Okay, I don't have any weird time traveling experience when I undergo deja vu, but instead of just having a feeling that I've been some place before, I remember vivid details of the last time I was there, such as the time on clocks, and the lighting in the room, and I remember the exact time (weeks, months, or years) of the memory that is being remembered. I should probably be tested for this or something to help science uncover the structure of whatever it is that causes deja vu. One observation is that deja vu occurs to me when a certain stimuli triggers a memory of a similar situation. At work this summer I experienced a 15-20 second deja vu experience in response to a caller's username, and in that time I remembered the last time I had helped that user, about a month ago, and details.... the lights were on above me, two people were sitting next to me, and the caller was from Illinois. I'll probably never mention this again and was hesitant to do so here in the first place because it does sound a little crazy.