Locked-In Syndrome
Imagine being awake and alert and having your mental functions fully intact, but unable to make yourself move. You can see and hear and understand everything that people say to you, but you cannot talk. You cannot move your arms or stand up. Every muscle in your body is paralyzed, except for the muscles controlling your eyes. You can only blink.
This is a real condition. Some people really are in that situation. It is called "locked-in syndrome". Locked inside your own body.
Patients who have Locked-In Syndrome are fully aware. They will know exactly where their arms and legs are, and unlike paralyzed patients, they can still feel sensations of pain and touch. Some patients may have the ability to move certain facial muscles. The majority of locked-in syndrome patients do not regain motor control, but several devices are available to help patients communicate."
-- Wikipedia
This would be such a terrible situation to be in. Fully aware but completely paralyzed, except for your eyes. Every day you pray to god to help you regain control of your body, but he never answers your prayers, and you live the rest of your life in this state.
If god exists, why does he cause or allow such a terrible thing? How can you admire a god that has the power to help such people, but refuses or fails to do so?
Does god have ANY sympathy for these people?
Joined: 4 Nov 2005
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Posts: 361
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emp you should be trolling christian boards... theologyonline.com would be the place to be for you. or www.iidb.org I believe...
Also if you're interested hit up the old Cdelphs... they are are a mishmash of rationalistic/scientific and fundamentalist delusionals... thechristadelphians.org/forums
Not holding back this time. Ictylan rage: blazing like a fire, and rushing like a river...
Emp, you're being a jackass. Stop it. We got your point in the first thread, you don't need two more. Besides, you already know your answer, you're just being a f-ing idiot. I won't even try to respond, because what happened to the other threads will happen here. For those of you who don't know, I made a post in another thread describing it:
Yeah, you won't have a response. Just F*** off.
(Sorry about this display. I usually don't do this, but I have just had it with the bull going on here and in RL.)
If you come into this thread, acting all manipualtive and nice, I will E-strangle you. Trust me, it hurts.
E-STRANGLE???? That's a new one on me.
EMP, I'm re-posting this because you did'nt respond to it the first time.
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !
If God exists, why does he allow such tedious posts to exist? How can anyone admire a God that refuses to do anything about such dimwitted trolling?
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
-- Samuel Beckett
LMAO! Good one!
Seriously, hasn't it occured to anyone else that we are seeing a person indulging in his obsession here? Lots of us have obsessions. If anyone doesn't feel like facilitating this particular one, just don't post on the threads. With no replies, they will quickly fade into obscurity.
LMAO! Good one!
Seriously, hasn't it occured to anyone else that we are seeing a person indulging in his obsession here? Lots of us have obsessions. If anyone doesn't feel like facilitating this particular one, just don't post on the threads. With no replies, they will quickly fade into obscurity.
Nah, It's kinda fun to kick buffoons, and believe me its twice as fun kicking Emp.
If god exists, why does he cause or allow such a terrible thing? How can you admire a god that has the power to help such people, but refuses or fails to do so?
Does god have ANY sympathy for these people?
This sounds kind of like it's similar Lou Gherrig's or Parkinsons. My grandfather is dying of Parkinsons and has been for a decade. But contrary to the questions asked here, he thanks God daily that he has another day of life. We come at it here from an academic point of view, but in real life - those who have faith are comforted by God, not tormented by Him, when these things happen. My observation has been that it is those who lack faith (or claim they do) that despair and become angry.
There seems to be a feeling of entitlement and anger in the athiesm I've encountered - and in this line of thought - that God owes us something, like perfect health. I don't subscribe to it, but would be interested in knowing why some in this forum do.
There seems to be a feeling of entitlement and anger in the athiesm I've encountered - and in this line of thought - that God owes us something, like perfect health. I don't subscribe to it, but would be interested in knowing why some in this forum do.
Please clarify what you mean by "entitlement" and "anger", and how you came to this conclusion. That would help me to better understand your line of thought.
Thanks, I look forward to discussing these issues with you.
Only a miracle can save me; too bad I don't believe in miracles.
I see your point; but both the old and new testaments do hold out certain promises to those who either believe (NT) or obey the Law (OT); and it's pretty easy to see that those promises usually do not come to pass.
(I am specifically referring to the blessings promised in Deuteronomy Chapter 30; and to Mark 16:17-18, which speaks of the signs that shall "follow the believer": “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.")
So I imagine the feelings of anger and entitlement are similar to what one feels when a trusted parent breaks a promise (although in the former case the promises belong to the children of Israel, and in the latter to the loyal followers of Jesus).
I do note that the promises are very conditional and not universal. In the one case, one needs to live by the Law, in perfection; and in the other, we need perfect faith. Both these things seem almost impossible to accomplish no matter what religion you claim; so one conclusion could be that the promises are false hopes. That would surely make me angry, if I was either an observer or a believer.
As for entitlement, well, that's a sort of disease of our time and place. We feel entitled to so much: education, food, clean water, fair employment; it is easy to forget that these things aren't ours by right, but available to us because others worked and fought and died for them. It's easy to take these feelings of entitlement a step further and believe that simply by being born we are entitled to a good mind, a strong body, and perfect health.
Just MHO.
There seems to be a feeling of entitlement and anger in the athiesm I've encountered - and in this line of thought - that God owes us something, like perfect health. I don't subscribe to it, but would be interested in knowing why some in this forum do.
Please clarify what you mean by "entitlement" and "anger", and how you came to this conclusion. That would help me to better understand your line of thought.
Thanks, I look forward to discussing these issues with you.
HEHEHEHEHE NOW we'll see if he can take his own medicine!! !
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !
I guess we can bring up religion and hatred in every circumstance. Moving on...
Locked in Syndrome is terrible, just like Lou Gherrigs disease.
What I am amazed at is the human spirit and optimism that surrounds people who have deal with their body like this. Yes, people live no matter what injury they have and they prosper.
Eventually we can probably overcome this through cybernetics... (I should stop saying that line, becoming a broken record)
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