I find the juxtaposition of social Darwinist and pro-life views in the same individual very interesting. There is no plausible way of reconciling these two stances, as the reasoning of the social Darwinist is identical to that of the most extreme and callous pro-choice advocates. The cognitive dissonance must be tremendous.
Inuyasha wrote:
If we are people, then who owns the vagina is irrelevant, we're talking about killing another human being.
But do you have any legal claim on the life, liberty, and property of another person? Even if the only way for you to survive is to take from someone else who is not willing to give to you?
I have mentioned before that, though the pro-life and pro-choice sides normally talk past each other by starting on different assumptions, an extreme group within the pro-choice side has attempted to argue on the pro-lifers' terms by arguing that, even if the fetus is a legal person, it has no right to impose on the woman. The cruel irony is that so many pro-lifers would completely agree with this reasoning if applied to any born human being, as they believe it is completely justifiable to let people die in the streets to avoid having to pay a few extra cents in taxes.