Underscore wrote:
MarketAndChurch wrote:
I would simply say that our young ladies go farther then young european ladies who graduate publicly funded uni to a far more harsh economic landscape. Our young ladies are graduating with higher honors and landing better paying positions.
What do you mean with this? Is the economic landscape in Europe more harsh than in the US? If you look away from the countries that are seriously affected, the answer must clearly be no. It is much more harsh in the US, much more. And expensive univeristies versus publicly funded universities is quite a shallow viewpoint, considering we are talking about women in general, and not the wealthy. Better pay in the US is probably correct, but what do you mean with higher honors? (Plus: Do we import foreigners in Europe?

I am including both our private and our public ivies. Our public ivies are pretty good. UC Berkeley, University of Washington, UofTexas(Austin), North Carolina, Virginia, UCLA are world class public ivies that are very well founded research institutes. An education is easily afforded to most US people via grants and loans, this was never the case a few decades ago when Harvard and other private ivies was only in reach of the wealthy.
I mean the countries in the south, from portugal to greece and italy. I am also speaking in generalities from the beginning of the last decade through 2012, considering employment rates amongst the youth and the jobs they do get. Lousy/useless degree holders or the least educated, in my opinion, have better economic chances in America over that span of time.
By honors I mean types of degrees pursued and in comparison to men. Women are graduating with better degrees in shorter time, and that degree translates to a better position in the private sector then their male counterpart. Feel free to correct me on any of this from an european viewpoint.
And it is my understanding that even the diversity of the workforce of somewhere like Provence or Brittany and London has to do with lax immigration policies, lax because the system needs workers to support the hoards of retirees since there is a thinning in european demographics from the old to the young.
It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.