Sweetleaf wrote:
Paul92 wrote:
The USA is a f****.
What other modern countries, with western idologies, and such massive wealth, still practice the death penalty, don't have a proper healthcare system, don't have a state welfare system, don't have proper gun control, and still continue to spy on their citizens, against their wishes, and could possibly declared constitutional?
Essentially, the USA is a country, that prides itself on being a modern 21st century, although the reality, is that although it may look like it on first glance, but the dudes running the joint, still think like they are in the 18th century.
As long, as the mindset, of those in power doesn't change, I can't see the USA improving anytime soon. People need to wake up, and move away from the traditional Democrat/Rebublican governments, and get some other guys in.
While I agree there are a lot of major problems here, we do have a welfare system...though it could be improved. And how do you define proper gun control exactly?
Welfare system in the USA, is second to none, compaired to other developed nations.
While there is, to some degree a welfare system in the US, it's not easy to access it's resources!
in NZ, we don't need full on court cases, and attorneys, just to get disability funding. You just go to the local governent agency in your area, and they will set you up with a disability grant, usually with just one, or two appointments at the most.
Also, if the walfare system in the US, so significant, then why do they still have scores of homeless people floating about?
Regarding gun control, within the USA, it's easy to order just about any gun under the sun, and ammunition over the internet, usually no checks needed/carried out.
Anywhere else, including NZ, you can not get a gun, or even some air rifles without providing strict documentation, and anybody selling guns, the same way as in the USA, will get arrested, and locked up. Here, you can get guns online, but it's so strict, and regulated, nobody bothers.