Those calling for Casey Anthony's head are worse than her!

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07 Jul 2011, 5:27 pm

Allow me to preface this little screed with a *disclaimer* of sorts. There is not a bone in my creaky carcass that has the least bit of sympathy for Casey Anthony. From what little I know about the now-infamous case, I believe it is very likely that Anthony murdered her daughter and in a premeditated, calculated manner. I believe it is likely the woman is a bona fide sociopath who is incapable of feeling remorse or eliciting any concern for anyone save herself.

The operative phrase here, however, is.... "from what little I know". For my relative ignorance of the Casey Anthony affair is at least partially a matter of principle and said principle is the inflamed and infuriated heart of all my thoughts on the "shocking" verdict. It ought to be obvious even to the most bird-brained child that this Casey Anthony business was NOT THE BUSINESS the overwhelming majority of Americans. was the business of law enforcement/the legal entities (including the jury of course) working on the case, Anthony's family and Anthony herself. I truly despise stating the painfully obvious.....but since it seems that millions of subhuman Americans who resemble nothing so much as a ridiculous phalanx of croaking toads in their response to this tawdry event require regular spoon-feedings....... I feel some Gerber-time is order. :roll:

Even said feeding method which ought to be strictly reserved for infants rather than adults of supposedly (and dubiously IMO) average intelligence is unlikely to convince these phony, hysterical, hypocritical slave moralist buffoons of the error of their ways. Nonetheless.....i'll hope for the best while fully expecting the worst. With all that said....allow me to dip my spoon into the jars of preposterous, protean and putrefying produce and attempt to provide some nourishment to humans whose neurons are obviously in a state of starvation which rivals any that is occurring in the darkest depths of Darfur.

Since the dawn of our bastardized locust species, many of us humans have been murdering other humans "in cold blood". The capacity to do so is obviously ingrained in the nature of some humans and many, if not all, of these human beings can rightly be classified as sociopaths. Unless perhaps the gene pool was purged squeaky clean, such people would still exist even in some utopian society. A society which only the most sentimental anarcho-
communist will propose and probably only in a vague theoretical sense. In short, the evidence which would suggest strong neuro-biological causes for sociopathy is quite good and getting better all the time. Thus far.....we have not discovered a *cure* for sociopaths and nine times out of ten, the damage has already been done when we put a stop to their reprehensible actions.

Now I believe that not all sociopathic ACTIONS are committed by defacto sociopaths nor do I believe that all defacto sociopaths commit sociopathic actions. Rather....I believe that most, if not all, of us, given the right set of circumstances, have the capacity to engage in positively sociopathic behavior.

It is likely that Casey Anthony would meet the formal diagnostic criteria for that most sinister of mental disorders which is usually associated with sociopathic behavior. This disorder is known as "Anti-Social Personality Disorder". Now what of the people who are calling for the head of Casey Anthony after her recent acquittal? Within the purely CLINICAL (and subjective since it merely has its foundations in the moral selectivity and predominant values of a given society at a given time) sense, could most of these people be officially diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder? Probably not. Do many, if not all, of them engage in SOCIOPATHIC BEHAVIOR as a matter of obvious routine? You betcha. In fact....I submit to you, dear reader, that these people are every bit "the sons and daughters of hell" that Casey Anthony is and in my estimation, perhaps even more so on several meaningful measures.

What motivates their own sociopathic behavior is nothing more noble than what motivated Casey Anthony's. Rational self-interest and the desire to live precisely the sort of life they wish to live even at the expense of their own children. Keep in mind that most of these people are what our society would consider "good" while Casey Anthony is left holding the opprobrium of "evil".

Much like the fictional cocaine kingpin character Tony Montana did however in the restaurant scene in the movie, "Scarface"....I am forced to doubt the "goodness" of these people and largely for the same reasons he did. You see.....the vast majority of the American bourgeoisie (especially those who are of "generation X" age or younger) are almost unimaginably narcissistic. Never before has a people existed who were bigger legends in their own minds. Unlike Albert Einstein.....who had no room for his own humility in any area of his life, (save his physical appearance perhaps) most of these people are lacking any substantial reason for their hubris. This revolting and unfounded self-admiration infects every fiber of their beings and for my purpose here, it seriously impairs their moral self-perceptions.

Considering the absurd amount of venom being PROJECTED toward Casey Anthony though, one ought to wonder if their moral self-perceptions are as positive on the subconscious level as they are on the conscious one. After "moral" can people who willingly and endlessly purchase superfluous consumer goods and services from capitalist entities whose nefarious deeds have no bounds be??? How moral can they be when they keep accepting the same old crop of political plutocrat puppets in the republican and democratic parties decade after decade whose strings are pulled entirely by the wealthy and powerful and NEVER "by the people"??? How about those bleating "justice for Kaylee"??? How concerned are all these "law-abiding", "church-going", "gainfully employed" citizens when it comes to THEIR OWN CHILDREN??? What sort of Mordor-esque world will their children inherit largely because their "good" mommies and daddies stood idly (and knowingly) by at best and actively participated in the Mordorification at worst???

How moral can we call people who again.... allow at best.... or directly contribute to at worst........ the torture, enslavement, rape and slaughter of MILLIONS of CHILDREN the world over at the hands of the American Military-Industrial complex (who enough of these Casey Anthony pitchforkers are either employed by or have investments in) in service to the multi-national corporations, the Bilderberg agenda and rich capitalist swine in general??? How moral can people who directly/indiectly support ORGANIZED RELIGION (which, at least in terms of Christianity, works in diametric opposition to the most crucial teachings of Jesus Christ) be considering what religious institutions and the laypeople themselves are responsible for to this day??? Do they bear NO responsibility for overpopulation and the resultant ecocide we are seeing all over the globe??? How can their culpability here be denied when they do everything in their power to deny women in the third world (and everywhere else for that matter) access to contraception and abortion??? Are American Christian "missionaries" the least bit accountable for the hideous anti-homosexual pogroms we see in Uganda??? They have been selling the benighted peoples of that nation their equally benighted mythology for decades now. A mythology which features a bellowing, drunken, sadistic and all-powerful cosmic megalomaniac as its primary object of craven and self-serving genuflection. A being who, in spite of his omniscience, is obviously just as insecure with his own sexuality as the lowliest redneck yahoo gay-basher.

Shall I continue dear reader or is my point abundantly clear by now? The convenient moral selectivity, stupidity, projection and bassackwards priorities of millions of Americans is once again painfully illuminated for all the world to see by their reaction to Casey Anthony's "not guilty" verdict. This odious hypocrisy is so enraging to me I wish I had the time to travel to wherever those who are protesting the verdict can be found and mercilessly mock them.

Casey Anthony likely committed an unspeakably horrible act simply because of her desire to live however she damn well pleased. Nobody forced a child upon this financially/emotionally ill-equipped young woman and her child and those who loved her child paid the bitterest of prices for her hasty decision to become a mother while summarily ignoring all the sacrifices that inevitably comes with being a mother. The Americans who now wish to tar and feather her are really no better and for reasons that I just covered...., likely even worse.

Needless to say.....their rationalizations as to why I, or any thinking person, ought to consider them morally superior to Casey Anthony would be legion. I for one will not allow them one shred of *airtime* as such rationalizations would be little more than a gross insult to my intelligence. They cannot convince me there is nothing they can do about the near-infinite number of evils capitalism, nation-state oppression, religious dumbf***ery, illegitimate authority, responsible for. After all......THEY are the very LIFE-BLOOD of these foul demons with their vulgar lust for an endless array of goods/services which have obviously never made them happier, more intelligent, talented, creative, morally/spiritually/psychologically evolved, etc....These weak-minded slave moralists have been sold a bill of goods since time immemorial by the "want creators". From the wandering frauds of the ancient "holy land" to the latter-day illusion-peddlers on Madison avenue.....the desperate, empty, ennui-infected, dull masses cannot resist the urge to give into everyone of their escapist and hedonist nihilist impulses. Billions of people who have no means to fulfill these urges and much other life on this planet much pays the price for idiot westerners who can't seem to live without their "smartphones", gas-guzzling automobiles, 300 pairs of shoes purchased at Walmart for a song and the inhumane toil of young Chinese women, infinitum/nauseum.

Verily I say unto to you....there is FAR more the "I hate Casey crowd"can do about ceasing much of the human-generated suffering of billions and the shameless degradation of our natural environment than they can about stopping the actions of future Casey Anthonys. The former may require some considerable amount of sacrifice on their part and that, dear reader, is plainly out of the question for a bunch conspicuously consuming, cynical, phony, self-serving, hedonistic nihilist, hyper-materialist, slave-moralizing, lemming-like, hypocritical, projectionist, hollow, bored and stupid zombies.

I am sitting with, figuratively speaking at least, (and literally considering what is at stake and if there is no other way) with my finger on the trigger awaiting the revolution. Yes....I'm not-so patiently awaiting for SOMEONE aside from a rag-tag impotent band of no-account schmucks like myself to join me.

It is a revolution that MUST COME lest human civilization and much other life on this earth be plunged into a Stygian darkness from which it shall never emerge. We need not repeat the errors and crimes of Robespierre, Marat, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro. Communism in any genuine form has never been attempted on a large scale. We have the thoughts of people like Mikhail Bakunin, Noam Chomsky, George Orwell, Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, Emma Goldman and countless others to guide us in this most noble and worthy human endeavor. It will not be easy as few things worth doing ever are. It will be fraught with pain and unintended negative consequences. Nonetheless....if the status quo that is more or less defined by capitalism is TRULY (as the true-believer trickle-down economic theorists would have us believe) the best we can do as a species, then there is every legitimate reason for the most virulent misanthropy and nihilism. If that is so, then I would fully and unapologetically support a humane means of human

extermination, for then it would seem like little more than a mass mercy killing to me. Plus it would save the turtles!! ! :P :)

If there's a new way.....i'll be the first in line....and it better work this time!! !:


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Jesus of Nazareth

Morning comes the sunrise and i'm driven to my bed, I see that it is empty and there's devils in my head. I embrace, the many-colored beast...I grow weary of the torment....can there be no peace? I find myself just wishing, that my life would simply cease


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07 Jul 2011, 5:34 pm

We already have a thread on this:


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08 Jul 2011, 8:55 pm

i hadn't heard the name till now - I dont follow the media too much these days. everyone can have an opinion, but we should keep those opinions to ourself - my general view is that we are a large tribe and my principle is that shooing others into shame and causing them to loose face / dignity does not bode well for us in our disconnected and unattached village. It goes both directions though as there are those who following a murder like this ask society to forgive this women - which is morally wrong as only those who were wronged or lost a loved one can do the forgiving.

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08 Jul 2011, 9:25 pm

I gave up on the ridiculously long thread halfway through, but it looked like you were insinuating that those most against Casey, who you presume is a sociopath, are, themselves, sociopaths, simply for their opinion of her and desires to see her punished.

Which makes no sense what-so-freaking-ever.

She does not deserve freedom. An injustice was done in her aquittal. And I don't care what you say about me because of that.

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08 Jul 2011, 9:31 pm

Thank god the one free thinking man is here to save us!

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08 Jul 2011, 10:20 pm

You called?


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08 Jul 2011, 10:27 pm

Oh there you are.
hey i've been meaning to ask you something. brb while i retrive my moms pasta strainer to place it ontop of my head so that i can appear to look smart while trying to think

here goes. :D

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09 Jul 2011, 12:07 am

Wrap it (your head or the pasta strainer) in aluminum foil first.


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09 Jul 2011, 9:56 am

mox wrote:
I gave up on the ridiculously long thread halfway through, but it looked like you were insinuating that those most against Casey, who you presume is a sociopath, are, themselves, sociopaths, simply for their opinion of her and desires to see her punished.

Which makes no sense what-so-freaking-ever.

She does not deserve freedom. An injustice was done in her aquittal. And I don't care what you say about me because of that.

What they are is NOT necessarily sociopaths in the clinical sense meaning individuals dx-ed with anti-social personality disorder.

I clearly stated that in my post, but since you couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing, you wouldn't know that eh? That is understandable in was very long and I fully expected a lack of readers due to its lack of brevity. What is not understandable is you "putting words in my mouth" even after admitting you did not read the whole thing.

It is immaterial whether Casey Anthony or any of those calling for her head are defacto sociopaths or not.

For I do not think one has to necessarily be a sociopath by DSM definition in order to be a nefarious, hypocritical, phony, self-serving scumbag
who either contributes to, or directly participates in, atrocities which are as bad or worse than anything Casey Anthony did.

I'm referring to a large percentage of the American population here and the ones I really have a problem with are the ones who've
deceived themselves into believing have some moral edge over people like Casey Anthony.

That would be a rather audacious self-perception for these people to have considering they live, work, vote, pay taxes in, etc.....a nation which has been
responsible for more human misery and environmental degradation than nazi Germany ever dreamed of being responsible for.

Do any of these people own stock in US/multinational corporations? Entites which are largely to blame for all this misery and ecocide. Sure they do and they also often make nice profits out of being parasites who feed on every sort of human suffering, oppression, exploitation, etc.....and environmental holocausts to boot. Do they keep voting for the same crop of criminals in the democratic and republican parties and then blame relatively more respectable presidential candidates like Ralph Nader for siphoning votes away from one of their preferred criminals? Do they keep supporting, both morally and financially, TAX-EXEMPT (which is an outrage in and of itself) religious institutions like the Roman Catholic Church?? An institution which, quite effectively, encourages homophobia while protecting and enabling legions of child molesters within its own ranks. An institution which does its level best to increase the third world poverty, starvation, overpopulation and the environmental ruin that stems from these things. All because of its stupid opposition to contraception and abortion.

Indeed...the very "good" people calling for the head of "evil" Casey Anthony are responsible for all this IMMORALITY and much, much more.

Therefore...witch-hunting lynch mobs are never to be taken seriously because, when it comes down to it, they NEED people like Casey Anthony.

Or Charles Manson, Scott Peterson, or any of the other boogey men and women in our society. For such people act as living deflectors for their own monstrous acts. If such people did not exist.....maybe the "good" woolly flock, for once, would be forced to LOOK TO THEMSELVES to identify the root of all evil in the world.

I don't give a rip about Casey Anthony or her dead daughter. After all.....there is nothing I could've ever done to prevent her from killing the child. Much like Jesus said about the poor....common murderers will always be with us.

Rather....I care about the things which have a direct impact on me, my loved ones, the billions alive on this earth and those yet to be born. Since the rest of you, conveniently enough for your own hyper-powdered and pampered western bourgeoisie lifestyles I might add, seem to believe people like Casey Anthony are just so much nefarious dogs**t while EVERYTHING you morons support, contribute to, or directly participate is concern is utterly impotent.

So put that in your smug self-righteous pipe and smoke it!! ! :x

Morning comes the sunrise and i'm driven to my bed, I see that it is empty and there's devils in my head. I embrace, the many-colored beast...I grow weary of the torment....can there be no peace? I find myself just wishing, that my life would simply cease


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09 Jul 2011, 10:41 am

Speaking of sociopathy, Horus, your posts on this thread definitely come across as angry and belligerent, arrogant and condescending, quite callous and unempathetic, etc. You obviously have a firm political view that capitalism, organized religion, etc. are bad; but then you presumptuously declare that anyone who doesn't share your views on politics, the economy, the environment, and religion is as evil as a murderer. These kinds of rants definitely won't win anyone over to your point of view. Your reflexive, seething contempt for a very large swath of people pretty much undermines any valid points you may have buried in your rants.


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09 Jul 2011, 11:21 am

NeantHumain wrote:
Speaking of sociopathy, Horus, your posts on this thread definitely come across as angry and belligerent, arrogant and condescending, quite callous and unempathetic, etc. You obviously have a firm political view that capitalism, organized religion, etc. are bad; but then you presumptuously declare that anyone who doesn't share your views on politics, the economy, the environment, and religion is as evil as a murderer. These kinds of rants definitely won't win anyone over to your point of view. Your reflexive, seething contempt for a very large swath of people pretty much undermines any valid points you may have buried in your rants.

How I am supposed to feel about this "large swath of people" when, first of all, they play a critical role in everything that believe
is wrong with the world? Am I just supposed to believe a mere "difference of opinion" justifies them??? Ok....then I suppose I ought
have warm and fuzzy feelings about hardened nazi SS men whose "difference of opinion" about jews allowed them to throw
countless jewish children into gas chambers.

Why then, would you LOGICALLY expect me to hold any brief for people who have been actively supporting and/or participating
in mass murder/genocide, torture,rape, enslavement, exploitation, thievery, child abuse, racism, homophobia, sexism, ecocide, infinitum
for centuries.

The thrust of my post was not even about any of this however. was about the idiotic witch-hunting mobs who are calling
for the impalement of a person who is really no more "evil" than they themselves are in my estimation.

We all contribute to all the "evils" i've mentioned and there's not much any one individual (or a relatively small group of individuals) can
do about them without the support of the masses. least some of us don't think our little "shining city on the hill" (as Ronnie
Reagan referred to America) is so darn shiny. Furthermore......some us don't think we all deserve luxury and privilege and that Casey Anthony deserves
large stones upside her head.

Morning comes the sunrise and i'm driven to my bed, I see that it is empty and there's devils in my head. I embrace, the many-colored beast...I grow weary of the torment....can there be no peace? I find myself just wishing, that my life would simply cease

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09 Jul 2011, 11:27 am

How do you eat a pistachio? tell us immediately.

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09 Jul 2011, 11:53 am

Horus wrote:
How I am supposed to feel about this "large swath of people" when, first of all, they play a critical role in everything that believe is wrong with the world? Am I just supposed to believe a mere "difference of opinion" justifies them??? Ok....then I suppose I ought have warm and fuzzy feelings about hardened nazi SS men whose "difference of opinion" about jews allowed them to throw countless jewish children into gas chambers.

Why then, would you LOGICALLY expect me to hold any brief for people who have been actively supporting and/or participating in mass murder/genocide, torture,rape, enslavement, exploitation, thievery, child abuse, racism, homophobia, sexism, ecocide, infinitum for centuries.

The thrust of my post was not even about any of this however. was about the idiotic witch-hunting mobs who are calling for the impalement of a person who is really no more "evil" than they themselves are in my estimation.

We all contribute to all the "evils" i've mentioned and there's not much any one individual (or a relatively small group of individuals) can do about them without the support of the masses. least some of us don't think our little "shining city on the hill" (as Ronnie Reagan referred to America) is so darn shiny. Furthermore......some us don't think we all deserve luxury and privilege and that Casey Anthony deserves large stones upside her head.

You claim these "mobs" project their own sociopathic attitudes onto demonized offenders while it appears that you're projecting your own narcissism and sociopathic attitudes onto the general population. Your post clearly drips with contempt. I don't any people have been alive "for centuries" to do what you claim they're all doing. Outside your own head, your estimations of other people's worth really doesn't count for much. Most people don't like when someone they believe is guilty of murder goes free because, well, murderers are obviously a danger to society. Most people (your bourgeoisie) don't give particularly much thought to the underpinnings of their social system. They focus on raising a family and their circle of friends and associates. I don't think the average, ignorant middle-class individual is morally equivalent to a Nazi S.S. guard or an alleged murderer.


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09 Jul 2011, 1:23 pm

NeantHumain wrote:
Horus wrote:
How I am supposed to feel about this "large swath of people" when, first of all, they play a critical role in everything that believe is wrong with the world? Am I just supposed to believe a mere "difference of opinion" justifies them??? Ok....then I suppose I ought have warm and fuzzy feelings about hardened nazi SS men whose "difference of opinion" about jews allowed them to throw countless jewish children into gas chambers.

Why then, would you LOGICALLY expect me to hold any brief for people who have been actively supporting and/or participating in mass murder/genocide, torture,rape, enslavement, exploitation, thievery, child abuse, racism, homophobia, sexism, ecocide, infinitum for centuries.

The thrust of my post was not even about any of this however. was about the idiotic witch-hunting mobs who are calling for the impalement of a person who is really no more "evil" than they themselves are in my estimation.

We all contribute to all the "evils" i've mentioned and there's not much any one individual (or a relatively small group of individuals) can do about them without the support of the masses. least some of us don't think our little "shining city on the hill" (as Ronnie Reagan referred to America) is so darn shiny. Furthermore......some us don't think we all deserve luxury and privilege and that Casey Anthony deserves large stones upside her head.

You claim these "mobs" project their own sociopathic attitudes onto demonized offenders while it appears that you're projecting your own narcissism and sociopathic attitudes onto the general population. Your post clearly drips with contempt. I don't any people have been alive "for centuries" to do what you claim they're all doing. Outside your own head, your estimations of other people's worth really doesn't count for much. Most people don't like when someone they believe is guilty of murder goes free because, well, murderers are obviously a danger to society. Most people (your bourgeoisie) don't give particularly much thought to the underpinnings of their social system. They focus on raising a family and their circle of friends and associates. I don't think the average, ignorant middle-class individual is morally equivalent to a Nazi S.S. guard or an alleged murderer.

How exactly am I projecting my own "narcissism and sociopathic" attitudes onto the general population? Really....i'm not saying anything that's any different from what the late George Carlin said about "the public". That the public is the entity ultimately responsible for much of the evils I've spoken of. So what if my post "clearly drips with contempt"? Some humans are worthy of contempt if only because they fancy themselves superior (at least morally) to others. Did anyone protest when Dick Cheney, the executives from Union Carbide, BP, Henry Kissinger, Ollie North, etc....went free? Weren't they all murderers in the truest sense of the term? Mass murderers in fact? Of course they don't give much thought to the underpinnings of their social system, because its impact upon them is mostly positive!! ! They cannot plead ignorance as a rationalization either much like the "good Germans" did during the twelve years of the Third Reich. The average middle-class individual is not morally equivalent to the S.S. guard or alleged murderer only because they are the majority. The majority pretty much decides what is moral and what is not in any given society no? Do you ever ask yourself WHY Americans (and not just our government....but American people themselves) are so despised around the globe? For one example....why not ask the people of Laos who, to this day, are still killed and maimed by unexploded US ordnance which was dropped on their country during the Vietnam era? Or aren't those impoverished, brown, slant-eyed folk as important as Casey Anthony's dead white angel? Ordnance that the world's richest and most resourceful society refuses to remove and/or render harmless. So I should forgive the American public because simply because they can't be bothered to enlighten themselves in regards to at least SOME of the ugly realities about the "underpinnings of their social system"??? They sure don't seem to have a problem enlightening themselves in regards to NFL statistics, biblical quotations and the latest contestants on American Idol. :roll:

The majority just gives one big argumentum ad populum in an attempt to fortify their self-serving moral relativism. Ask the majority to give up the most unnecessary consumer good (at least for the millions of suburbanites who own them) like a gas-guzzling SUV or a jet ski and they'll practically be
rioting in the streets!! !

How can you expect me to see such people as anything other than what I've already said they are?

Unlike Casey Anthony the scapegoat.....they are the sort of "whitewashed tombs" their supposed friend Jesus spoke of.

All beautiful and polished on the outside and nothing but dead men's bones and corruption on the inside. :roll:

Morning comes the sunrise and i'm driven to my bed, I see that it is empty and there's devils in my head. I embrace, the many-colored beast...I grow weary of the torment....can there be no peace? I find myself just wishing, that my life would simply cease


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10 Jul 2011, 8:56 am

Horus needs a chill pill.


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10 Jul 2011, 12:39 pm

YippySkippy wrote:
Horus needs a chill pill.

So does your whole hyper-materialistic and superfluously acquisitive society :roll:

Morning comes the sunrise and i'm driven to my bed, I see that it is empty and there's devils in my head. I embrace, the many-colored beast...I grow weary of the torment....can there be no peace? I find myself just wishing, that my life would simply cease