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Who's more evil??
Adolph Hitler 35%  35%  [ 7 ]
Adolph Hitler 35%  35%  [ 7 ]
Benny Hinn 15%  15%  [ 3 ]
Benny Hinn 15%  15%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 20


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20 Jul 2006, 12:54 am

What do you think is a more evil act, killing someone, or completely braiwahing someone into a life of serving you. Case in point, have you heard of this douchebag Benny Hinn?? he dupes people into giving him their life earnings so he can live a muti-millionare jet-setting lifestyle. i can't figure out who's worse. This guy or Adolph Hitler. There's a certian honesty about pointing a gun in someones face and shooting them. There's no deception as to what your intentions are. This scumbag makes a living by fooling vulnerable people.

All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !


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20 Jul 2006, 1:13 am

I think it's like apples and oranges, you can't really compare them.

Still, based on volume, I'm going with Hitler, although I personally think that Himmler was the real evil behind the Nazis.


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20 Jul 2006, 1:26 am

I guess we might answer it ,if either did not exsist what would have happen.
My guess is Benny Hinn's are a dime a dozen. While the events after WW I made
WW II unavoidable , without Hitler the Germans might have won! The total number
of dead might have been twice as high if a smarter military leader had been in Germany. Maybe the war ends in 1948. with about 20 atom bombs dropped on germany. Hitler was a rare dumbass. So the answer is easy Benny Hinn your


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20 Jul 2006, 3:58 pm

Just look at those pictures on that guy's web site...all those people with their hands up in the praise antennae stance. What the hell is that all about anyway? And the header freaked me out:
Continuing the Season of Historic Harvest
Souls! Souls! Souls!

What, is he harvesting and eating peoples' souls? What the hell is going on? And plenty of people seem interested in putting up those praise antennaes and allowing him to go on with his harvest.

Here's a quote from the story about his Japan tour. My comments are in italic:
The Lord Who Heals
During the first service, Pastor Benny turned to the people and said, “The Lord is forbidding me to preach the message I prepared. I’m to preach it in another service here in Kobe. I believe it’s to be on Monday. God has given me another message for this service.” {Translation: I haven't written the sermon yet, but it should be done by Monday...maybe. Sounds like someone wasn't prepared for his performance to me}With that he turned in his Bible to Exodus 15:26, pausing to repeat the last words of the verse which declares, "For I am the LORD that healeth thee." {There's always a backup sermon in that book somewhere...that's as good a quote as any}
Pastor Benny used the children of Israel as an example, pointing out that they were all healed after they came out of Egypt. He focused on God’s promise of healing and challenged those present to trust God for miracles. {I wonder how much those miracles know his sermons (or concerts, whatever) probably cost a pretty penny to get into.}
As he then began to call out words of knowledge, people began moving out of their seats and stepping into the aisles in response to God’s healing touch on them.

This guy must be able to pull sermons out of his ass. But I think you can only get the good, well-written ones on Mondays. There's more, but I'm not going to bother commenting. Let's just say that he hires a lot of people to be miraculously cured. In the article I read, here were the miracles:
1. Some guy who'd had a stroke got out of his wheelchair and walked around like it was no big deal
2. A woman with a friend with her had had cancer and was in a lot of pain. She did some calisthenics on stage for the audience. "Okay everyone, now touch your toes...1 and 2 and..."
3. An old favorite, the arthritic woman with the walking stick showed up as well. That walking stick was dramatically tossed off stage, caught by someone, and that woman didn't need that stick anymore!

His miracle people had the day off to see the sites. No miracles today.

1. Wheelchair lady showed up. She walked.
2. Car accident victim with friend showed up too. No more pain!
3. A new one, the idol worshiper (what?) came into the kingdom.

Does this seem like a crock of sh** to anyone else? He's just a charismatic guy who knows how to go on tour and make money. What an ass.


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20 Jul 2006, 9:52 pm

I'd go with McJeff It's apples and oranges. Your right about Hitler at least you knew where you stood. I find Benny Hinn and other televangelists reprehenisble and hope some day they will be exposed like Baker was they are all the scum of the earth

"Strange is your language and I have no decoder Why don't make your intentions clear..." Peter Gabriel

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21 Jul 2006, 10:16 am

Hitler was the worst, the Jews did nothing to him but he still killed millons of them. And of cource he just didn't give a quick and painless death he just put them in camps and made them work till the die. It's almost like they enjoyed toturteing them to death.

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21 Jul 2006, 11:17 am

Benny Hinn is a douche but that isn't tantamount to killing 12 million people.


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21 Jul 2006, 1:44 pm

Sundy wrote:
His miracle people had the day off to see the sites. No miracles today.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Only a miracle can save me; too bad I don't believe in miracles.


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21 Jul 2006, 9:55 pm

I'm going to have to go with Hitler here. Hinn just looks to be a con man. Now on the other hand if he starts chopping up people and forcing his worshippers to eat each other, then maybe we can make a case.
