North Korea threatens Nuclear Holy War (December 2010)

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23 Dec 2010, 10:53 am

North Korea threatens nuclear 'holy war' as South stages firing drills - North Korea threatens 'sacred war' - (news) - This is confusing - What non-profit religion is North Korea representing? Confucianism? HInduism? Buddhism? Historically, the only non-profit religions which threatened (Nuclear) Holy Wars are Islam (Jihads) and Italian Catholicism (Crusades/Spanish Inquisition). What's going on? Will the next Nuclear Holy War be waged by Scientology? Confused as to values and the exact non-profit, tax-exempt religion North Korea is fighting for.


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23 Dec 2010, 11:00 am

pgd wrote:
North Korea threatens nuclear 'holy war' as South stages firing drills - North Korea threatens 'sacred war' - (news) - This is confusing - What non-profit religion is North Korea representing? Confucianism? HInduism? Buddhism? Historically, the only non-profit religions which threatened (Nuclear) Holy Wars are Islam (Jihads) and Italian Catholicism (Crusades/Spanish Inquisition). What's going on? Will the next Nuclear Holy War be waged by Scientology? Confused as to values and the exact non-profit, tax-exempt religion North Korea is fighting for.

Kim Il Sung(Great Leader) and the Juche Idea is their religion.

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23 Dec 2010, 11:32 am

Zara wrote:
pgd wrote:
North Korea threatens nuclear 'holy war' as South stages firing drills - North Korea threatens 'sacred war' - (news) - This is confusing - What non-profit religion is North Korea representing? Confucianism? HInduism? Buddhism? Historically, the only non-profit religions which threatened (Nuclear) Holy Wars are Islam (Jihads) and Italian Catholicism (Crusades/Spanish Inquisition). What's going on? Will the next Nuclear Holy War be waged by Scientology? Confused as to values and the exact non-profit, tax-exempt religion North Korea is fighting for.

Kim Il Sung(Great Leader) and the Juche Idea is their religion.


Thanks for sharing that. Looked up Juche / the Juche Idea on Wikipedia and that Juche Idea is really a kind of extremist idea/ideology/religion/faith/philosophy.


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23 Dec 2010, 12:24 pm

Officially as a communist state all religions is forbiden in North Korea, but in reality their leader is presented and honored like a god.
They certainly won't use the term "holy war" though.

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23 Dec 2010, 1:25 pm

north korea is best korea!

that country would be the most hilarious thing in existence if it weren't so tragically real. they're "atheists" who worship a godking. (also: golf-king)

i don't understand how we can gather up a posse to blow up muslim countries who might be somehow linked to a criminal organization or who might possibly be attempting to acquire the necessary components to create weapons of mass destruction and yet north korea is unassailable.

the amount of suffering reported in north korea aught to be enough to actually justify the risks of invading and finishing the damn war. i would like for violence not to be the answer. maybe when il dies, the new kid will start making deals to get some prosperity for his country.

.....or claim that he could get two holes-in-one with one swing..... either or.....

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23 Dec 2010, 1:37 pm

pgd wrote:
North Korea threatens nuclear 'holy war' as South stages firing drills - North Korea threatens 'sacred war' - (news) - This is confusing - What non-profit religion is North Korea representing? Confucianism? HInduism? Buddhism? Historically, the only non-profit religions which threatened (Nuclear) Holy Wars are Islam (Jihads) and Italian Catholicism (Crusades/Spanish Inquisition). What's going on? Will the next Nuclear Holy War be waged by Scientology? Confused as to values and the exact non-profit, tax-exempt religion North Korea is fighting for.

Although USSR was atheistic, they used the words "sacred war" about the war against Germany.

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23 Dec 2010, 1:46 pm

waltur wrote:
north korea is best korea!


I think this is mostly a waiting game for this guy to take over:


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23 Dec 2010, 7:45 pm

Kim Il Sung is openly referred to as a "god" (English translation, I presume) to the average North Korean. Asian countries have a LONG tradition of deifying their leaders-Japan regarded their emperor as a god for centuries. The invented life stories of the Kim family are heavily couched in Korean myths, so that the people will accept them as gods and descendants of Korea's mythical founder. Another thing Korea has in common with Japan is mountain worship-many Japanese still revere Mount Fuji, in Korea it's Mount Paektu.

North Korea is actually referred to as "Juche Korea" internally-the Juche Ideas are the North's version of a state religion, with Kim Il Sung as deity and founder. The calendar of Juche Korea starts numbering years with the birthday of KIS in 1912, so North Korea is getting close to the year 100. That fact probably explains a lot-around the world, wherever there has been a calendar based on something other than the number of years of rule of the king, years with a lot of zeroes have inspired millenial fervor.

The year 2000 had it, and many Muslims believe that the end of the world will come in their Year 1500, which will occur in 2022. If the North has got their people expecting Something Big-the defeat of the US, whatever-to occur in Juche Year 100, the leaders will be hard pressed to deliver. That alone could spark a new war.