To EMERCOM- "The Plan To Repopulate Russia"

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15 Jan 2007, 6:00 am

Foreword: EMERCOM is the (Russian) abbreviation for the Russian Ministry of Extraordinary Situations. For more information, you may look here: ... eration%29 and the (English section of its) official website is here:

I kindly ask for you to give feedback about this proposal. I would like to make sure this proposal is as thoroughly polished as I can make it, with as many kinks worked out of it as possible, before I send it to this Russian government ministry. I want them to have as many excuses as there can be to accept and go through with this plan. Sure, it may cost money, but lesser people means a lesser tax base; they would only shoot themselves in the foot if they turned down this proposal.

Now, here is the proposal:

Dear EMERCOM of Russia,

I have read that Russia’s demographics are in a disturbing nosedive right now. As you can see on this link- ... graphy.png , the population is declining at an alarming rate. Persons of working age are dying off rather quickly, and abortions have outpaced births due to fears that birthing a first child will descend a family into poverty.

Therefore, please enact incentives for your people. Also, please offer incentives to the international community to immigrate to Russia.

The incentives would be as follows:

• Subsidize the cost of adopting children of domestic origin along with the cost of adopting children from other countries, by 80%.

1. For giving birth to the first child, award their family €625.
2. For giving birth to the second child, award their family €1250.
3. For giving birth to the third child, award their family €2500.
4. For giving birth to the fourth child, award their family €5000.
5. For giving birth to the fifth child, award their family €10000.

After, I recommend that the award stay the same- €10000 for every child after the fifth.

For families already with children by the time Russia enacts these incentives:

1. €200 for families with one child.
2. €400 for families with two children.
3. €800 for families with three children.
4. €1600 for families with four children.
5. €3200 for families with five children.

As well as €3200 for each child after the fifth.

For immigrants- subsidize the costs by 80% to move into and settle in Russia, and offer a “fast track” to permanent residency status and eventually, citizenship. I strongly recommend offering the same family-growth incentives to these people as well.

There are many ethnic groups whose populations number at less than 0.1% (that is <145,000) of your nation’s total.

1. For ethnic groups at <0.1% of Russia’s total population, double the incentives. (Ex. The Balkar people)
2. For ethnic groups at <0.01% of Russia’s total population, triple the incentives. (Ex. The Selkup people)
3. For ethnic groups at <0.001% of Russia’s total population, quadruple the incentives. (Ex. The Enets people)

Once an ethnic group grows to 1,000,000 members, you may feel free to discontinue the incentive multipliers to them.

Once Russia repopulates to 500,000,000 people, I recommend the discontinuation of all of the repopulation incentives.


-(Egao No Genki)


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15 Jan 2007, 6:41 pm

Nice proposal, but the simple fact is the Russian government can't afford it.

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15 Jan 2007, 6:49 pm

I'd reject it as a libertarian because the last thing I want is my tax money being used as a 'gift' while my health care is absolute GARBAGE.

They need to rework their whole governmental system before they can use any proposals. Thats the problem. Fix that and watch the magic.


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15 Jan 2007, 10:22 pm

T-rav, most every country has a national debt. (Who doesn't?) We probably have the deepest debt in the world, so if we can spend in the red, so can Russia. They could certainly recoup their costs when their tax base gets stronger and more numerous. The fact that immigrants would pour into the largest country on the planet would help the tax base grow stronger even faster.

Whereas birthing children takes a teen number of years before they become part of the Russian tax base, immigrants would become part of the tax base immediately (at least far quicker than children would.)

Corvus, a significant portion of Russians cannot afford adequate healthcare, which will change as soon as they are paid these incentives.

Moreover, a significant portion of Russians also become ill from drinking counterfeit vodka. This shocking news link will tell you of all the chemicals and products that are used to make the fake, cheaper vodka that is responsible for a significant portion of the country's climbing death rate: [url] "Counterfeit vodka kills Russians by the score"[/url]

Blue Jay
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15 Jan 2007, 10:25 pm

i'm not Russian but my husband is. Part of the reason Russian women aren't having children is due to fears of poverty. Another reason is the wide spread criminality, violence, prostitution & drugs plaguing Russia. Who in their right mind would bring a child into that mess? Children are living in sewers & over-populated under-funded orphanages, or in the streets. Another reason paying women to have children in Russia is doomed to failure, is that this petty incentive won't appeal to the 10% of middle-class families who don't need it & know what a pittance these amounts are for raising a child. Wealthy Russians, an elite few, would merely laugh! This leaves all the wrong people, the naive desperate poor who would 'breed' for the cash. Many would then drink the money (have you seen the stats on alcoholism & drug addiction in Russia?!?). Russia is a deeply sexist society where women's rights have yet to be embraced (heck; human rights in general are lacking!). The Russian woman does not want to become a baby machine like her mothers 7 grandmothers were & be trapped in a cycle of poverty, uneducated & nailed to an abusive drunken loser whereas without children, it is much easier to work, attend college & gain some measure of autonomy! In Quebec, where I am from, the gov't tried the same nonsense! Our society & economy are a million times better than Russia's. Even here, the women (myself included) just laughed. A few dreadfully poor women took the bait & a generation of abjectly poor neglected children was born!


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15 Jan 2007, 11:38 pm

I agree, next to Mexico Russia is probably one of the heaviest sex trafficking nations in the world. This is disgusting. While I am all for legalizing **willfull** prostitution, no body should be forced to go through something like that. All these problems stem from poverty. Russia, economically speaking, is a very divided nation. Parts of it seem to be ran by former KGB, parts of it by the "official russian government" and parts of it seem to be ran by the mafia. Perhaps this is why it's near impossible to figure out where Russia stands in world affairs, on one hand their supposedly our ally, but then they turn around and sale guns and ammo to our enemies.


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16 Jan 2007, 12:33 am

I would be more than happy to do my part to repopulate Russia. :P


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16 Jan 2007, 1:35 pm

Why do people think immigration can solve this issue?
The mostly Turkish countrys to the south of Russia are far poorer.
You are basicly going to be importing uneducated people and those countrys problems.
It's the same in my country.
They start the immigration saying labour is needed.
But the end result is mass scale abuse of welfare systems and crime rates skyrocketing.

On topic of the repopulation.
The basic solution would be a change in the way of thinking.
People have always been poor but still had families of around 8 on average.
Basicly people need to be reminded that Russians wil go extinct soon if the current trend continues.
Welfare or gift systems just draw unwanted attention.
The result wil be the same mass immigration of uneducated workers wich is currently plagueing every western European country.
Immigration is never the solution.

It's all basicly a noble idea, but wil most certainly backfire.


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16 Jan 2007, 1:56 pm

Isnt this world overpopulated, anyways? All I hear is 'that,' then, all I hear is how we need to repopulate certain countries - maybe we dont! What about that option? Specie wont die off, theres still plenty of us to destroy this world left!


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18 Jan 2007, 3:06 am

The truth is human beings today are decaying, they've become more disgusting creatures, not entirely on their own... a lot of it is driven by money system, stress, diversions and the media of capitalist society. Many people in the west like to think they have superior culture or values when in fact they are all driven by materialistic base desires and commercial principles. They are addicted to toys and money, and human relationships deteriorate and people become, more and more untrusting towards others because it's every man and woman for themselves, because they are infected with extreme greed, aggressiveness, and hedonistic individualism (i.e. me me me). So more and more people in the west are the most irresponsible, disgusting, unfriendly and selfish people you will ever meet. They pretend to be civil in public but the truth is, underneath they are victims of consumerism, hedonism and extreme selfish individualism that breeds in capitalist societies.

Things like bonding love, honor, responsibility, sacrifice, are dirty words in the modern western world. Huge numbers of people worship the images they recieve from the media.

Almost every action in a western persons life is calculated in terms of "What's in it for me?", except in the west it's now extreme and the birth rates are falling like mad because no woman wants to 'marry', or 'marry a poor man' of which there are millions of poor men, so you get women living in a fantasy world when the demographics of a nation determines what is available in terms of mates and socioeconomic status. No one's thinking, they're all checking out into fantasy lands, TV, books, movies, videogames, nightclubs, drinking, drugs, sex, whatever.... the truth is the west is like a cultural sewer of aggressive, untrusting, hedonistic people, who only bear the illusions of civility.

People on this forum are a testament to the rampant self-worship of the west. Where hedonistic freedom (read overindulgence in biological desires and petty prejudices) are the order of the day, sure you're free, but you're also degenerate slaves to your base animal passions... pursuing fantasies of futility.

Look at how many people are checking out into fantasy land because their real lives suck... millions upon millions! They are f****d socio economically and becoming more isolated then ever.