Here's my attempt to describe the concept of reincarnation:
As I see it, The All/God/whatthouwilt is the only active force in existence. As it extends it reshapes, and smaller reflections of the matrix it radiates (the Tree of Life* blueprint matrix) expands in different dimensions/proportions, depending on the circumstances of their specific environment, and as the only active force moves through them, they are animated, and, if they measure up to the correct alignment (the one the force itself was made to be used as: ToL), they come alive as individuals with different personalities, none of which have any individual life themselves, for only The All/God/whatthouwilt is life.
And so as we travel between incarnations, what happens is that, since the universe seems to be completely continuous and thusly chain reactions are the only possible courses of events, we grow into new shapes, perfecting ourselves until we are in alignment with the Source Code.
The work of Initiation** supports this attitude, because the work goes from Malkuth§ to Kether+ as though what Malkuth contains is a cruder form of what Yesod& does and so on, so that Kether holds all the information and an Adept¤ fits itself into one/none Sephira@ in the end, which of course is The All. Right?
It also goes well with the idea that only the Supernal Triad% survives "death", because what happens is simply that the present incarnation matrix has served its "soul purpose" and is now obsolete and thrown behind like a static qliphoth, so that a new task for the aspiring part of Divinity can begin, rebooted and ready. It's only logical to assume that it would be idiotic to throw away a part of the Divine Plan that has gotten this far - especially if we see it all as vibration with the intention of bringing about the Divine synchronicity/melody/resonance/crystallization, where the parts would do best to continue spinning continuously until they find the correct Key - so that's why I believe in re-incarnation.
The pattern that is this individual dissipates and is finally broken up, either due to external or internal circumstances (car crash or negative thinking/old age), but since - and this is why I mentioned continuity - things are continuous, the affinity the pattern of this lifetime has spawned will by sheer causality produce the next incarnation in an upgraded fashion. We are, as I see it, pending between individuality and Godhead (when we are dead we are inert and the only thing that moves us is the matrix of The All, not the analogous extension of individuality), so going from one life to the next means a stop at the Godhead office from where the entire universe and one's alignment in comparison to it can be seen, why the specific Godhead aspect thinks to itself "ah, that's where I should go next" and continues into another reality tunnel called life.
I see Godhead as a carrier wave that includes all frequencies in the universe, spinning on the entire register, and an individual is the focus on a specific one. The frequency's specificity is - since this matrix is eternal, continuous and goes full circle - not extinguished as such, but it's not being animated after the soul has moved on, because the soul is the alignment making animation possible.
So, God is the idea of the force that drives everything and motion, not matter, is all that is, but patterns will crystallize of motion alone, so patterns like souls (small aspects of the Godhead idea) or bodies and other structures will form and represent things. No matter, because they're only reflections of the One idea of motion itself, in which everything else can manifest; not of themselves, but only as ideas which ARE Godhead.
* Qabalistic mysticism's systematization of the universe
** The magickal adeptship
§ Concept relating to instincts of individuality, lowest tenth of the ten parts ToL
+ Same scale as Malkuth, but relates to what Jung called the super conscious
& Yesod is placed directly above Malkuth on the Tree
@ Sephira = Hebrew word for number. These are the names of the ten parts on the Tree (Malkuth, Yesod...)
¤ An initiated student of any magickal lodge
% A, damn it, I give up! Ask me a specific question instead. =)