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22 Nov 2007, 12:36 pm

Falling Leaves...
Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues


November 22, 2007

I am very undecided tonight. I am not sure what to write about. I have a lot to say and I don't know what to tackle first.

Should I address Persian flavored Pistachio ice creams ?

Honestly, today someone offered me an ice cream, pistachio flavor. I don't like ice cream and I don't like pistachio flavors either. The green, I find to be a turn off...especially Iranian green.

But he said "Eat it, it's good Iranian pistachio."
I said "What happened to "Fustok Halabee" (Aleppo Pistachios from Syria)
He said "This is better...and cheaper and it's all the same."

Funnily, I heard on the Radio, that the U.S. general is praising both Iran and Syria for helping America in "keeping the violence down" in Iraq i.e in helping the Surge.

Then I read on Uruknet that Amerikkka is annoyed with Israhell for importing Iranian pistachios. (article here)

This is way too freaky of a coincidence...

Then I thought to myself, to hell with Israel and Iran,(and Syria) and their pistachio nuts- flip sides of the same coin.
I am no mood to write about those two main off Palestinian and Iraqi bloood i.e Arab blood.

Then, I wondered if I should write about Americans instead, like, grace this degenerate bunch with an article?

Then I thought again and decided they are not worth my precious energy.
They are a junk people, a people made of "lead" hoping against hope to be transformed into gold in some alchemist laboratory. Will not happen.
Americans are the most stupid, backward lot any people can encounter...No amount of Alchemists will ever change that.

And besides their list of crimes is way too long, I would not know where to start and where to end... Americans are just a sick bunch. I don't like them at all. Just thinking about them, makes my stomach churn...left and right.

They are a dishonest, despicable lot and so f*****g ignorant, I am not sure they realize how ignorant they are...f**k them, I hope their bubble bursts very soon and they fall flat on their filthy faces. Can't stand them, criminals.

Then, I thought maybe I ought to write about the Brits, the English.
The English are a sick breed too. A sick breed of donkeys. They are the most perverted bunch in the whole of Europe.

I mean where else can you find 60 years old members of parliament dressed up in diapers waiting to be spanked by a dominatrix Nanny, but in England?

For those who have the misfortune of living in England, they need to check the "Sun or Daily Mirror" for such stories...And trust, they abound in England.
Must be the ghost of the unwashed, prude, Queen Victoria, still hovering over the tormented, pitiful, British soul...

The Brits are a f****d up bunch for sure...
I can tell you stories and stories about them. For starters their sense of hygiene leaves a lot to be desired.

Their notion of cleanliness is to soak their greasy slimy bodies in a bathtub.
The bathtub looks as if some pig swam in it and it takes hours to clean the grime from the edges...And they don't rinse either. They dry themselves with the soap on.

They do the same when washing dishes in the famous plastic English basin.
Ah! The English trademark, the famous English basin!

In that same basin, they soak their underwear, their toothbrush and wash their arses too.
Once a week naturally. When the boyfriend is around- that is. And even then, there are no guarantees.

I have lived with them long enough to have had the misfortune of observing them. They are a filthy lot.

But then, with a prune stuck down their throats or a cockney accent so ugly, that it even makes my dog seek shelter, they say in their usual patronizing ways.
"I must say those foreigners are dirty."

They easily forget their soaking in muck water once a fortnight of course...Or their 60 years old sh***y diapers...

I have so many stories to tell you about British hypocrisy, but will save them for later...

And as a friend said to me once, "drop by drop..." And the Brits will not be spared.

Here is an Iraqi woman who will give it to you better than any dominatrix Nanny.
You just need to be very patient..."dears." And in the meantime, take that prune out of your mouth and shove it.

Enough on the Brits for tonight. I think you received a foretaste of what it is like being one...or living with one.

What is amazing though. Wrong. I take that back.

It is not amazing at all, it is expected from both of these two decadent, degenerate lots...
That of knowing what they already knew, they voted not once but twice for both, Bush and Blair. TWICE. An 8 years tenure.

For God's sake, what does that tell you about these people?

They will give you all sorts of excuses why they did so. BS, don't believe them. They are lying. They are a filthy people, rotten to the core. No doubt about it.

Iraq was their golden colonialist opportunity to vent out all their past, repressed inferiority complexes.

Their racism, their spitefulness, their impotence and they ARE impotent, their evilness, the white race of pink skins and grime bathtub edges...

You need to trust me on that one. They are a horrible lying bunch of racist bastards.

But they have done worse than lie in Iraq. They have done much worse...

Iraq was their unrestrained experiment, where they could act out every single sick fantasy they harbor.

The fantasy of the pinkWestern prick finally having an erection. The fantasy of a frustrated peroxide blonde with limp hair finally having someone look at her. The fantasy of some pimply Chicano finally exercising some power. And that of some big fat black American ass finally getting some respect, by instilling fear... in the "local indigenous ones".

If you do not grasp these little psychological secrets, you understand nothing about the reality of Occupation.

And who did this bunch find as a helper? The sectarian Shias influenced by the Pistachios nuts from Iran.

So I thought, maybe I ought to write about what is happening to this group. The sectarian Shias from Qum pretending to be Iraqis.
And I have so many secrets to share about them.
I still see the faces of some of my female friends wiping their tears, when recounting the horrors of this evil sectarian bunch.

Yes, you guessed right, RAPE.

I can give you names and places and dates...but I will not. I protect my female friends.

The sectarian Shia bunch and most of them are sectarians, are driven by a hatred and envy that is difficult to explain. You can easily compare them to the Jews of Israel...

Their favorite target are Sunni women. Once they score with a Sunni woman, they are led to believe that their "sect,class..." - whatever you call it- "knot" has finally untangled.

They are another vindictive, sick bunch.

It comes as no surprise that they have aligned themselves with the Iranians, Israelis, Americans and Brits.

So, No. I will not write about the Shias – sectarian Shias that is - tonight.

Once you understand their games and ploys, you will understand that they are nothing but a sick, worthless bunch, fit for collective rehabilitation...and even then, you cannot be sure you will get results... Ask my girlfriends.

So what shall I write about then ?

Maybe I ought to write about another of my favorite songs, "Autumn Leaves".
Yes I know it's another Jazzy one. I have heard all of its versions. French, English and even Arabic by Fairuz.

I am not sure whether the original is French, English or Arabic...

I think it’s French "Les Feuilles Mortes." (Dead leaves)
But Arabic qualifies too...For there are so many autumn leaves falling over here, and regardless of the season.

Do you know it ? Those dead Autumn leaves ?

"The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I’ll hear old winters song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall"

I want to tell you about a falling leaf.
A leaf I have not seen or touched but who I already love...
An 9 years old fallen autumn leaf from Baghdad. His name is Faleh Mohamed.

"Nine-year-old Faleh Muhammad was abandoned by his family in April 2006. He was left to fend for himself in the streets of Baghdad, and later he was diagnosed with leukaemia.

"I miss my mother.In the last days before they left me, she was very sad. One day I woke up in the morning to find my father and mother had disappeared," Faleh said.

"We were living in an abandoned building near Hay Jamia'a District with three other families. I asked them about my parents and they told me they had left.
So I had to work to be able to eat because those families couldn't feed me," he said.

Faleh said he started begging in the streets of Baghdad and one day he had a serious headache and fainted. Helped by passers-by, he was taken to Yarmouk hospital and after two days diagnosed with leukaemia.

"I remember my father saying I was useless because I was rotten from the inside and I never understood why, but now I know that the reason for abandoning me was my disease," Faleh said, adding that his father was poor and could not afford the treatment."


"The problem is even more serious among new-born babies and there are many cases of children aged 1-12 abandoned," said Mayada Marouf, a spokesperson for KCA.
Most of them have a life-threatening disease and their families cannot afford treatment.
All children whose parents have left them are suffering from serious psychological disorders, and the youngest urgently need a family to take care of them," Marouf said.
Poverty and violence have also forced parents to abandon a son to save the lives of their other children.
Specialists said the greatest concern is the long-term effect on an entire generation: the trauma of what is happening to those children is enormous.
Abandoned children carry long-term psychological effects. There is a strong possibility that they could change their behaviour after feeling ostracised"
In some cases they keep to themselves and don't want to speak to professionals or any other person. They feel they are on their own although there are people who want to help them.
The Iraqi Red Crescent (IRC) told... the rise in the number of abandoned children was alarming, the result of sectarian violence and drastic socio-economic problems.

An IRC employee, who preferred anonymity, told IRIN many parents leave their children with relatives who already have over 20 children to look after and are later abandoned or forced to work in the streets to supplement the household income.
It is not uncommon to see a houses teaming with children.

Over 1.6 million children under the age of 12 have become homeless in Iraq, according to the country's Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. That's almost 70 percent of the estimated 2.5 million Iraqis who are homeless inside the country.

"There are no reliable estimates of how many orphans and abandoned children are in Iraq today but we believe, according to some data collected by local NGOs, that over 8,000 children are in the same or a similar situation to that of Faleh," Mayada said."
(article here)

These are my fallen Autumn darling little ones...

They fell in the streets with leukemia. They fell in the orphanage with cholera whilst they were chained to steel beds. An orphanage called Al- Hanan (i.e Tenderness.) They fell asleep in the cradle never to wake up...
These fresh, little, green leaves ushered in the fall of their lives.

They missed the sun kissed hands of their fathers, they missed the sun gold kisses of their mothers...
Abandoned like leaves...that have fallen off from a dying tree.

Next time you ask yourselves why I hate you so much, remember those fallen leaves...

And also remember what a fallen lot you all are, or... soon will be.

Painting: Iraqi artist, Ali Al Mimar, 1990.

Make mine a super frapalapi with double cream lots of Aspartame choc chip cookies a lump of lard and make it a big one

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22 Nov 2007, 3:05 pm

Hmmm... sad painting, but I wonder what the horse stands for in it?? Maby the only 'happy' thing in that painting.

Jeeze, you wrote a whole book their man. I always enjoyed your insite even tho you often talk of how horrible I (and all Americans are). Indeed, its a very sad state of affiars in Iraq, I feel for those poor children, and could simply not imagine, or live in, a world where my family abandoned me, where their is chaos all around, caused by an invading force, I would be so damn angry, the war ruined my life.

And thats the price of freedom, I cant say when my nation invaded that we did or did not have good intentions initally, Because I dont understand the culture I cant say if the Iraqi people were more happy with living under saddam then being 'free'. It seems chances are they would rather have Saddam back then what they have now. I know many Americans never wanted the horror to occure, I was one of them. I am soo glad I did not join the military, I have no beef with anybody over their at all, and had no desire to fight because they are not my enemy.

Lets face it, chances are the government wanted plenty of cheap oil and a nice foothold in the area, so they invaded under the rouse of 'freedom' and now horrible things are now happening as a result. My country had no respect for the culture, the people, and ruined it thinkin we were doing something good when really it was greed and power that caused the war.

I really wish you could cut some of us some slack, in any nation, no matter how horrible you may think that they are, their are some decent folk out their who feel they are or will someday be judged by God for their actions, their are some people who want everyone on earth to be happy and truly free, no war, no crime, NO GREED, NO POWER. Their are some people who want to raise familes in a happy world and I really wish I could feel safe walking down any street on Earth, whether it be down my street, or somewhere in NYC, or even baghdad, so many places to see, and I know I never will because i will be killed if I do.

We live in a hard world, getting harder, our leaders have lead us down a bad road, and their may be no turning back (especally for the Iraqi people). I hope someday they can all be happy and I think it will start by us leaving that nation and letting them decide their own fate independently. I am very angry with our leaders for allowing this to happen, and when we have a new president I sure hope he (or she) will lead us to peice and prosperity, and do what is right not just for the nation but for the world, because someday our leaders will be judged, and I wonder how much J.W is haunted by his actions, if at all.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.


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23 Nov 2007, 12:51 am

manalitwist wrote:
Falling Leaves...
Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues


... They missed the sun kissed hands of their fathers, they missed the sun gold kisses of their mothers...
Abandoned like leaves...that have fallen off from a dying tree.

Next time you ask yourselves why I hate you so much, remember those fallen leaves...


I know you don't hate us. Thanks for making us think. :wtg:

(btw - Bonza painting).

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


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23 Nov 2007, 1:08 am

I'm moving this to the PPR Forum. And I do not appreciate people hating people they have never met or communicated with, or consider the opinion of a few to be that of all.

As for those poor kids dying of leukaemia in Iraq, there is one possibility. DU rounds. I don't trust them (the DU rounds). But people should realise that there are foreign soldiers in Iraq who wish to actually help all of Iraq, Sunni, Shi'ite or any other religion. And that there are those Iraqi civilians who actively want a better Iraq. I am not saying the invasion was right, only that the s**t has flown, so something has to be done about it.

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23 Nov 2007, 5:55 am

Manalitwist, just out of curiosity, where are you from?

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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23 Nov 2007, 6:00 am

Who_Am_I wrote:
Manalitwist, just out of curiosity, where are you from?

I believe he is a Muslim living in Britain.

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23 Nov 2007, 6:06 am

Quatermass wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Manalitwist, just out of curiosity, where are you from?

I believe he is a Muslim living in Britain.

Im not a muslim.

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23 Nov 2007, 6:11 am

manalitwist wrote:
Quatermass wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Manalitwist, just out of curiosity, where are you from?

I believe he is a Muslim living in Britain.

Im not a muslim.



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23 Nov 2007, 6:12 am

manalitwist wrote:
Quatermass wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Manalitwist, just out of curiosity, where are you from?

I believe he is a Muslim living in Britain.

Im not a muslim.

Are you living in Britain?

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I

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23 Nov 2007, 6:42 am

At what point do we separate the people as individuals from the people as collective represented by government, religion, race or whatever? Am I responsible for the actions of my government? And if I am, to what extent?

We have a national election here tomorrow and I only have one vote out of ??million. I have to live with the elected government whether or not I vote for them - this is part of democracy at work - and I live in a country where voting is not optional - it is compulsory.

So how do I make a difference?

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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24 Nov 2007, 8:19 am

Quatermass wrote:
I'm moving this to the PPR Forum. And I do not appreciate people hating people they have never met or communicated with, or consider the opinion of a few to be that of all.

Is it really as bad as bombing them coldly with high tech weaponry and destroying their country, people and heritage. Save your pious words for the bully my friend.

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24 Nov 2007, 3:50 pm

Quatermass wrote:
I do not appreciate people hating people they have never met or communicated with

So you don't appreciate me detesting Bush, even though I've been under his rule for 8 years? In other words, all through middle and high school? I've never met the I don't have a right to depise him?

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24 Nov 2007, 3:52 pm

thread summary please


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25 Nov 2007, 6:30 pm


manalitwist wrote:
They [Americans] are a junk people, a people ... stupid, backward lot any people can encounter...

The English are a sick breed too. A sick breed of donkeys. They are the most perverted bunch in the whole of Europe.... they say in their usual patronizing ways "I must say those foreigners are dirty." .... I have so many stories to tell you about British hypocrisy, but will save them for later...

... Iraq was their unrestrained experiment, where they could act out every single sick fantasy they harbor.....
I still see the faces of some of my female friends wiping their tears, when recounting the horrors of this evil sectarian bunch.

Yes, you guessed right, RAPE.....

[sad story about a kid with leukemia] And... Over 1.6 million children under the age of 12 have become homeless in Iraq, according to the country's Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs....

These are my fallen Autumn darling little ones...

They fell in the streets with leukemia. They fell in the orphanage with cholera whilst they were chained to steel beds. An orphanage called Al- Hanan (i.e Tenderness.) They fell asleep in the cradle never to wake up...
These fresh, little, green leaves ushered in the fall of their lives.

They missed the sun kissed hands of their fathers, they missed the sun gold kisses of their mothers...
Abandoned like leaves...that have fallen off from a dying tree.

Next time you ask yourselves why I hate you so much, remember those fallen leaves...

And also remember what a fallen lot you all are, or... soon will be.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


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25 Nov 2007, 7:52 pm

I can sum up all of this crap in one phrase: Religious BS.

Fighting over whose religion is better is virtually a god inspired penis envy. Either get on with your neighbours or shut the f*ck up is what they should be told. And the others should keep their noses out of it too.

Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!

Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.

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25 Nov 2007, 7:59 pm

So how, exactly, does the guy (manalitwist) post this load of s**t and not receive anything other than utter scorn, condescension and condemnation from the forumgoers?

Manalitwists rant, which deserves no further dignity than being called a message board rant, are the rambling musings of a self loathing, bitter mongoloid who condemns everyone without even identifying himself.

I'm not sure... you shoudl be calling anyone... ignorant... when you have to... resort... to gratuitous... ellipses...
andbroken paragraphs...
to make... your unsteady-at-best... points.