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21 Dec 2010, 11:14 pm

This is the kind of thing that makes me absolutely crazy, I've been following this story for some time and it just gets worse and worse.

The Worst Kind of Ham Sandwich
The vindictive grand jury investigation of pain-relief advocate Siobhan Reynolds.
By Radley Balko
Posted Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010, at 4:00 PM ET

Grand juries are supposed to act as a buffer between prosecutors and those they accuse of committing a crime. They're intended to protect us from having our reputations ruined by reckless and meritless allegations. In reality, grand juries have been captured by prosecutors. The American Bar Association notes that, particularly at the federal level, grand juries have come to possess "wide, sweeping, almost unrestricted power," which is "virtually in complete control of the prosecutor." In the wrong hands, grand juries can even become a tool for harassing a prosecutor's political enemies. The feud between Assistant U.S. Attorney Tanya Treadway and pain patient advocate Siobhan Reynolds is a good example.

Over the last decade, the federal government has been targeting doctors who treat pain patients with prescription drugs like Percocet and Oxycontin. Advocates like Reynolds argue that doctors who overprescribe painkillers should be disciplined by medical boards if they are sloppy or unscrupulous, not judges and prosecutors. Dumping them into the criminal justice system puts drug cops in the position of determining what is and isn't acceptable medical treatment. One promising treatment of chronic pain known as high-dose opiate therapy, for example has all but disappeared because doctors are too terrified of running afoul of the law to try it.

Siobhan Reynolds entered this fray when her late ex-husband Sean, began suffering the symptoms of a congenital connective tissue disorder that left him with debilitating pain in his joints. After trying a variety of treatments, he found relief in a high-dose drug therapy administered by Virginia pain specialist William Hurwitz. But Hurwitz was later charged and convicted on 16 counts of drug trafficking. The judge acknowledged that Hurwitz ran a legitimate practice and had likely saved and improved the lives of countless people. His crime was not recognizing that some of his patients were addicts and dealers. Meanwhile, Reynolds' husband died in 2006 of a cerebral brain hemorrhage, which she believes was the result of years of abnormally high blood pressure brought on by his pain.

All of this moved Reynolds to start the Pain Relief Network, a shoestring nonprofit that advocates on behalf of pain patients and physicians. Reynolds quickly learned how to convey the frustration of pain patients and their families. I first met her at a 2005 Capitol Hill forum. She had the entire room in tears. I later commissioned and edited a paper for the Cato Institute about painkiller prosecutions.

Reynolds coached doctors under investigation on how to fight back. She says she's never been compensated to intervene on behalf of a doctor, other than an occasional airline ticket or hotel accommodations while she was in town to help out. "I moved in with my mother," she says. She played a crucial role in getting media outlets like Newsweek and the New York Times to look at the real problem of undertreated pain. At the same time, Reynolds' passion can make her seem unreasonable and extreme. She has been sharply critical of the medical establishment for failing to stand up for accused physicians, and she has angered more than a few prosecutors, regulators, and politicians. One of them is Treadway, a federal prosecutor in Kansas. (Treadway's office declined to comment for this article.)

In 2007, Treadway announced the indictment of Kansas doctor Stephen Schneider and his wife Linda for overprescribing painkillers. The indictment followed a familiar pattern: Treadway held a press conference, used terms like "pill mill" and "drug dealer," and, with the aid of some questionable science, linked the Schneiders to 56 alleged patient overdose deaths (Wichita Federal District Court Judge Monti Belot later reduced the number to four). Reynolds went to work on the Schneiders' behalf. She organized patient protests outside their closed clinic, and encouraged them to speak out about how Schneider's treatment had improved their lives. She paid for a billboard proclaiming the Schneiders' innocence

The savvy and unusual countercampaign didn't sit well with Treadway. She first tried to get a gag order preventing Reynolds from talking about the case in public. Judge Belot said no. Several of Schneider's patients say they were then visited by federal agents, who forced their way into their homes and took documents (including a letter Schneider had sent one of them from prison). Treadway next asked the judge to move the case out of town, arguing that Reynolds' advocacy had tainted the jury pool (never mind Treadway's own press conference). Belot denied the change of venue request, too.

Treadway then launched a grand jury investigation of Reynolds, presumably for obstruction of justice, though she told Reynolds' attorney that she would neither confirm nor deny that an investigation was under way. She issued Reynolds a sweeping subpoena demanding all of her records for every case in which she has ever advocated on behalf of a doctor or patient—every e-mail, letter, and phone record, as well as Facebook wall posts and status updates. Complying cost Reynolds tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of labor. With help from the ACLU, Reynolds sued to have the subpoena quashed. She lost. A second judge, Julie A. Robinson, hit her with a $200 fine for contempt each day she didn't comply. Robinson also declined Reynolds' request to make the subpoena and related proceedings public, effectively imposing a seal on the subpoena, Reynolds' challenge to it, and any materials related to either.

In the meantime, the Schneiders were convicted in federal court of drug trafficking. During their sentencing, Federal District Court Monti Belot called Reynolds "stupid" and "deranged," and referred to the Pain Relief Network as a "Bozo the Clown outfit."

When Reynolds appealed the subpoena, the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit upheld it, as well as the seal on everything related to it. While we can't read the ruling, the justification for the seal is ostensibly the secrecy afforded to grand jury investigations. But that secrecy is supposed to protect the people the grand jury is investigating. In this case, the person being investigated wants it made public. Reynolds feels the subpoena is harassment and wants to shed some light on it. Treadway and the courts are hammering Reynolds with the very secrecy that is supposed to protect her.
Reynolds had to get special permission just to share information about her case with the Institute for Justice and the Reason Foundation (which publishes Reason magazine, my employer). When the organizations submitted an amicus brief on her behalf, that brief was also sealed, even though it's based on publicly available information. New York Times Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak was able to read a portion of the sealed 10th Circuit ruling on the sealing of the Reason and Institute for Justice briefs. In November, Liptak reported that the court said one of its reasons for keeping the brief secret was to keep IJ and the Reason Foundation from discussing Reynolds' pain advocacy agenda in public.

That's an astonishing thing to read in a federal appeals court opinion. All of the information in the brief is publicly available. Yet the courts are preventing Reynolds and these organizations from releasing the briefs or the court rulings, at least in part to stifle public discussion about Reynolds' criticism of government policy.

Reynolds appealed the 10th Circuit rulings on both the subpoena and the seal to the Supreme Court, but it declined to take the case. That means Treadway's deployment of a grand jury investigation to silence Reynolds will stand. The demands of the subpoena have broken the Pain Relief Network. Reynolds is shutting it down because she's out of money. Federal law allows criminal defendants who are acquitted to be reimbursed for their legal expenses. But Reynolds has been neither indicted nor cleared. There's no deadline for ending the grand jury investigation. Can this possibly be how the system is supposed to work?

Oh, and another fun tidbit: Prosecutors enjoy absolute immunity in the exercising of their powers, they can literally manufacture evidence, withhold exculpatory information, and send you to death row for a crime they KNOW you didn't commit and you can't as much as sue them for it. Look it up, it's one of the greatest travesties of a legal system that's positively riddled with them.

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21 Dec 2010, 11:44 pm

I haven't read this entire article, but the career of Martha Coackley is a testament to the shamelessness, presumption of inerrancy, and abusive power prosecutors have in America.



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21 Dec 2010, 11:53 pm

Dox47, that isn't entirely true if you look at the Duke LaCross scandal. It turned into the prosecutor being prosecuted for prosecutorial misconduct.


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22 Dec 2010, 1:11 am

Master_Pedant wrote:
I haven't read this entire article, but the career of Martha Coackley is a testament to the shamelessness, presumption of inerrancy, and abusive power prosecutors have in America.

I'm not too familiar with Coakley, beyond her incompetent Massachusetts senate run of course. Her Wikipedia entry details some sketchyness with a cop she wouldn't indict for child molestation that her successor successfully prosecuted, and a possible victim of the satanic child abuse scares that she wouldn't release in spite of evidence, but again I'm not too familiar with her record.

Prosecutors in general are very high on my list of government employees gone amok, far too often it seems that they forget that their job is not to win at any cost but to seek justice, and they are insulated from any consequences of this drift.

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22 Dec 2010, 2:44 am

Dox47 wrote:
Prosecutors in general are very high on my list of government employees gone amok, far too often it seems that they forget that their job is not to win at any cost but to seek justice, and they are insulated from any consequences of this drift.

Maybe it's a case of a bad character selection. It seems prosecutors who actually care about justice would try to avoid being in the position where they are forced to prosecute charges based on draconian drug laws. Only power tripping scum actually want the job of harassing pain management doctors and patients.


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22 Dec 2010, 2:50 am

marshall wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
Prosecutors in general are very high on my list of government employees gone amok, far too often it seems that they forget that their job is not to win at any cost but to seek justice, and they are insulated from any consequences of this drift.

Maybe it's a case of a bad character selection. It seems prosecutors who actually care about justice would try to avoid being in the position where they are forced to prosecute charges based on draconian drug laws. Only power tripping scum actually want the job of harassing pain management doctors and patients.
The problem is that their performance is evaluated in terms of how many convictions they get. Everything in government is about statistics.


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22 Dec 2010, 3:16 am

mcg wrote:
marshall wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
Prosecutors in general are very high on my list of government employees gone amok, far too often it seems that they forget that their job is not to win at any cost but to seek justice, and they are insulated from any consequences of this drift.

Maybe it's a case of a bad character selection. It seems prosecutors who actually care about justice would try to avoid being in the position where they are forced to prosecute charges based on draconian drug laws. Only power tripping scum actually want the job of harassing pain management doctors and patients.
The problem is that their performance is evaluated in terms of how many convictions they get. Everything in government is about statistics.

Still, only people of questionable caliber are going to needlessly ruin peoples lives ever questionable charges due to pressure from the heads of the fiefdom. Though maybe I underestimate how much people truly suck.


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22 Dec 2010, 4:02 am

I remember reading about a doctor in IIRC Needles, California being targeted by the DEA in the 90's. The end result was he dumped all of his pain patients (and he was the main pain-treating doctors there). And no other doctor in the area would touch those patients with a 10-foot pole. One patient committed suicide as a result of it (and made a videotape explaining why, so no one could blame it on anything else).

This grand jury is news to me, though. That's a lot worse than what happened to that doctor in Needles.

As far as prosecutors (and cops) being able to lie, fabricate evidence, and so forth also puts my blood pressure into the stratosphere. Every kid in high school needs to be taught about that stuff. I doubt many adults even know.


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22 Dec 2010, 4:34 am

From my own experiences of the legal system - as a child in 'care' after being battered by my father, and as a result of a custody case involving my own daughter, and later working for law firms as a PA then as a paralegal, and also hearing of my friend's experiences relating to activism - I came to the firm conclusion that the law and justice are two entirely different things. If a case goes to court, you get law, you don't necessarily get justice.

As for a case like this, yes, it's shocking; it just goes to show how people can abuse the powers they're entrusted with.

One of the biggest problems, as I see it, with the US system, is the election of District Attorneys. To my mind, it's problematic that a person's career can rest on 'results' by way of successful convictions due to these positions being held by elected officials. People's voting will probably be swayed by how many 'bad guys' were sent to prison and punished, their votes won't be swayed by the number of cases behind the scenes that were dropped because the evidence didn't support a prosecution.

Of course, in other jurisdictions where such officials aren't elected, their careers are also, in a way, dependent on 'results', they might get promoted (or not promoted), but they're unlikely to lose their job unless they're guilty of some kind of misconduct or wrongdoing.

Having elected District Attorneys, whereby people risk losing their job not because of any wrongdoing or misconduct (although of course that also applies) but because they haven't secured enough convictions, their office hasn't 'resolved' a high profile case or whatever, creates a system whereby questionable decisions might be rewarded by re-election.

And because the District Attorneys are elected, their reputation is also dependent on those who work in their department who do the leg-work, who prosecute the cases. So the possibility arises of politically motivated prosecutions, or failing to prosecute cases for political reasons.

Malicious prosecutions can and do occur. But what's particularly alarming about this case is the way it has effectively 'silenced' someone, and vested interests have apparently come into play. It does sound like a terrible injustice has been and is being done.


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22 Dec 2010, 1:37 pm

More madness from this case: ... s-for.html

Feds fight indigent status for Kan. doctor's wife
The Associated Press

WICHITA, Kan. - The wife of a Kansas doctor whose pain clinic was linked to 68 overdose deaths wants a public defender as she appeals her convictions in the case.

But federal prosecutors oppose the request by Linda Schneider to have a judge declare her indigent. They argue the Haysville woman has assets in Mexico she can use to finance an appeal.

Schneider and her husband, Dr. Stephen Schneider, were convicted of unlawfully prescribing drugs, health care fraud and money laundering.

Prosecutors did not object last week when U.S. District Judge Monti Belot cleared the way for Stephen Schneider to get a public defender. But they contend in a filing Monday that Linda Schneider has represented herself as the sole owner of a Mexican villa, bank account and motor vehicles that she could forfeit.

These people are subject to a forfeiture order already due to the drug conviction; how many private attorneys are going to be willing to take a client who's ability to pay is in that much doubt? Tanya Treadway, the federal prosecutor trying the case tried a similar tactic during the trial, it would seem that she prefers her victims not to have legal representation...

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22 Dec 2010, 2:51 pm


just.... disgusting.

wtf do we do about it? i think it would make more sense for this kind of thing to be evaluated by a medical board before elevating it to criminal prosecution. something i always appreciated about "law and order" and its many spinoffs is the frequency with which they break the rules and the frequency with which they accuse and even convict innocent people.

arguably, our current system, while heavily flawed, is superior to those systems it has replaced. this should give us hope for more beneficial changes to our system in the future...

...but only if we're willing to make changes...

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22 Dec 2010, 3:04 pm

Prosecutors are perhaps on of the biggest evils in the system.

Many of them are career minded which equates to getting lots of convictions at any cost. Justice is not a concern to most of them.


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22 Dec 2010, 3:21 pm

The thread title sounds like the name of a new reality tv show.

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22 Dec 2010, 3:43 pm

skafather84 wrote:
The thread title sounds like the name of a new reality tv show.

Can it be like one of those sadistic Japanese games shows? 'Cause I'm in if it involves bad things happening to bad prosecutors.

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22 Dec 2010, 3:49 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
Dox47, that isn't entirely true if you look at the Duke LaCross scandal. It turned into the prosecutor being prosecuted for prosecutorial misconduct.

Did you read the part where he was the only person so charged in 150 years in that state? Or his 1 day jail sentence? Sure he got disbarred, but he hasn't had to pay a dime of restitution for what he did, and he can even try to get his law license back in 2012. Contrast that with the estimated three million dollar legal defense bill bore by the falsely accused students, and it doesn't look much like justice was served. It's nice that in that particular case something was done, but in general prosecutors are not only not punished but often rewarded for knowingly prosecuting the innocent.

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22 Dec 2010, 3:53 pm

Dox47 wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
The thread title sounds like the name of a new reality tv show.

Can it be like one of those sadistic Japanese games shows? 'Cause I'm in if it involves bad things happening to bad prosecutors.

Yeah, but let's be realistic, it'd be about hedonistic jerk bad prosecutors doing coke off hookers' asses and scheming ways to hide evidence from the jury.

/it seems a fairly large number of law students do cocaine.

Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823

?I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.? - Hunter S. Thompson