around international treaties and even our own Constitutional and moral promises with rhetoric and alienating exploitation of loopholes. The attacks on September 11th did not appear out of the blue. Our nation had those attacks a long time coming. However, the people in those two buildings that day in Manhattan, New York, didn't. And never, would they have the chance to fight back.
The future of our empire is a path paved in blood. The terrorists have opened fire, and we have fired back; unfortunately, not effectively. Our enemy, is an enemy without armored columns or an identifiable capital. They have no national anthem, they have no race, they transcend gender, they elude borders. Our enemy, even lives among us.
In the understanding that we as a nation deserved a punch to the face, but also in the understanding that those who received that impact were not the ones deserving of it which is the real issue here, I call for us to engage, as we've not yet done, our enemy in total war. Evacuate and quarantine the populations of areas controlled by and inhabited with terrorists. Arm the local population and you can guarantee that those who have the means to eliminate terrorists outnumber those who wish to perpetrate it.
And on our own soil we must show a united front. Washington DC must come ablaze with parade marches and music and national unity. Congress and the two-party system as we know it must unify and converge on the premise of the loss that our nation suffered on September 11th, 2001; more fateful a day than any of us I believe will ever encounter. Let us proudly display out military might in the streets of our nation with off-duty reserve soldiers and veterans having parade-marches around the nation; guns and missiles high in the air through the streets of New York City, Chicago, Albany, Washington DC, and every major metropolitan area in the United States of America. Not in the name of martial law, but in the name of the souls who watch over us today, in hopeful wait. Let the united sound of our boots crashing down upon the pavement and concrete be a sound for our enemies to fear and from which they shall shy away. Let our way of life become their antithesis entire.