Roman wrote:
I haven't read previous topic, so I will act as if it is a first post on a subject (although I would LOVE someone to direct me to previous post) .....
I wondered sometimes too about it -- it is a very good way of having creation and evolution work together by claiming that God created evolution.
By the way, I also have an answer how can God create Adam and Eve and AT THE SAME TIME have humans evolve from Apes. Namely, the answer is pre-adamic ppl. God is UNIVERSAL creator of course. He just created bacteria that evolved through all the intermediate stages throuhg apes to people, like science tell you. And then he didn't like the ppl that he got by evolution so he then cerated by hand Adam and Eve.
I have heard that there were archeological findings that found some completely NEW gene comming up 6000 years ago, right when the creation of Adam and Eve was supposed to happen.
That would also explain old earth/ young earth. The answer is earth is old, its just Adam and Eve are young.
Ironically, I first heard this theory when I was reading on Christian Identity teaching. They claim blacks are pre-Adamic ppl. Interestingly, science shows us that the older civilizations were black. But then again I am not racist or anything, I am simply borrowing good ideas from wherever I can find them and give credit where it is due.
Whatever race they were, I think the existance of pre-Adamic ppl is basically PROVEN in the fact that when Cain was expelled he was worried whether or not strangers would kill him.
And by the way, it is also interesting that God told Cain he casts him out from "the earth" while obviuosly Cain did remain on earth. So this just shows that when Bible makes universal claims it isn't really meant to be taken as *universal*. In fact, flood wasn't over the whole earth eitehr, since we have some mysterious group called Kenites (descendants of Cain) popping up long after the flood. So if Cain wasn't cast from the ENTIRE earth and neither flood covered ALL the earth, may be Adam and Eve were only first humans in a neighborhood:)
Actually I thikn that if you read Genesis 1 really closely then on some day BEFORE creating Adam and Eve he also described creating of men. It is interesting in Gen 1:26-30 God created man and given him dominion over everythign. Then in Gen2:5 it says there were NO men. And in Gen 2:7 he created Adam
I think there are two ways of thinking about it
1)May be he is talking about PART of the earth, like I was talking earlier
2)May be he destroyed the previous civilization in a flood for its sins
3)May be combination of both
Actually I also heard some ppl speculate that may be there were civilizations between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2 that were also destroyed for their sins. But that one I am really not sure because to me it seems bible is quite clear that nothing existed at that period of time. Actually I feel like "let there be light" is what happened during the big bang because physics tells us that light existed first, and only long after did the elementary particles coem into being when the universe was cool enough to sustain them. So yah I don't think any civilizations existed in Gen 1:1 to Gen 1:2 interval. But what I DO think is that a lot of stuff might have happened in the rest of Gen 1, and that Gen 1 might have lasted for millenia.
I believe in something simlar.