Fnord wrote:
Oodain wrote:
please note the quotation marks around truth in the original post, i know it isnt proof as in validated empirical evidence, but one can still investigate the implications and relations of concepts. this is basically what philosophy is.
Philosophy is also the Science of Reason. Guess what I minored in at university while majoring in electrical engineering?
That's right;
Your original assertion is based on the assumption that life-after-death is a valid concept when it is actually just an idea, which inherently lacks any degree of testability. This is analogous to a
Now, if all you want to do is toss around a few fantasies, then please do not refer to the process as philosophy, as any pair of two-bit drunkards can swap ghost stories.
it is actually founded in the monotubular quatum interpretation of the conscoiusness, something that is a scientific theory being actively researched at reputable universities.
we dont have the means to prove or disprove anything yet, all we can do is think and discuss about it.
if this theory hold true and it's effects can be measured in the future then this is actually a pretty valid question dont you think?
now i am not speaking to the validity nor the probability of anything i am simply trying to gain some understanding fo what the consequences might be.
this was one of the avenues i started thinking about and i wanted external input.
here is a good read with several different views on how quantum mechanics has the potential to influence our brain, i found it a very good read, a bit long though.
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.
Last edited by Oodain on 10 Jun 2011, 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.