Xuincherguixe wrote:
I believe the New Trek to be more relevent then the Old Trek.
The Captain of the Old Trek was just some testosterone driven freak. It shows the ideas of the people at the time. You've got all these stupid violent aliens, there is no motivation there, we're just supposed to see them as "Bad". The so called morals are questionable at best, and ultimately just boils down to 'Oh hey, we're right.'
New Trek however is 'kinder and gentler' in terms of The Captain. It shows the power of the thinker. The calm one. The one who puts personal ego aside. New Trek shows a complicated universe in which people can hold a different opinion and yet they might not have one that is wrong. The brutes of Old Trek are recast into a new role. Now they are no longer thugs, but proud warriors. They are given a belief system. They have a reason for being as they are. No longer are they 'wrong' but 'distinct'.
True, but then most tv shows from the 60s, especially sci-fi, haven't stood the test of time too well. look at the skimpy little skirts the female crewmembers would wear in the classic series..
still, there were a lot of parallels to 20th century issues in the original. the klingon-federation rivalry was very much like the U.S.-Soviet Cold War. Also, as ridiculous as the original might seem, it did foresee the use of personal desktop computers, cell phones (their communicators looked like flip phones), and other technologies we take for granted now.