Moog wrote:
I should perhaps look at Krishnamurti's work with a fresh eye.
Maybe worth a try. I learned a great deal from his teachings, or more specifically he helped to remove some of the blinkers I'd been wearing all my life and to question at a deeper level. His teachings are nothing to do with philosophy or systems or the accumulation of knowledge. I can see why they would not appeal to Awsomelyglorious.
Instead the teachings help to awaken a metaphorical inner eye and to witness the activities of your own mind/brain at deeper levels and similarly with the exterior world. This witnessing opens up new levels of perception that the vast majority of people aren't aware of at the conscious level. In turn this awakening of insight can have profound effects on one's personality and behaviour.
There are other contemporary teachers who express similar teachings as K. There is some overlap and some areas where they superficially disagree but many express the same sentiments and I can see they are talking about the same "thing", be they dualistic or non-dualistic; teachers. Alan Watts you already mentioned, Suzuki, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Parsons, etc.
I've left WP indefinitely.