Philologos wrote:
A. Dilber beats most of the clips and quips that get posted here.
B. What I love is whewn the giant economy size costs more than an equivalent volume or weight in smaller packages at greater cost to society let alone the manufacturer. Mind you, I totally understand why it is done, but I spit me of the practice.
I saw that one time in a store. I wish I could remember the name of the product. I was just so amazed at the brazeness of it and showed my friend (who I was shopping with) and we both laughed and laughed. I wish I had taken a digital photo of both packages because then I'd have evidence and also would remember what the product was. All I remember was it was in a grocery store.*
Because of dyscalcula, I always carry a calculator in my purse to figure out true prices for price comparison and to keep track of how much I'm spending. Some people can do this in their head. Not me. Some people don't even check. This calculator-in-the-store habit allowed me to spot the trick.
*Writing this post has jogged my memory and now I remember what it was. It was fresh strawberries. You could buy the single pint container or you could buy the 2 pint container on sale for
more than double the price. The display had the 2 pint container right in the center with a big sign advertising the sale price. Off to the side were the single pint containers with their price in smaller writing. It is my dyscalcula reflex to always put everything into my calculator to figure out the best deal. I stood there repeating my calculations and then went and got my friend in another aisle (she doesn't have dyscalcula) and she verified that this was really what they were doing. We had a good laugh.
I bought 2 single pint containers for less money than the 2 pint container. But maybe they outsmarted me in the end and it was really a way to get people to buy more single pint containers while patting themselves on the back for outsmarting the store. Maybe they really are that double-devious. Or maybe I'm over-thinking and they are only single-devious. I really like strawberries so it's a moot point.