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22 Dec 2010, 2:12 pm ... disturbing

Jeff Woods wrote:
A state government anti-terrorism agency placed the Tennessee ACLU on a map of “terrorism events and other suspicious activity” for sending a letter warning public schools not to celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday.

The ACLU expressed outrage Tuesday over its appearance on the Tennessee Fusion Center’s map, saying it “raises the specter that the government is once again tracking innocent Americans.”

“It is deeply disturbing that Tennessee’s fusion center is tracking First Amendment-protected activity,” said Hedy Weinberg, ACLU-Tennessee’s executive director. “Equating a group’s attempts to protect religious freedom in Tennessee with suspicious activity related to terrorism is outrageous. Religious freedom is a founding principle in our Constitution — not fodder for overzealous law enforcement.”

The Tennessee Fusion Center was created in 2007, one of many around the country established after 9/11 to help state agencies share and analyze information about terrorism and other threats.

“While the ostensible purpose of fusion centers, to improve sharing of anti-terrorism intelligence among different levels and arms of government, is legitimate and important, using the centers to monitor protected First Amendment activity clearly crosses the line,” the ACLU said in a news release.

On the Fusion Center’s website, the blinking map of Tennessee shows flashing icons. Rolling a computer’s cursor over the icons results in explanations popping up on the screen, none of which have anything to do with major terrorist plots. The ACLU letter was highlighted under the icon for “suspicious activity.”

“ACLU cautions Tennessee schools about observing ‘one religious holiday,’” the website’s explanation reads.

Also among the map’s highlights: “McMinn County Teen Brings Gun to School,” and “Turkish National Salih Acarbulut Indicted in Chattanooga for Alleged $12 million Ponzi Scheme.”

Mike Browning, a spokesman for the Fusion Center, said “that was a mistake” to label the ACLU letter as a suspicious activity. He said the Fusion Center meant to use the icon that means merely general information. The icon was changed after the ACLU sent its news release, he said.

“It’s still on the map,” Browning told The City Paper. “It has been reclassified into the general information category.”

But a look at the website shows there is no icon for general information. Instead, the icon for the ACLU letter now signifies “general terrorism news,” according to the website’s legend.

Browning said, “You can argue that you don’t like the word terrorism in there, but it’s just general news that’s provided. That’s the general news category. It doesn’t have anything to do with terrorism. It was just provided to schools as general information.”

After The City Paper pointed out to Browning that the entire map was labeled “terrorism events and other suspicious activity” on the website, that was changed to “open source news reports.”

“We were just forwarding the news release per se as general information to all schools,” Browning said, although he could not explain why officials deemed it necessary to forward the information. “We weren’t implying anything by posting it. For the customers who use the map, for law enforcement, emergency management and school resource officers — for the ones who use this, they know what it’s about.”

The ACLU sent its letter on Christmas earlier this month to 137 school superintendents in Tennessee. The letter cautioned that holiday celebrations focusing primarily on one religious holiday amount to an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.

The ACLU said it was responding to a number of complaints from families about school Christmas party activities.

“The Fusion Center’s tracking of protected First Amendment activity raises profound civil liberties concerns regarding individual privacy, freedom of speech and religious freedom,” Weinberg said. “We need only look back at our history to be reminded that domestic surveillance is unacceptable. The Tennessee Fusion Center’s classification of the ACLU letter as suspicious raises the specter that the government is once again tracking innocent Americans who are merely exercising the rights integral to a democratic society, returning us to a dangerous chapter in our country’s history.”

Really? The ACLU are "terrorists" now? I've been saying that the word is losing it's meaning for some time now, it would seem that the process is complete. I'm hoping that the general public is also coming around on the word's lack of meaning and high manipulation potential, since it really annoys me to see language abused like this. (Oh, and the ridiculous government overreach pisses me off too)

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22 Dec 2010, 2:28 pm

The government ponzi scheme is collapsing and they're lashing out on freedom and democratic movements. This is no different than Stalinist Russia.

Who is the real enemy of the Constitution, freedom, and democracy?

America's leaders hate democracy. We need to disband DHS, FBI, CIA, and cut unsustainable military spending. It's wrecking America.


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22 Dec 2010, 4:33 pm

The FBI on Tuesday added four more names to the list of antiwar activists subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury as part of an investigation into whether members of the peace movement provided “material support” for terrorism.

In all, 23 people have been subpoenaed since September 24, when the FBI raided the offices and homes of prominent activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. None has been charged with a crime. Several have also refused to testify in what they say is a witch hunt aimed more at intimidating those who dare speak out against U.S. foreign policy than uncovering actual ties to terrorists.

And they're probably right.

Thanks to a Supreme Court ruling this past June, the definition of “material support” for terrorism is now so broad as to include any sort of “advice” to a State Department-designated terrorist group, even if that advice is “stop engaging in terrorism and embrace nonviolence.” Former President Jimmy Carter and groups such as the ACLU and Human Rights Watch have spoken out against the ruling.

Because the definition is so broad, though, it provides the perfect legal basis for the government to go after those opposed to its policies abroad. And as the Bush administration ably demonstrated, there are plenty of people in government who would be all too happy to equate opposition to the U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen – just to name a few – as de facto support for terrorism.

“We are being targeted for the work we do to end U.S. funding of the Israeli occupation, ending the war in Afghanistan and ending the occupation of Iraq,” says Maureen Murphy, editor of the news outlet The Electronic Intifada and one of those subpoenaed on Tuesday. “What is at stake for all of us is our right to dissent and organize to change harmful U.S. foreign policy."

Meredith Aby, another prominent antiwar activist who had her home raided by the FBI, likewise believes she is being targeted for exercising her right to free speech, not because the government actually believes she and other committed pacifists would actually support terrorist violence. She says that the questions U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald wants activists to answer – like which activists they met with abroad and what ideas did they express – proves as much. And like other activists, she said she wasn't interested in answering.

“I've never killed anyone,” Aby says in an interview. “I have no blood on my hands. The blood is on the hands of the U.S. government, on the Israeli government, on the Colombian government. I'm not interested in helping kill people, and so there's no way that I can testify at a grand jury about what people's political ideas in places as dangerous as Colombia and Palestine.”

“We need to send a message that this has gone far enough,” she said. “We need to send a message to politicians that they will understand.”

Her advice? Tell Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama and U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald that you oppose using the law to intimidate committed, nonviolent peace activists whose only crime is exercising their right to dissent. Fitzgerald's office can be reached at (312) 353-5300, while Obama and Holder can be contacted by signing this petition.

“At the end of the day, these men are politicians,” Aby says, “and they will make their decision in a political fashion about ... how wide this investigation will go.” ... _activists

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22 Dec 2010, 5:15 pm

IvyMike wrote:
The government ponzi scheme is collapsing and they're lashing out on freedom and democratic movements. This is no different than Stalinist Russia.

Who is the real enemy of the Constitution, freedom, and democracy?

That bunch in Washington.

And they love democracy. They rely on the stupidity of the general public to remain in power.



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22 Dec 2010, 5:27 pm

Funny article, thanks.

I like your avatar Dox47. :lol:


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22 Dec 2010, 6:17 pm

IvyMike wrote:
The government ponzi scheme is collapsing and they're lashing out on freedom and democratic movements. This is no different than Stalinist Russia.

Who is the real enemy of the Constitution, freedom, and democracy?

America's leaders hate democracy. We need to disband DHS, FBI, CIA, and cut unsustainable military spending. It's wrecking America.


Too bad they they didn't call the SPLC a terrorist organization. That would be funny since they call everyone under the sun a terrorist.

The word "terrorist" is completely meaningless now. It's basically anyone that doesn't support our fascist government. We're all terrorists to them.


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22 Dec 2010, 7:07 pm

Jacoby wrote:

Too bad they they didn't call the SPLC a terrorist organization. That would be funny since they call everyone under the sun a terrorist.

The word "terrorist" is completely meaningless now. It's basically anyone that doesn't support our fascist government. We're all terrorists to them.

This is long, but extremely relevant to the point you just brought up: ... oid-center

It speaks directly to the tactic of using accusations of extremism to persecute legitimate dissent, and specifically mentions the SPLC's role in whipping up panic and throwing around the terrorist label.

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22 Dec 2010, 8:37 pm

It reminds me of a story by Aesop:

A CAT caught a cock, and took counsel with himself how he might find a reasonable excuse for eating him. He accused him of being a nuisance to men by crowing in the nighttime, and not permitting them to sleep. The Cock defended himself by saying that he did this for the benefit of men, that they might rise betimes for their labors. The Cat replied: “Although you abound in specious apologies, I shall not remain supperless;” and he made a meal of him.

It does no good to deny those who make false accusations knowingly. or Those who are bent on evil doing will find any excuse to do their dirty deeds.

We just have to live with them and it is probably wise to not talk about or else we will draw attention to ourselves.


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23 Dec 2010, 10:39 am


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23 Dec 2010, 10:39 am

Banned_Magnus wrote:
We just have to live with them and it is probably wise to not talk about or else we will draw attention to ourselves.

From: "President Declares 'Freedom at War with Fear'"
Office of the Press Secretary, September 20, 2001
Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., 9:00 P.M. EDT

... Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make: Either you are with us [in our versions of progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom], or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.)
It is my hope that in the months and years ahead, life will return almost to normal ...
Thank you. (Applause.)
END 9:41 P.M. EDT

I suspect they do not care how much we talk, they just get all kinds of upset in the face of any opposition.

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23 Dec 2010, 11:17 am

Because that's what terrorists do... they send letters. :roll:

Sounds like someone at the TN Fusion Center made a mistake and they're just backpedaling by changing their definitions for having that letter singled out. Still haven't provided any reason as why they think the "letter" is relevant to anything terrorism related.

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23 Dec 2010, 12:24 pm

leejosepho wrote:
From: "President Declares 'Freedom at War with Fear'"
Office of the Press Secretary, September 20, 2001
Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., 9:00 P.M. EDT

... Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make: Either you are with us [in our versions of progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom], or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.)
It is my hope that in the months and years ahead, life will return almost to normal ...
Thank you. (Applause.)
END 9:41 P.M. EDT

I suspect they do not care how much we talk, they just get all kinds of upset in the face of any opposition.

Oh, the irony. "Conform to our idea of pluralism and tolerance, or you are our enemy and we will kill you." And spoken by a Republican president, too.



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23 Dec 2010, 2:07 pm

Orwell wrote:
Oh, the irony. "Conform to our idea of pluralism and tolerance, or you are our enemy and we will kill you." And spoken by a Republican president, too.

That is the bottom line as some folks see it, and with "Republican" as being mere window dressing. In context, however, I believe that statement was more part of a PR "fair warning" kind of thing. And, I thought this part was also quite enlightening (at least as I perceive it):

... Some speak of an age of terror [as clearly prophesied in Scripture]. I know there are struggles ahead, and dangers to face ['cause some of my advisors and I are familiar with Scripture]. But this country [rather than anything like that] will define our times, not be defined by them. As long as the United States of America is determined and strong, this will not be an age of [Scriptural] terror; this will be an age of liberty [from the sovereignty of any other entity], here and across the world. (Applause.)
... The advance of human freedom - the great achievement of our time, and the great hope of every time - now depends on us. Our nation - this generation - will lift a dark threat of [any supernatural] violence from our people and our future. We will rally the world to this cause by our efforts, by our courage. We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. (Applause.)

And of course, that line about hoping "life will return almost to normal" in the months and years ahead immediately followed that ... and that makes me wonder how strong his faith in anything at all might actually be!

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23 Dec 2010, 2:29 pm

IvyMike wrote:
America's leaders hate democracy. We need to disband DHS, FBI, CIA, and cut unsustainable military spending. It's wrecking America.

I look at FBI and CIA as protecting national interests internally and internationally respectively.

But I agree 100% about DHS.


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23 Dec 2010, 5:59 pm

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)


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23 Dec 2010, 6:10 pm

Sand wrote:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

"Thank god for TV." (Government)

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