Moog wrote:
It's okay, no one will notice how bad things are, the video game generation have got video games.
Generation Y as in 'Why would I give a #*^#..?'
In general I agree with the basic premise of the opening statement.
Each generation responds to many stimuli, some obvious ones with regard this issue are their contemporary interpretation of history, their current situation and what is the accepted 'vision' of their peer group, another important factor is the attitudes of their mentor generation which are also similarly shaped back to the last visible dog.
To blame the current cultural void as entirely the fault of the 'boomers' is to deny these facts.
The journey that we the human race has taken to reach this point has multiple important factors in it's navigation.
In the late nineteenth century as the United States gained in confidence and wealth the old powers of Europe encountered several hurdles including a military impasse and a minor economic recession which led to a crisis in confidence and an attendant rise in nationalism and a clutching at straws in terms of new economic and social political theories. this led for the most part to the trauma of another recession around the turn of the century and then world war I which traumatised an entire generation throughout the 'European' world and it's colonies and ex colonies. This in turn led to the rise of even more extreme social, economic and political theories, a period of over the top hedonism followed by a global economic crisis and another world war which further traumatised all of the most influential societies globally.
Now, imagine being born into a world where dad is emotionally unavailable and basically pretty messed up having been through the grinder of modern warfare, mum is adjusting to getting back into the home after tasting the relative 'freedom' of working out of the home, being valued economically and missing it. all this after both of them were raised and come of age amidst the hardship of a 'depression'. Your grandparents are similarly traumatised by a similar sequence of experiences. Add the adjustment to the new global political situation that reinforces the new mantras of 'live for today kid 'cause there may not be a tomorrow' in an environment of increased affluence and there you have the formula for the 'boomers'.
[This is not all there is to consider just some of my more immediate thoughts on the issue]
None of this lets
anybody off the hook with regard personal responsibility however! So where do we go from here?
peace j
Just because we can does not mean we should.
What vision is left? And is anyone asking?
Have a great day!