Fnord wrote:
Contrails: Condensation trails formed behind jet airplanes when they burn fuel in the upper troposphere where temperatures are very low and the condensation droplets rapidly freeze into ice crystals. Contrails form when water vapor in the exhaust from jet-engines freezes high in the troposphere where airliners cruise; OR when fuel containing hydrogen is burned, and then combined with oxygen in the air to form water vapor. If the ambient air is dry, contrails will evaporate almost immediately. The ambient air must be "close to saturation with water" for a condensation trail to form.
No. THIS ^ is what they WANT you to believe!
That its all just innocent accidental water vapor!
But some of us ON to them.
They being the Rothchildes, who are behind the Iluminatti .
Or..is it the Illuminatti who are behind the Rothchildes? I can never keep it straight!