ruveyn wrote:
Is there any such thing as Climate Science. There are Climate Models, but what is Climate Science.
I have heard of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, seismology, and even meteorology. But where is Climate Science.
I guess one needs to define science first:
What is the purpose of science? Perhaps the most general description is that the purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality.
Does climate science achieve this. Yes. It has produced models of climate reality such as the El-Nino and La-nina that help us forecast severity of Hurricane seasons. Climatology is a branch of atmospheric sciences that produces measurable results through the scientific method. One doesn't have to agree with the results of some of the studies produced by climate scientists; but the same applies there to any other application of science.
And regarding your Aspieness; I find many of your opinions greatly influenced by emotion, including this one. There is no such thing as a true literal mind. Some are more literal than others. A truly literal mind without emotion, could make no decisions. This has already been demonstrated by science.
If I had to guess, I suspect you don't agree that humans have anything to do with climate change, so since this science does not seem valid to you, you seem to see climatology as a whole, not to be a valid category of science. If that is the case, it seems like more of an emotional reaction than a logical one.
Emotions can be strong or weak, but they are a requirement to survive as human.
Emotion creates bias through experience and reflection; bias is equally important to survival. Science, makes the effort to eliminate bias, but as a basic component for survival within humans, and the fact that it is humans that do the science, bias is extremely hard to eliminate.
Interesting that one would see bias in a study, or religion, and expand that to the whole science or everyone that participates in the religion, but it is, perhaps an extreme example of bias.
Interesting that you bring up TOM. For one that cannot understand other minds, it stands to reason, that bias might be stronger, in some cases, considering one might not have the ability to consider some mitigating factors, because of the inability to understand TOM.
I think that is where the phrase "hard headed" comes from.