I'm not saying there aren't a few decent southerners here and there, I'm one of the few good ones. Last night I got into a huge fight with my mom's (now ex) boyfriend, an older southern man in his 50's. Always griping about "back in my days when we wrote on cave walls in animal blood".... Acts like his way is superior to everyone else's. Even though many of his traditions have now been prooven counter-productive. He also took a shot at my autism. He also proceeded to yell at me for something HE did! Yeah, we threw down and I kicked his @$$. And now my mom left him and he's no longer allowed over here (though I do wish I could finnish what he started).
Then I looked back at "his days" and "his ways"... I looked over other rednecks, christian conservative type people who are clearly psychotic and have zero reguard for other beliefs and cultures (and the equality thereof), who fuel a theocratic mentality. These same people who, throughout history, slaughtered the native americans, enslaved the blacks, and burned "witches" at stakes. And if you even mention religious equality to them now, they play reverse psychology and act as if THEY'R being discriminated (we're "discriminating their right to discriminate" technically). I mean theyr boneheads, hypocrites, hate mongers.
As for my mom's former boyfriend, he's lucky there are laws against slow torture and murder. If I had my way I would pluck his eyes from his skull and crush his kneecaps, leaving him to live the rest of his life blind and paraplegic.. He tried to make some cockamamee crap up trying to act like I started it, and like people walked out of my life. So I told him, it was he who had his 1. parents (both mom and dad, and his mom lives right down the road from him and hasn't spoke to him in 13 yrs), his kids, and all his former wives left him, and don't want to have anything to do with him. He came back by saying "atleast I've had wives"... What a bs response, yeah and none of them are with him now. That was a shot at my autism too, and I'm sure in his mind "mental disabilities are in your head" (though I don't consider autism a disorder). Basically this idiot was screaming at me because HE left the lock of the gate to the dogpen and my dog got out and attacked a duck. I was f***ing inside the house when this happened. Like I said, if murder and slow torture were legal, he'd be hating life about now.