What's the difference between Bibleland and Harry Potterland / Disneyworldland? In my view, very little difference at all since all of them ask persons to blindly live in the world of blind faith/blind imagination; however, for some reason, the USA Supreme Court say if one lives in Harry Potterland /Disneyworldland one has to pay taxes; if they live in Bibleland, they are non-profit and tax-exempt.
Your view?
Aladdin and the Lamp
Mary and the Angel
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell
Dumbo the Elephant (and the feather of blind faith)
Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone (King Arthur)
and so on
Should Harry Potterland and Disneyworldland petition the White House so they can have member seats at?: [the] White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships ...
The initiative sought to strengthen faith-based and community organizations ... They also argued that faith-based initiatives were used as part of electoral ...
Under George W. Bush (Inventor of USA Dept. of Religions) - Under Barack Obama (Reformer of USA Dept. of Religions) - Controversies - See also
en.wikipedia.org/.../White_House_Office_of_Faith-Based_and_Neighborhood_Partnerships - Cached - Similar (Google) - Politics, Philosophy, and Religion