When it comes to America's civil service, we know that there's far too many skilled people leaving the private sector to take lucrative jobs at the mid to lower levels of it!
Lucy Madison wrote:
Among the proposed cuts in Coburn's plan include $974.1 billion in cuts from the general government, as well as billions from Congress and the Executive Office of the President. Those reductions would be achieved partially by cutting 300,000 jobs from the federal workforce, and imposing a three-year pay and bonus freeze for federal workers and Congress members.
I certainly wonder if that freeze adjusts for inflation, because if it doesn't it's effectively a pay cut.
I do admire that he talks about closing tax loopholes, cuting a trillon from the horribly inefficient Department of Defense, and (if his "misguided clean energy subsidies" refer to Ethanol) cutting the worst green washed corporate welfare. I don't like the entitlement reforms. Overall, the Congressional Progressive Caucus's plan (
http://cpc.grijalva.house.gov/index.cfm ... ntree=5,70 ) is better.
That said, at least it's a more or less truly "balanced" approach.