My online friend and I had a funny conversation about Noah's Ark a few months ago. I think it's a load of hooey but enjoy making jokes about it anyway.
"What if," I asked, "all the animals used to be intelligent and what not, but then got all screwed up by Noah's Ark? Like, they only had one male and one female for each species, thus creating severe incess, which would probably cause the future generations to be insane and possibly deevolved."
"OOH!" my friend went. "And that's when all the animals started getting feral eating each other, too! ZOMG! THIS ALMOST RESTORES MY FAITH!"
"Poor Noah must've spent that whole time just pushing a huge cart with all the different types of food for ALL THOSE different species of animals," I joked. "And since it's such a HUGE cart because there's so many different kinds of animals, and therefore so many different kinds of foods, it must've taken him forever to actually feed all of them. So the poor hippos probably got hungry because their lunch was so overdue, so they started eating the rabbits. So then other hungry animals must've taken a leaf from the hippos' book. And there were plenty of rabbits to go around for everyone, because the rabbits were, you know, breeding like rabbits."
Heheheheh! XD