Noah's Ark: Why Religion and Science don't mix

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Blue Jay
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23 Jul 2006, 11:31 am

Here's why you don't mix religion and science.

Check out the B.A.S.E. website- these are the people who "found Noah's Ark" a month ago:

Here's what they said when "they found Noah's Ark" a month ago:

”I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark. We got up to this object, nestled in the side of a hill... We found something that has my heart skipping a beat. It wasn't impressive at first. Certainly didn't think it to be Noah's Ark. But when we got close, we were amazed. It looked similar to wood. It looked like the deck of any boat today.”

And here's what they're saying now:

"Recently the search for Noah's ark has exploded with media attention after we shared pictures of a rock formation found on a high mountain in Iran. I have been careful to position all comments that I am not claiming to conclusively to have found the ark. I am not however dismissing the potential of that find in Iran has significant historical relevance"

The website then goes on and on offering their evidence, which is various interpretations of the Bible and how these rocks they found fit this interpretation. Of course there is no scientific evidence- you know... high quality pictures of the object, a sample of the rocks, carbon dating... you know... PROOF. Oh, and the rocks themselves? Yes- they're rocks, not petrified wood. Plain old rocks- no cut marks, no dovetailing of the rocks which would show where these "beams" come together to form a boat... no indication that this is anything but a pile of rocks.

But don't despair- there's a big old link on the site for donations...


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23 Jul 2006, 12:01 pm

Doesn't mean the ark didn't exist. Though people like these certainly don't help.

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23 Jul 2006, 3:16 pm

Musical_Lottie wrote:
Doesn't mean the ark didn't exist. Though people like these certainly don't help.

Ask any engineer who's experienced with large wooden structures. If the ark was built to the dimentions specified in the bible, it would've colapsed under it's own weight.

And that's not even getting into how the flooding of the whole earth is scientifcally impossible.

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Blue Jay
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23 Jul 2006, 4:56 pm

I'm not saying the ark did not exist, I am saying it is dangerous when you use a Bible instead of a map to make scientific discoveries.

I sent an email to one of the authors who wrote so enthusiastically about Noah's Ark a month ago and here's the reply:

>>You asked me about anything new about the ark. No, nothing. There are more sightings from that same area. These many sightings need a clear investigation. I am positive that we will have that information validating God's word before non believers in God's due time.<<

As far as "is it scientifically possible for the entire Earth to flooded" I say yes it is entirely. It's entirely possible that the entire Earth was 14,000 feet underwater at one time long ago. The only explanation that allows this is that over time, the Earth "bled off" this excess H2O into space. Do I believe it? Not for a moment- there is no proof.


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23 Jul 2006, 8:08 pm

ladakh wrote:
I'm not saying the ark did not exist, I am saying it is dangerous when you use a Bible instead of a map to make scientific discoveries.

You may not be saying the ark did'nt exist, but I'll make that claim. The story of Noah's ark was plagerized from the Babalonians, who plagerized it from the Summerians. This story is a 5000 year old game of telephone!!

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23 Jul 2006, 8:17 pm

ladakh wrote:

As far as "is it scientifically possible for the entire Earth to flooded" I say yes it is entirely. It's entirely possible that the entire Earth was 14,000 feet underwater at one time long ago.

Actually, it's not possible, you would've had to flood the earth to a depth of 28,000 feet above current sea level. That would've required 5 times the amount of water that is here on earth today. This would've tripled atmoshperice pressure along with increased humidity. The air would've been an unbreathable soup to most living things. The majority of life on the ark would've died. That volume of water would've taken 10's of millions of years to disipate resulting in a ring of icy comets surounding the earth. None of this is the case. We not only have an absence of evidence, we have evidence of absence. The Noahican flood never happened, get over it!!

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23 Jul 2006, 8:24 pm

I read somewhere that there was a very significant flood in the Earth's recent past. They've found geological evidence in the rocks showing it or something like that... it's not a subject I care enough about to do any research over, so you can look it up yourselves if you care.

Even assuming that the average sea level was raised 20 feet, it would put a lot of land under water. Assuming it was 50 and you have a environmental disaster great enough to be remembered and passed down.

I'm not saying I believe in God and the story of the Flood, because I don't. I just have found that most myth is based on some truth.


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23 Jul 2006, 9:08 pm

My online friend and I had a funny conversation about Noah's Ark a few months ago. I think it's a load of hooey but enjoy making jokes about it anyway.

"What if," I asked, "all the animals used to be intelligent and what not, but then got all screwed up by Noah's Ark? Like, they only had one male and one female for each species, thus creating severe incess, which would probably cause the future generations to be insane and possibly deevolved."

"OOH!" my friend went. "And that's when all the animals started getting feral eating each other, too! ZOMG! THIS ALMOST RESTORES MY FAITH!"

"Poor Noah must've spent that whole time just pushing a huge cart with all the different types of food for ALL THOSE different species of animals," I joked. "And since it's such a HUGE cart because there's so many different kinds of animals, and therefore so many different kinds of foods, it must've taken him forever to actually feed all of them. So the poor hippos probably got hungry because their lunch was so overdue, so they started eating the rabbits. So then other hungry animals must've taken a leaf from the hippos' book. And there were plenty of rabbits to go around for everyone, because the rabbits were, you know, breeding like rabbits."

Heheheheh! XD


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23 Jul 2006, 10:06 pm

McJeff wrote:
I'm not saying I believe in God and the story of the Flood, because I don't. I just have found that most myth is based on some truth.

Here's a site that taks about the truth that the myth of Noah's ark is based on.

It also talks about where most of the book of Genisis comes from. (Jews plagerized it from the Babalonians and the Epic of Gilgamesh)

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30 Jul 2006, 9:39 pm

Scrapheap wrote:
ladakh wrote:
I'm not saying the ark did not exist, I am saying it is dangerous when you use a Bible instead of a map to make scientific discoveries.

You may not be saying the ark did'nt exist, but I'll make that claim. The story of Noah's ark was plagerized from the Babalonians, who plagerized it from the Summerians. This story is a 5000 year old game of telephone!!
The interesting thing is that almost every culture has an ark story, even those which had no contact with other civilazations. Kinda make you wonder if something happened...


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30 Jul 2006, 11:57 pm

Barracuda wrote:
The interesting thing is that almost every culture has an ark story, even those which had no contact with other civilazations. Kinda make you wonder if something happened...

That's because most civilizations are near or in areas prone to flooding. This is called a "Flood based destruction/redemption myth" Where I grew up (Calif central coast) flooding is rare and therefore the Chumash Indians don't have a flood myth. The area is prone to brush fires and earthquakes. Naturaly the Chumash Indians have Fire and Earthquake based destruction/redemption myths. The common thread is geography.

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30 Jul 2006, 11:59 pm

Barracuda wrote:
The interesting thing is that almost every culture has an ark story, even those which had no contact with other civilazations. Kinda make you wonder if something happened...

An ark story or a flood story? Floods are as inevitable as fire. Which isolated civilisations have stories similar to Noah's Ark?


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31 Jul 2006, 12:20 am

riley wrote:
Barracuda wrote:
The interesting thing is that almost every culture has an ark story, even those which had no contact with other civilazations. Kinda make you wonder if something happened...

An ark story or a flood story? Floods are as inevitable as fire. Which isolated civilisations have stories similar to Noah's Ark?
I am way too tired to be posting. Sorry about that. Most flood storys do have an 'ark' of sorts. not like Noah's but the idea is the same. (The civilation(s) I am thinking of are the Hawaiian island or the South Pacific islands) The Wikipedia article has most of the stories.