ikorack wrote:
Fuzzy wrote:
ikorack wrote:
XD I didn't mean it was something to look forward to, i loathe the day Atheism becomes institutionalized and dogmatic.
You just started the process by capitalizing it.
Oh please, you have fundamentalists now, once they organize the Internet will be one big largely ignorant flame war.(moreso) I just really hope their dogma doesn't go violent. Of course this could in theory be stalled by educating your fundamentalists(and folding them into the current status quo) before they organize themselves. This of course assumes they realize they need education and then want said education
Atheism is the bastard child of theism. It exists only in negation of the ideas promulgated by theists. It is neither a person, place or thing, so does not qualify for a capital letter except at the beginning of a sentence, in a title or other similar grammatical situations. That you(and I mean you ikorack) capitalise it indicates that you give it much more weight than the typical atheist.
Would that there be no theism, atheism would lack any possible definition. It is only that theism has a direction that atheism can be said to counter it. I was being a little facetious last post, but there is a kernel or truth there. Atheism cannot give up the ghost as long as theism exists. Its possibility for institutionalisation exists only so far as believers credit its existence.
Other words we find useful which are equally undeserving of capitalisation are cold and dark. These things are also rather resistant to institutionalisation. Could you leave the lights on in the thread when you go? We dont want anyone tripping in the dark.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.