Inventor wrote:
Two years to the next election, Congress is as popular as sewers, and the American People are questioning everything.
They are trying to show they are a functioning government, but they have not been in years.
A little to the left, cutting back on food stamp cuts, that were just cut. A little to the right, 32 Billion to the war machine, and the trillion a year from the Fed to the Banks continues, so they can buy the stock market, which is a government pension fund.
Millions still unemployed, houses still underwater, no one has had a raise in years, record numbers living on food stamps, where the economy touchs the people, nothing has changed.
The people do not own stocks, sell raw materials to China, or fix the rates of inflation and interest. Those that do are doing very well. Those that are working, are living on less, have higher debt, and lower net worth.
For the vast majority there has not been a recovery. The government continues to spend more than it takes in, and can never stop, We have A Government Bubble. All bubbles pop.
The only thing moving into high gear are the lies told.
Pay attention to what this guy says.