Religion Rules ( . . . .as in the rules of the forum)
Hello, I'm new.
I have a question about the Religion section. In the rules section was stated the following was prohibited:
1. Posting offensive language, comments, video, or images.
Unacceptable content includes swearing; racist, sexist, homophobic language; behavior intended to provoke or belittle other members; violent or sexually demeaning content; sexual fetish; and discussion of excretory function. Posting graphic images or videos of people or animals being harmed is prohibited.
Wouldn't this preclude quoting a good many Religious texts? Are Monotheists (Jews, Christians and Muslims) not allowed to suggest that women ought to be stoned to death, have hands cut off, et c., as the holy books state? This is clearly sexist, and a basic tenant of the Abrahamic tradition.
What about the Racism? What about all the races which are not allowed into Churches (see Deutoronomy 20 especially). What about the Islamic mandates for Women to cover their faces? What about the sexually demeaning content? What of 'A man may not lie with another man as with a woman for it is an abomination'?
Can we discuss a homophobic book without saying homophobic things?
Of course this may sound slightly nit-picking, but I do honestly want to know if posting Bible quotes will get someone thrown off the Religion forum.
Play it by ear and have tough skin. I'd say just jump right in.
The only thing I'd say other than that is that this is mostly freedom of speech realm. Including all the pitfalls of freedom of speech.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
?I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.? - Hunter S. Thompson
PPR technically has the same rules as the rest of WP, but in practice is allowed a bit of flex because of the nature of the forum. Basically, if you stick to attacking ideas, don't make personal attacks on other posters, and heavily qualify personal beliefs that may be offensive (lot's of "I feel" and "in my opinon" type statements) you'll be OK. You can discuss almost anything in here so long as you're reasonably civil about it. Try not to spam the forum with redundant threads either, that's annoying and brings the mods.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
Cheers all, though I must say Dox 47, I'm not a big fan of the word 'opinion'. If someone says 'That's just what I believe' then they don't believe it. People never say 'It's 4 o' Clock, but that's just my opinion', they just say that it is 4 and anyone disagreeing is wrong.
In answer to Patrick, I'm from nowhere, - a very secluded west coast spot, but currently inhabiting Glasgow.
Are you also in Scotland?

Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Posts: 9,366
Location: The Landmass between N.O. and Mobile
In answer to Patrick, I'm from nowhere, - a very secluded west coast spot, but currently inhabiting Glasgow.
Are you also in Scotland?
In my opinion

Much of Christian doctrine and practice is built on a number of opinions based on the Gospels and Epistles. We've established the facts that there was a man named Jesus and that, through His works, demonstrated that He was and is the promised Messiah. Of that there is no dispute. But whether there ought to be prayers for the dead depends on the opinions of those who practice it. What Biblical support is there for it? According to us Protestants, there is none. For Catholics, there is the inclusion of OT apocrypha not even believed by the Jews to have been inspired writings that does lend only vague support (though it's a misquote from "scripture" taken out of context). Thus it is only my opinion that apocrypha should NOT be included in the modern Bible, whereas a Catholic might argue otherwise. Even in Paul's writings, he expressed his opinion that men and women should not marry but practice lifelong celibacy. Such is clearly marked as a personal sentiment and should by no mean been seen as applicable to all people in all situations. If all Christians practiced this, Christianity would be nonexistent in less than a century.
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