US Supreme Court declares Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas, USA, the one true church
Supreme Court OKs Protests at Military Funerals
ABC News - Ariane de Vogue - 30 minutes ago
The Supreme Court ruled today that the First Amendment protects members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., who have held provacative, anti-gay protests at military funerals. An 8 to 1 majority affirmed a lower court ... (Google)
"Speech is powerful," Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority. "It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and - as it did here - inflict great pain."
more by John Roberts - 19 minutes ago - New York Times (102 occurrences) (Google)
- Politics, Philosophies, Religions
If you're a card carrying member of Westboro Baptist Church from the state of Kansas, USA, you are saved and going to heaven.
If you belong to any other non-profit religion, you're unsaved and going to heck.
- The US Supreme Court has spoken (2011)
...No discussion allowed: convert to the Westboro Baptist Church (2011) of Kansas or die (so to speak)...
The law aka the US Supreme Court has spoken...
According to the US Supreme Court (2011), what non-profit religion did George Washington belong to?
Correct answer:
Westboro Baptist Church from the state of Kansas, USA.
...No questions allowed - convert or die...Facts are facts...
Words: Attempted humor. humor, irony, satire, reality, a sad day for the US Court system?/a happy day for the US Court system?
Last edited by pgd on 02 Mar 2011, 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.