NeantHumain wrote:
They talk about the need for America to be austere and seem to take an almost puritanical delight in imposing a regime of suffering.
I've never heard them use the word 'austere', and the 'regime of suffering' bit is just plain off.
They focus on figures, taxes, and debts rather than people.
I think it's more that they focus on general principles and intangibles that they think will make life better for everyone. If your taxes are lower, you have more money and more control over your income, which makes most people happier.
An individual angrily railing against immigrants or gay people would sound like a hateful bigot to me.
A rabid feminist angrily railing against all men or a rabid atheist railing against anyone who disagreed with them would sound like a hateful bigot to me. Don't tell me your side doesn't have kooks too.
"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton