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22 Jul 2006, 5:33 pm

Hey, I grew up in the south, NC, USA... I will not lie, I am sickly ashamed of my southern heritage. Rednecks disgust me, with thier "only our opinions matter" mentality, closed-mindedness, ill tempers, inability to move with the times and out of digressive traditions, and most of all, the selfish will-accept-and-push oppression so long as it's another demographic. Just the fact that these idiots have the right to vote is a security hazard for freedom loving peoples all over the US. Apparently inbreeding has brought about a culture of people with the collective mindspan of an ape.
They claim to be "rebels" yet they blindly swallow the man's load no matter how sick it might be, and leave one to ask, "what are they rebelling against?" I'll tell you, intelligence! These ****ers are an inferior breed and should be deported for the safety and prosperity of those of us who actually matter.


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22 Jul 2006, 5:36 pm

Go ahead, call me a traitor. Call me a turn coat, call me a benedict arnold. I hate my heritage, I hate rednecks, and I'd be much happier if southern heritage was erased and burned to the ground along with thier nazi-esque peoples.


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22 Jul 2006, 5:55 pm

I'm from Texas. I understand what your trying to say, but one of the things your
forgeting is the postives of southern people. I lived a few months up north.
The people in south are alot more friendily and polite. I never heard the phrase
"excuse me" in the north. People did not smile and act friendily very much towards
me. My sister is southern working up north in IT. Her coworkers were shocked to
hear her talking IT stuff with a thick southern accent. In other words the people
up north will judge you as dumb with a southern accent(real open minded?). The
grass is not greener on the outer side of the fence.


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22 Jul 2006, 6:56 pm

I'm not saying there aren't a few decent southerners here and there, I'm one of the few good ones. Last night I got into a huge fight with my mom's (now ex) boyfriend, an older southern man in his 50's. Always griping about "back in my days when we wrote on cave walls in animal blood".... Acts like his way is superior to everyone else's. Even though many of his traditions have now been prooven counter-productive. He also took a shot at my autism. He also proceeded to yell at me for something HE did! Yeah, we threw down and I kicked his @$$. And now my mom left him and he's no longer allowed over here (though I do wish I could finnish what he started).
Then I looked back at "his days" and "his ways"... I looked over other rednecks, christian conservative type people who are clearly psychotic and have zero reguard for other beliefs and cultures (and the equality thereof), who fuel a theocratic mentality. These same people who, throughout history, slaughtered the native americans, enslaved the blacks, and burned "witches" at stakes. And if you even mention religious equality to them now, they play reverse psychology and act as if THEY'R being discriminated (we're "discriminating their right to discriminate" technically). I mean theyr boneheads, hypocrites, hate mongers.
As for my mom's former boyfriend, he's lucky there are laws against slow torture and murder. If I had my way I would pluck his eyes from his skull and crush his kneecaps, leaving him to live the rest of his life blind and paraplegic.. He tried to make some cockamamee crap up trying to act like I started it, and like people walked out of my life. So I told him, it was he who had his 1. parents (both mom and dad, and his mom lives right down the road from him and hasn't spoke to him in 13 yrs), his kids, and all his former wives left him, and don't want to have anything to do with him. He came back by saying "atleast I've had wives"... What a bs response, yeah and none of them are with him now. That was a shot at my autism too, and I'm sure in his mind "mental disabilities are in your head" (though I don't consider autism a disorder). Basically this idiot was screaming at me because HE left the lock of the gate to the dogpen and my dog got out and attacked a duck. I was f***ing inside the house when this happened. Like I said, if murder and slow torture were legal, he'd be hating life about now.


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22 Jul 2006, 7:11 pm

snake321 wrote:
As for my mom's former boyfriend, he's lucky there are laws against slow torture and murder.

I hated most my mom's boyfriend to. I broke one guys
(real southerns hate that word "guys"!ha,ha )ribs. Your generalized
hate for your moms boyfriend to all southerns. Thats one of the very
same things your claiming about southerns(their generalized hate). Its also
natural to think of where you live as backwards(for 99%) when your not happy
there. Its mostily in your mind. The grass is not greener on the other side. Your
problems are not a function of living in the south. A guy posted from Michigan
about problems at home like yours. You have to understand the problem to beat it.


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23 Jul 2006, 1:08 am

These ****ers are an inferior breed and should be deported for the safety and prosperity of those of us who actually matter.

An you have the nerve to say you're one of the decent ones? Looky here, son, if'n I knew where you live I'd give you a hidin, nail you to the barn door and scald you like a pig. You talk that high-falutin trash, actin' all uppety, like you're better'n us, think you know somethin'. I've seen possums, hell, I've ATE possums with more sense than you.

I'll just close up by sayin you yellow-bellied sissies just TRY and deport us. We'll whup you up but GOOD.


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26 Jul 2006, 4:06 pm

You idiots seem to believe only YOUR opinions matter... Why don't you move to China or some place? There's all the communism you could ask for. Oh, but theyr yellow people *shock*, I guess you couldn't have that.


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26 Jul 2006, 4:10 pm

I'm against southerners who are stone set in the 50's mindset, or who can't deal with differences in positive ways, who have no reguard for anyone else's views but hypocritically insist that all their scapegoats treat them with respect.. You witch-hunters out there, and don't you dare talk to me like ***I'm** the stupid one you nazi f**kbag, I already kicked one confedi-nazi's @SS so you wouldn't make a difference.


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26 Jul 2006, 4:32 pm

This is where you come in preaching about how your beliefs are superior to everyone else's, your upbringing is superior to everyone else's, and anyone who doesn't agree with you or didn't grow up the way you did are somehow evil, and un-American... Am I right?
And anyone who doesn't blindly follow authority, but rather uptakes their PATRIOTIC duty to speak their mind, is un-American, am I right?
"If you ain't like me, you can hang from a tree"?


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26 Jul 2006, 4:34 pm

Anyone with any since doesn't go grab a spatula and scrape a possum off the road and throw it on a grill for dinner.


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26 Jul 2006, 5:57 pm

Face it; you're AS meaning you're probably very different from the white trash you can't stand. Therefore they haven't influenced who you are as a person and you shouldn't feel indebted to them.


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26 Jul 2006, 6:48 pm

I'm thinking of resigning from the philosophy forum though, I know what's going on and I keep up with things, but I would rather not talk about them... I mean what's the point in arguing and getting things stirred up? That just leads to drama and trouble. I figure there's nothing much I could really do to fix things, so I'm just content living in my little corner of the world, and if these psychos push us into a theocratic dictatorship then I'll just wack myself when things get there (better than fighting, having to spend your life running and surrounded by bloodshed).. But until then I'll be happy living in my personal world away from all this, into isolation with exceptions of a few close friends, and I'll stay out of this world.


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26 Jul 2006, 10:22 pm

You know I do not like being called an idiot. I do not like how you say only a few
people in the south are decent. Most people everywhere are good people. I tried to
be nice to you. Your problems have noithing to do with the south. Your AS has you
stuck at your house with your family. You do not get along with them. Your unhappy.
You do not have the means to live on your own ,where you want. Instead of focusing
on things productive that can help you , you are focused on looking for escape
goats. Thats all natural I do not hate you for that. I want you to see in your minds
eye that if you want to be happy the first step is forget this hate of the south. I
guess I'm older than you (Im 36) . I hated the small town I grew up in. I am back
in that town but now I know where Im at is not the problem. No matter where I go
Im there. I kinda like this small town now. I lived in Florida, Texas(3 cities) and
Indianna the same problems follow you everywhere. Instead of getting mad because people do not rubber stamp your hate of the south think about your real problems.
When you can live any where your want chance are it want matter alot where that is.

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27 Jul 2006, 11:43 pm

I echo TheMachine's statements. I grew up in the South, and in an area that was kind of inbetween the North and South, with few friends and I spent most of the time lying in my bed with nothng to do. I really hated most people at my school, but I seemed to think the popular , transplanted yankees were worse than the hicks. They seemed to scream the most self-entitlement and general disregard for others.


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28 Jul 2006, 6:43 am

From what I understand, some parts of the South are better than others.

Austin is supposedly very liberal.

I wouldn't worry too much about the people around you, or assume that you're in any way like them but in the most simple ways.


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28 Jul 2006, 11:27 am

I'm not attacking Machine1 or the other dude, the only ones I'm attacking are mainly narrow-minded Christian conservative types, Bushies, and overly preachy traditionalists. I'm not against religion, I'm against the misuse of religion. All the main religions pretty much carry the same message, brotherly love for all humanity... But what is happening, particularly with Islam and Christianity, is theyr being turned into vessels for hatred and intolerance.
There is a reason for seperation of church and state... We live in a multi-cultural nation, you can't make lets say, a jew follow christian laws, or a muslim, or an atheist... And by using religion as a political tool, it opens the gates to religious persecution of minorities.