With the way things are, I don't think things are going to be rosy no matter who gets into office. But I'm for Ron Paul because I feel like we live in a time where the government has largely forgotten about it's citizens. At least with Paul we have a chance to keep some decency and possibly gain some liberties.
I would love to see marijuana legalized. I don't participate in smoking it so much anymore, but people are hurting, let them live a little in other ways besides alcohol. I bet alcohol consumption would diminish greatly if pot was legal. I think even cops would be less dickish if they had the chance to smoke up instead of drinking. I don't like the idea of getting pulled over by a cop that has a hang-over. I'd like to be pulled over by a cop that is chill.
I highly doubt Paul will cut out programs to Americans that depend on them in a way that millions of people will be homeless and starving overnight, that's absurd. Also, all the departments he said he want's to get rid of, I'm betting that a lot of them will just switch their name from federal to state. Federal employees like Ron Paul, as they donate a lot to his cause.
So do a lot of the military, which Paul has garnered over twice as much funding then all the other candidates combined. I'm for pulling out of different parts of the world, let some other country do the policing for awhile. We're hurting too much financially and liberty wise to continue.
Forgot to watch the debate tonight, but I'm listening to the wrap up and I haven't heard Ron's name dropped yet. Surprising!
My vote is for Paul, whether a Republican or Independent.
EDIT: Even the other candidates endorse Paul!