simon_says wrote:
So you have formed opinions.
A) That weather = climate.
B) That predictions about climate over certain timescales is impossible.
My opinions include:
A. Weather is and will be : inference from percepts over a 40+ year time span
B. Climate can be roughly and unprofessionally defined for present purposes [I am a linguist not a climatologist or meteorologist] as the imaginary line around which weather events in a particular region tend to cluster in temporal cycles - definition cobbled together for present purposes, based on inference from recieved statements about climate over a 40+ year time span.
C.In our current state of technologv and understanding, we can within limits extrapolate probable trends in weather events [there is a 30% chance of snow later tonight, the hurricane is expected to arrive at Cape Hatteras sometiome tomorrow] and in patterns of climate [The Sahara is expanding at a rate of three miles a month, the shift southward of the Gulf Stream will lower average tempoeraturesz in Britain].
D. In our curent state of technology and understanding, time frames and secific events can only be approximated.
E. If we saw an asteroid approaching from far enough away, and could train radar on it long enough, I think we could likely come pretty close on point of impact and time. We could also predict it would effect weather and probably climate. Predicting exactly what tghat effect would be is something else.
Not seeking approval or agreement - I do not mind those but I learned a long time ago that it is easier to precdict the weather than to predict approvakl or agreement. Just looking to have my answer understood.
THAT is usually quite hard enough.