Article about the Turning In Big Brother Project
Just looking for comments. It's just an optimistic article, I tend to instill confidence no matter the chances.
Turning In Big Brother
Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities
Dogma's, Stigma's and Fundamental Freedoms
Nathan Young ... /dsff.html
Once you have been in a mental institution, people tend to think your nuts. What’s even worse is if you experience what I experienced, it’s somehow ok by a few to take away the rights ensured to us by the constitution. People tend to lean towards protectionism, as to insure the safety of an individual, rather then his or her rights with a balance. It’s called thinking for the best interest of the person, but still yet there are freedoms to protect and a balance to concern.
The stigma of mental illness and disabilities of the mind developmentally are sometimes wrong. Instead of subjective logics, persons tend to think, well he or she is ill and might apply false dogmatic facts to a persons mind, without knowing the truth of that persons mind. Sometimes wrongs happen, whether or not someone is mentally ill or not, still one cannot alienate persons fundamental freedoms regardless of possible false stigmas.
In my experience with forced care of which I have never been locked up in a mental health facility before this occurrence, I know what happened to me was wrong. I cannot help but think how many others are locked up falsely, forced drugged and alienated of their trust of the system. So I believe that eventually, victory will be found in the form of votes.
After all it is expensive to insure individuals rights, especially the very poor and low income. To inconvenient to protect the freedoms of the disabled who do not pay as much taxes as others. What is convenient though, is to not bother paying much attention, to just allow rights to be removed without someone being a criminal and to ignore the truth when it is said.
My story, called Turning in Big Brother is the truth. It is me speaking out against something I never expected to happen, something I’ll never forget and something that I will assure is heard. Even if discriminatory stigmas are placed on me, I am ignored by some with false ideas, I am still confident in a victory for freedoms eventually.
Whether or not it takes five or even ten years or even the rest of my life to be heard, I will be vindicated. I’ve already been heard by a member of congress, now it’s time for the tax paying citizens to read my story. I’d hope for a future vote on the matter, and I believe this is where victory will be found.
(The following is the underlined text paragraph)
*Protectionism should in no way conveniently violate essential freedoms of choice. Forced treatment should only be conducted if behaviors are so volatile one is causing or has threatened to cause immediately impending harm to him or herself and or others. Unless by court order or written consent of the patient should these fundamental rights be overridden.
It is to convenient to take away the rights of others in the name of protectionism, whilst considering it in the best interest of others, freedoms are freedoms and we are in America. I believe the underlined text is the next best step to preserving the freedoms of Americans in this here free country of the United States of America.
Forced treatment, warranted or not, is billable to insurance companies. There is far to great of a chance that such treatment methodologies are overly used and conducted to conveniently. Preserving the integrity of the mental health profession I believe is dependent upon both preserving the rights of free Americans and as well as assisting them while in need.
To read Turning In Big Brother, click here.
Suggestions as to the legalities and constitutionality of the underlined text are welcome. Please contact [email protected].
Hi sc
I applaud your fight.
You might find some of the proposed human rights act for Australia interesting - though I find some of their definitions and requirements a little vague given the way lawyers who would be testing this mess with semantics. ... &Itemid=33
I found out the other day that one of my neighbour's friends got locked up in a mental hospital because his medical treatment for something else, made him go blind so he couldn't look after himself. I was a bit shocked but I plan to ask for more details soon. Apparently in the big country town where he lived the standard thing was to lock people like him up and drug them into submission. Great just great. No wonder they seem paranoid. The "caregivers" are out to get them.
proof reading comment - which you may ignore as you see fit. I mean well by it.
para 1
"think you're nuts" not "sharing your cashews" ie you need to use the abbreviated form for "you are" ie "you're".
a balance to concern -> "a balance to be concerned about" or a "balance to consider"
para 2
Is the plural of person "persons" or "people" ? I know coroners use "persons" instead of people.
and then to save some confusion "a person's mind" - ie missing a possessive apostrophe
para 4
(It is) Too inconvenient to...
first underlined para, I suggest you change "Unless by court order" to "Only with a court order"...
There's more you could change (grammatically) but these were the ones that I felt would help make what you are saying a little bit clearer. Ie I don't think changing the other things would make your article easier to understand and trying to fix it may make it worse or more difficult to understand which I definitely don't want you to do.
a balance to concern -> "a balance to be concerned about" or a "balance to consider"
“In how I wrote it and sometimes how I write, it’s more about a style, a way of speaking that is unique instead of structuralized to a mimicked standard . When I write, it’s as if I want to speak it, not write it, more so verbal and what is written is what I would say if I am saying it verbally.”
and then to save some confusion "a person's mind" - ie missing a possessive apostrophe
“I changed it to individual, as I have found that individual is a better word in important points.”
(It is) Too inconvenient to...
“Ok. Also another change.”
first underlined para, I suggest you change "Unless by court order" to "Only with a court order"...
Modifications to the article can be viewed at, ... /dsff.html .
If you see anything else that should be changed or might be provided with a suggestion, let me know.
These people all but broke that part of that law by forcing you onto that s**t.
Hope your campaign for awareness and change goes well.
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Well they did break the law, this is becuase I was threatened with a shot of meds if I did not take the pill. So it was being used for punishment and confinement is a form of treatment.
I'm likely to start another post after the 3rd of the month when I have the income to put another $150 into google ads, nearly 200,000 ads viewed on Google and Yahoo total. Getting people to call about ... /igac.html should raise some attention to some matters internaly.
Is this a county law, a state law or a federal law? Ie these people should be reported to the appropriate authorities responsible for enforcement of this law. If only to stop them from doing this to more people - as soon as possible.
More proofreading comment:
Dogma's, Stigma's -> Dogmas, Stigmas.
You got the plurals right in the article, it is just the headings. Don't forget to change the html page heading too.
another individuals mind -> another individual's mind
(same for "that person's mind" and "an individual's fundamental freedoms")
Ok does the individual own the mind? If the long form "mind of another individual" is a valid alternate way of saying the same thing, then we do need the apostrophe. Ie it is the possessive apostrophe. Maybe we should just ban apostrophes.
I think that you don't mean "another" individual, but you mean the same individual as the one that is perceived to be ill. This is what I mean about trying to fix one problem (grammar etc) and making it worse. A bit like debugging computer programs - sometimes the fix breaks more than it fixes. Here, I'd change "another individual" to "that individual" depending on whether that fits with your intended meaning. Maybe you mean that people who apply false dogmatics inappropriately are ill. (I don't think so, but it is an alternate reading of the paragraph as written).
There is far to great of a chance -> There is far too great of a chance
(and I'd leave out the "of", but you might leave it in, as it is part of your writing style).
Ok, here is another one, I am speculative concerning a few grammatical possibilities. If you want to suggest changes to this one let me know.
Turning In Big Brother
Internal Governmental Awareness Campaign
Nathan Young
In the month of August 2006 this website, well me, Nathan Young will be launching a small awareness campaign with the help of you. The campaign is to increase the awareness of this complaint for the rights of the disabled whom are in Fresno county behavioral health facilities and also those who might find themselves in the facilities in the future.
Essentially the goal is to have Fresno County review the complaint and consider making a few changes including:
Seizure Medication
Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 5325.1
(d) A right to prompt medical care and treatment
c) A right to be free from harm, including unnecessary or excessive physical restraint, isolation, medication, abuse, or neglect. Medication shall not be used as punishment, for the convenience of staff, as a substitute for program, or in quantities that interfere with the treatment program
A. Making epileptic medications readily available in PACT and other Fresno County locked behavioral health facilities as to insure the quality of life of epileptics dependent upon there care.
This is so what I witnessed where a young man, likely under the age of 18 had a massive grand mal seizure after my attempts to get his medication for him, does not happen again. He shook violently on the floor and his neck or back of his head hit the chair he was sitting in. The floor was rock hard and it had no carpet. He and I waited for his medication for 30-45 minutes after numerous requests from me.
The Right To Clap
Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 5325.1
(g) A right to social interaction and participation in community activities.
(b) A right to dignity, privacy, and humane care.
(c) A right to be free from harm, including unnecessary or excessive physical restraint, isolation, medication, abuse, or neglect. Medication shall not be used as punishment, for the convenience of staff, as a substitute for program, or in quantities that interfere with the treatment program.
B. Basic tolerance and sensitivity towards those with severe developmental disabilities. This is so that persons with developmental disabilities might simply clap in enjoyment without being yanked by the hand into solitary confinement forcefully. Become an advocate by calling a toll free phone number to protect the civil liberties and freedoms of expressions of individuals with severe developmental disabilities.
Callers are asked to kindly be respectful, short and use a tone of voice that is non-confrontational. Remember, those answering the phone had nothing to do with what happened and likely will be receptive and caring to what you say. Still yet, make a point by expressing how you think. If you are an American then you are a tax-paying citizen and it’s your right to express yourself like this.
While you can mention my complaint concerning myself, this specific campaign is not about me. I feel able enough to express myself here on the internet, unlike others who have no ability to reasonably complain.
The Phone Number Is:
or (559)-453-3806
Fax. (559)-453-6025
Then e-mail me and tell me how the call went.
Advocates can also ask for Sarah with the complaint department
or just a complaint representative.
There's only one paragraph that I'd consider gramatically mangled in a major way. Even so its meaning is still clear to me. (possesive "its" is an exception to the apostrophe rule )
This is so what I witnessed where a young man, likely under the age of 18 had a massive grand mal seizure after my attempts to get his medication for him, does not happen again. He shook violently on the floor and his neck or back of his head hit the chair he was sitting in. The floor was rock hard and it had no carpet. He and I waited for his medication for 30-45 minutes after numerous requests from me.
The first part is ok, the second part is ugly in structure. I think I would try to break it down into shorter sentences and group the sentences describing what happened together, and the sentence(s) describing your response together.
Here's my attempt but it isn't going to be in your style.
This is so the following never happens again: I witnessed a young man, likely less than 18 years old, have a massage grand mal seizure. This happened after I asked unsuccessfully for the staff to bring his epilepsy medication for him. He shook violently on the floor and his neck or back of his head hit the chair he was sitting in. The floor was rock hard and it had no carpet. Then he and I waited for his medication for 30-45 minutes, which was finally fetched after numerous requests from me.
I'm not sure if this waiting was before or after the seizure - I think it was after.
Does that make sense to you? You don't need to change it at all but if you do, you will need to start again from scratch for that paragraph.
It was prior to his seizure that we waited for his meds as after he was taken away in a stratcher by emergency personel. Actually he complained of police mishandling and was injured and could not move well from the injuries incured from it, so that is why I had to ask for his meds. He had the massive seizure after waiting an unreasonable amount of time for them after my intervention.
Will do edits tomarrow.
I got a hold of another county department to claim damages. On the form I am going to put the amount of One Trillion Billion Dollars and 51/50 cents.
Without being first a millionaire, one cannot sue the government or any large establishment. People on disability and that are low income can just be abused and government gets away with it. What's also outragious is they protect themselves with a statute of limitations, as if crime for the citizin really was the same way, as if!
My only hope is to embarrass the hell out of them on the internet for as long as financially possible. Which should be 5 or more years reasonably. Most searches for government in fresno my ads come up, well they don't now I overspent myself this month but next month I have a smarter over-all P.R statagem.
Good support e-mails have motivated me, no opposition just outrage. Even an e-mail from a father who lost his son to fresno county mental health after he was forced on meds, he died.
Also on regular non-paid searches my sites take higher positions for department and county searches then the government sites or at least come up on the first page.
Hi Sc
If you put that amount they will put your form straight in the bin because it will look like you're joking with them.
Work out what it actually cost you and then maybe add something for stress and trauma, I'm thinking something around the 10 million mark but maybe slightly under - they'd still take seriously. Though if the abuse for you had occured over a period of years - thats when you get the 10 millions, and when its only months - maybe less than a million. I'm not completely up on this.
Work out how much it would cost you to buy and maintain your own flat, and see a therapist twice a week for five years perhaps - and pay a lawyer, and put that down. You could argue that if you owned your own flat you could have sorted the a/c yourself and you wouldn't have gotten locked up and drugged by the county.
At this point, a lawyer's advice would really help. Some only charge a percentage of the money you receive in compensation so you don't have to pay up front or as you go or at all if there is no money. The way to find a good lawyer is to ask around your friends and relatives and social workers for one they've personally dealt with.
The thing is to make your claim look plausible so they have to take it seriously - not outrageous so they think it is a joke.
I have an appointment with a sacromento Protection and advocacy attorney on the phone tomarrow. People who have experienced what I experienced without seeing the other things I saw got 1 million. I do not believe I will get anything, nor do I expect it.
I already told the fresno county complaint investigator at no time would I take down my sites for any amount of money. One investigator agreed with me concerning the confinement of the developmentally disabled person and said others have suggested sensativity training for the doctors in PACT.
The one Trillion Billion and 51/50 cents was not to be serious. I do not at all expect anything at all.
I recall after the forced drugging and threats, all I could think about then was getting out of there, which I was released by a superior court judge when the gov wanted to keep me, that I was going to go online and tell the world.
I asked for paper and a pen to write down what happened and was denied that right becuase they thought I would harm myself. Obviously that was not true. I should have not told them it was for writting a complaint.
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