Fair is Fair
Talking at Vexillifer just now, it hit me -
A slew of people keep posting jabs at what they conceive to be Christian beliefs [never mind the shenanigans on the purely political end]. Many of them have at best a shaky sense of what Christian beliefs really are - much of it second or third hand from nonChristian sources. But that is not our fault - if nowhere else, this http://www.creeds.net/ will supply basic information. The REAL beliefs are not a secret.
But if I want to expose contradictions in Vexillifer's beliefs, I an unfairly handicapped. There is no clear statement.
So - as a favor - could I ask that if you want to critique Christianity - whether it be a reasoned analysis of the Immaculate Conception, or one more "Would Jesus eat Spam?" thread - could you just give us a few lines on what your base beliefs are? Don't say you have none. You do.
Here just to kick it off is a precis of my prime beliefs:
A. The Nicene Creed
B. Add in God's ongoing activity here, the Real Presence, the Priesthood of all Believers, "no more time" means just that.
C. The universe is not all there is, and we are not stuck here; we cannot know all and only the truth while we are here, science should neither forget it is finite nor stop reaching for the infinite.
D. Even the people and sets of people I tend to look down on are as important to the Plan as the True Scholars.
E. Emotional talk without skeptical thought is a diabolical plot.